1926 CUMMING, ADAM (Satutory Registers DEATHS 047/4)

Field Detail
Originator / Author  
Responsible Agency National Records of Scotland
Filed by Entry  
References 1926 D 047/4


1926 DEATHS in the Parish of Dornoch in the County of Sutherland

No 4.

Name and Surname: Adam Cumming

Profession: Fisherman

Condition: Married to Annie Mackay

When and Where Died: 1926, January Eighteenth 1H 30M PM; Embo, Dornoch

Sex: M

Age: 86 years

Name, Surname, and Profession of Father: Donald Cumming, Fisherman (deceased)

Name and maiden surname of Mother; Cathering Cumming M.S. MacDonald (deceased)

Cause of Death: (a) XXXX (b) cardiac failure

Medical attendant by whom certified: As certified by Jas. MacLachlan M.B.

Signature and Qualification of Informant: William M’Kay, son-in-law

Residence: The Yards, Embo

When and Where Registered: 1926 January 18th at Dornoch

Signature of Registrar: J. Sutherland, Registrar.

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