Index - Sources
- 1805 X, WILLIAM; X, ANN (OPR Register of Marriages 069/ Kilmuir Easter)
- Referenced from entry about: William Ross (about 1780 - 31/Mar/1864)
- 1815 WILLIAMSON, AGNES (Old Parish Registers, Births 426/ Dysart)
- Referenced from entry about: Agnes Williamson (11/Oct/1815 - )
- 1816 ROSS, ALEXANDER (OPR B 047/ Dornoch)
- Referenced from entry about: Janet MacLeod (before 1798 - after 1864)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Ross (about 1816 - 20/Jan/1896)
- Referenced from entry about: William Ross (about 1780 - 31/Mar/1864)
- 1821 MACKAY, MARION (OPR Births 047/ Dornoch)
- Referenced from entry about: Christy Fraser (about 1787 - 13/Jan/1868)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Mackay (about 1779 - 8/Jan/1868)
- Referenced from entry about: Marion Mackay (30/Jun/1821 - 30/Dec/1909)
- 1834 X, DAVID & WILLIAMSON, AGNESS (Old Parish Registers, Marriages 426/ Dysart)
- Referenced from entry about: David Napier
- 1835 NAPIER, DAVID (Old Parish Registers, Births 426/ Dysart)
- Referenced from entry about: David Napier (12/Sep/1835 - 2/Nov/1901)
- 1839 WILSON, JAMES & NICHOLSON, MARGARET (Old Parish Registers Marriages 453/ St Andrews and St Leonards, page 126 of 302)
- Referenced from entry about: James Wilson (about 1816 - )
- 1840 ROSS, ALEXANDER; MCKAY, MARION (OPR M 047/ Dornoch)
- Referenced from entry about: Marion Mackay (30/Jun/1821 - 30/Dec/1909)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Ross (about 1816 - 20/Jan/1896)
- 1840 ROSS, JANET (OPR 047/ Dornoch)
- Referenced from entry about: Marion Mackay (30/Jun/1821 - 30/Dec/1909)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Ross (about 1816 - 20/Jan/1896)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ross (5/Nov/1840 - 13/Jan/1918)
- 1841 Dornoch Births Page 75/205 (OPR 047/2075)
- Referenced from entry about: Adam Cumming (2/Jul/1841 - 18/Jan/1926)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Cumming (1833 - 7/May/1884)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald Cumming (about 1806 - 2/Oct/1875)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (bet’ 1834 and 1841 - 11/Jan/1923)
- Referenced from entry about: Kate MacDonald (about 1807 - 29/Oct/1875)
- 1841 ROSS, ALEXANDER; MARION; JANET (Census 047/ 5/ 3)
- Referenced from entry about: Christy Fraser (about 1787 - 13/Jan/1868)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Mackay (about 1779 - 8/Jan/1868)
- Referenced from entry about: Marion Mackay (30/Jun/1821 - 30/Dec/1909)
- Referenced from entry about: Janet MacLeod (before 1798 - after 1864)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Ross (about 1816 - 20/Jan/1896)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ross (5/Nov/1840 - 13/Jan/1918)
- Referenced from entry about: William Ross (about 1780 - 31/Mar/1864)
- 1841 WILLIAMSON, AGNES & Family (Census 426/ 9/ 21)
- Referenced from entry about: David Napier (12/Sep/1835 - 2/Nov/1901)
- Referenced from entry about: Henry Napier (27/Sep/1837 - )
- Referenced from entry about: William Napier (5/Dec/1839 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Agnes Williamson (11/Oct/1815 - )
- 1841 WILSON, DAVID (Old Parish Registers Births 445/ Leuchars)
- Referenced from entry about: David Wilson (22/Mar/1841 - )
- Referenced from entry about: James Wilson (about 1816 - )
- 1841 WILSON, JAMES and Household (Census 445/ 7/ 7)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Nicholson (about 1821 - )
- Referenced from entry about: James Wilson (about 1816 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Wilson (about 1837 - )
- 1847 PATERSON, WILLIAM & MACKENZIE BARBARA (Old Parish Registers Marriages 073/ 20 220)
- Referenced from entry about: Barbara Mackenzie (about 1823 - 27/Apr/1884)
- Referenced from entry about: William Paterson (about 1823 - 26/Apr/1906)
- 1851 ALFORD, SUSAN & Family (Census 475/ 3/ 18)
- Referenced from entry about: Susan Allford (about 1807 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret McKay (about 1842 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Susan McKay (Apr/1833 - before 1886)
- 1851 PATERSON, WILLIAM & FAMILY (Census 103/ 1/ 7)
- Referenced from entry about: Barbara Mackenzie (about 1823 - 27/Apr/1884)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Paterson (about 1850 - before 1929)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Paterson (about 1848 - )
- Referenced from entry about: William Paterson (about 1823 - 26/Apr/1906)
- 1851 ROSS, ALEXANDER & FAMILY (1851 Census 047/ 5/ 5)
- Referenced from entry about: Christy Fraser (about 1787 - 13/Jan/1868)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Mackay (about 1779 - 8/Jan/1868)
- Referenced from entry about: Marion Mackay (30/Jun/1821 - 30/Dec/1909)
- Referenced from entry about: Janet MacLeod (before 1798 - after 1864)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Ross (about 1816 - 20/Jan/1896)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Ross (about 1843 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Christina Ross (about 1845 - 19/Apr/1916)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ross (5/Nov/1840 - 13/Jan/1918)
- Referenced from entry about: Wiliamina Ross (about 1849 - )
- Referenced from entry about: William Ross (about 1780 - 31/Mar/1864)
- 1855 ROSS, JOHN (Statutory Registers Births 047/2 50)
- Referenced from entry about: Marion Mackay (30/Jun/1821 - 30/Dec/1909)
- Referenced from entry about: Janet MacLeod (before 1798 - after 1864)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Ross (about 1816 - 20/Jan/1896)
- Referenced from entry about: Christina Ross (about 1845 - 19/Apr/1916)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ross (5/Nov/1840 - 13/Jan/1918)
- Referenced from entry about: John Ross (14/Dec/1855 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Unknown (boy) Ross (bet’ 1840 and 1855 - bet’ 1840 and 1855)
- Referenced from entry about: William Ross (about 1780 - 31/Mar/1864)
- 1855 TEEVIN, RICHARD & MCKAY, SUSAN (Statutory Registeres Marriages 475/ 29)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary McFynn ( - before 1855)
- Referenced from entry about: John McKay ( - before 1855)
- Referenced from entry about: Susan McKay (Apr/1833 - before 1886)
- Referenced from entry about: John Teeven ( - before 1855)
- Referenced from entry about: Richard Tevin (about 1841 - )
- 1856 CUMMING, ALEXANDER (Statutory Registers Marriages)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Cumming (1833 - 7/May/1884)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald Cumming (about 1806 - 2/Oct/1875)
- Referenced from entry about: Helen MacDonald ( - after 1856)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Sutherland (1838 - after 1884)
- Referenced from entry about: William Sutherland ( - after 1856)
- 1858 NAPIER, DAVID (Statutory Register Births 426/ 73)
- Referenced from entry about: David Napier (12/Sep/1835 - 2/Nov/1901)
- Referenced from entry about: David Napier (7/Apr/1858 - )
- 1858 NAPIER, DAVID & NICHOLSON, AGNES (Statutory Register Marriages 426/ 13)
- Referenced from entry about: David Napier
- Referenced from entry about: David Napier (12/Sep/1835 - 2/Nov/1901)
- Referenced from entry about: Agnes Nicholson (about 1835 - )
- Referenced from entry about: James Nicholson
- 1858 ROSS, HUGH (Statutory Register Births 047/ 59)
- Referenced from entry about: Marion Mackay (30/Jun/1821 - 30/Dec/1909)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Ross (about 1816 - 20/Jan/1896)
- Referenced from entry about: Christina Ross (about 1845 - 19/Apr/1916)
- Referenced from entry about: Hugh Ross (11/Oct/1858 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ross (5/Nov/1840 - 13/Jan/1918)
- 1859 GRANT, HUGE & MUNRO JANET (Statutory Register Marriages 051/2)
- Referenced from entry about: Hugh Grant (about 1840 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Munro (about 1829 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Barbara Mackenzie (about 1823 - 27/Apr/1884)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Paterson (about 1850 - before 1929)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Paterson (11/Oct/1859 - 11/Mar/1881)
- Referenced from entry about: William Paterson (about 1823 - 26/Apr/1906)
- 1860 CUMMING, JAMES - Statutory Register Marriages
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Cumming (1833 - 7/May/1884)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald Cumming (about 1806 - 2/Oct/1875)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (bet’ 1834 and 1841 - 11/Jan/1923)
- Referenced from entry about: Kate MacDonald (about 1807 - 29/Oct/1875)
- Referenced from entry about: Marion Mackay (30/Jun/1821 - 30/Dec/1909)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Ross (about 1816 - 20/Jan/1896)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ross (5/Nov/1840 - 13/Jan/1918)
- 1860 CUMMING, JAMES; ROSS, JESSIE - Scotland, Select Marriages 1591-1910
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (bet’ 1834 and 1841 - 11/Jan/1923)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ross (5/Nov/1840 - 13/Jan/1918)
- 1860 MACKAY, ISABELLA (Scotland Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Mackay (7/Aug/1860 - after 1923)
- 1860 MACKAY, ISABELLA Statutory registers Births 047/41
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Mackay (7/Aug/1860 - after 1923)
- 1860 ROSS, ANN (Statutory Register Births 047/ 31)
- Referenced from entry about: Marion Mackay (30/Jun/1821 - 30/Dec/1909)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Ross (about 1816 - 20/Jan/1896)
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Ross (17/Jun/1860 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Christina Ross (about 1845 - 19/Apr/1916)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ross (5/Nov/1840 - 13/Jan/1918)
- 1861 CUMMING, DONALD (Scotland Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald J Cumming (22/Mar/1861 - 28/Feb/1940)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (bet’ 1834 and 1841 - 11/Jan/1923)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ross (5/Nov/1840 - 13/Jan/1918)
- 1861 CUMMING, DONALD Statutory registers births 047/19
- Referenced from entry about: Donald J Cumming (22/Mar/1861 - 28/Feb/1940)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (bet’ 1834 and 1841 - 11/Jan/1923)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ross (5/Nov/1840 - 13/Jan/1918)
- 1861 CUMMING, JAMES (Census)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (bet’ 1834 and 1841 - 11/Jan/1923)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ross (5/Nov/1840 - 13/Jan/1918)
- 1861 FISHER & FAMILY (Census 685/3 69/ 1)
- Referenced from entry about: George Fisher (about 1844 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Fisher (about 1846 - )
- Referenced from entry about: James Fisher (about 1854 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Johanna Fisher (about 1851 - )
- Referenced from entry about: John Fisher (about 1819 - after 1880)
- Referenced from entry about: John Fisher (about 1848 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Helen Taylor (about 1816 - 27/Nov/1865)
- 1861 FLEMING, JOHN & FAMILY (1861 Census 629/1/2)
- Referenced from entry about: James Fleming (about 1854 - )
- Referenced from entry about: John Fleming (about 1827 - )
- Referenced from entry about: John Fleming (about 1856 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Joseph Fleming (7/Oct/1851 - 30/Jan/1912)
- Referenced from entry about: Samuel Fleming (about 1860 - )
- Referenced from entry about: William Fleming (about 1858 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Wood (about 1827 - before 1871)
- 1861 MACKAY, JAMES - Statutory Register Births
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Mackay (5/Nov/1855 - 21/Apr/1940)
- Referenced from entry about: George Mackay (bet’ 1805 and 1816 - 25/Nov/1893)
- Referenced from entry about: James Mackay (12/Apr/1861 - before 1911)
- Referenced from entry about: Lucy Matheson (bet’ 1813 and 1820 - 23/Aug/1896)
- 1861 MACKAY, JAMES (Scotland Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950)
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Mackay (5/Nov/1855 - 21/Apr/1940)
- Referenced from entry about: George Mackay (bet’ 1805 and 1816 - 25/Nov/1893)
- Referenced from entry about: James Mackay (12/Apr/1861 - before 1911)
- Referenced from entry about: Lucy Matheson (bet’ 1813 and 1820 - 23/Aug/1896)
- 1861 MACLEAN, ANN (Statutory registers Marriages 066/2 3)
- Referenced from entry about: Rodrick McIver
- Referenced from entry about: Rodrick McIver (about 1821 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Annie McLean (about 1835 - )
- Referenced from entry about: John McLean ( - after 1877)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Morrison (about 1805 - 23/Oct/1877)
- 1861 MCIVER, RODRICK (Census 066/2 3/4)
- Referenced from entry about: Janet MacLean (about 1839 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Rodrick McIver (about 1821 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Christy McLean (about 1846 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Mary McLean (about 1849 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Morrison (about 1805 - 23/Oct/1877)
- 1861 NAPIER, DAVID & Family (Census 426/ 14/ 20)
- Referenced from entry about: David Napier (12/Sep/1835 - 2/Nov/1901)
- Referenced from entry about: David Napier (7/Apr/1858 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Agnes Nicholson (about 1835 - )
- 1861 PATERSON, WILLIAM & FAMILY (Census 098/ 4/L 16)
- Referenced from entry about: Barbara Mackenzie (about 1823 - 27/Apr/1884)
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Paterson (about 1853 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Barbara Paterson (about 1857 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Paterson (about 1850 - before 1929)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Paterson (11/Oct/1859 - 11/Mar/1881)
- Referenced from entry about: John Paterson (about 1855 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Paterson (about 1848 - )
- Referenced from entry about: William Paterson (about 1823 - 26/Apr/1906)
- 1861 PATERSON, WILLIAMINA (Scotland, Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950)
- Referenced from entry about: Barbara Mackenzie (about 1823 - 27/Apr/1884)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Paterson (about 1850 - before 1929)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Paterson (11/Oct/1859 - 11/Mar/1881)
- Referenced from entry about: William Paterson (about 1823 - 26/Apr/1906)
- Referenced from entry about: Williamina Paterson (10/Jun/1861 - )
- 1861 ROSS, ALEXANDER & FAMILY (1861 CENSUS 047/ 1/ 13)
- Referenced from entry about: Marion Mackay (30/Jun/1821 - 30/Dec/1909)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Ross (about 1816 - 20/Jan/1896)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Ross (about 1843 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Ross (17/Jun/1860 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Christina Ross (about 1845 - 19/Apr/1916)
- Referenced from entry about: Hugh Ross (11/Oct/1858 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ross (5/Nov/1840 - 13/Jan/1918)
- Referenced from entry about: John Ross (14/Dec/1855 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Kenneth Ross (1851 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Marion Ross (about 1853 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Wiliamina Ross (about 1849 - )
- 1862 ROSS, BARBARA (Statutory Registers Births 047/ 11)
- Referenced from entry about: Marion Mackay (30/Jun/1821 - 30/Dec/1909)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Ross (about 1816 - 20/Jan/1896)
- Referenced from entry about: Barbara Ross (28/Feb/1862 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Christina Ross (about 1845 - 19/Apr/1916)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ross (5/Nov/1840 - 13/Jan/1918)
- 1862 SMITH, RACHEL (Statutory Registers Births 814/110)
- Referenced from entry about: Rachel Smith (11/Nov/1862 - )
- 1863 CUMMING, MARION (Scotland Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald J Cumming (22/Mar/1861 - 28/Feb/1940)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (bet’ 1834 and 1841 - 11/Jan/1923)
- Referenced from entry about: Marion Cumming (20/May/1863 - 15/Nov/1954)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ross (5/Nov/1840 - 13/Jan/1918)
- 1863 CUMMING, MARION (Statutory Register Births 047/ 26)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald J Cumming (22/Mar/1861 - 28/Feb/1940)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (bet’ 1834 and 1841 - 11/Jan/1923)
- Referenced from entry about: Marion Cumming (20/May/1863 - 15/Nov/1954)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ross (5/Nov/1840 - 13/Jan/1918)
- 1863 GRANT, HUGH (Statutory Registers Births 047/7)
- Referenced from entry about: Hugh Grant (about 1840 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Hugh Grant (26/Feb/1863 - 10/Sep/1944)
- 1864 FRASER, ANN (Statutory Register Births 047/46)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella ( - after 1864)
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Fraser (4/Aug/1864 - 4/May/1891)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomas Fraser ( - before 1889)
- 1864 MCDONALD, JAMES; ROSS, CHRISTINA (Statutory Registers Marriages 047/ 3)
- Referenced from entry about: James MacDonald (about 1842 - 14/Jan/1880)
- Referenced from entry about: Christina Ross (about 1845 - 19/Apr/1916)
- 1864 ROSS, WILLIAM (Statutory Register of Deaths 047/ 21)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Mackay (before 1764 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Janet MacLeod (before 1798 - after 1864)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Ross (about 1816 - 20/Jan/1896)
- Referenced from entry about: John Ross (before 1764 - )
- Referenced from entry about: William Ross (about 1780 - 31/Mar/1864)
- 1865 CUMMING, WILLIAM (Statutory Registers - Births)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Cumming (1833 - 7/May/1884)
- Referenced from entry about: William Cumming (27/Feb/1865 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Sutherland (1838 - after 1884)
- 1865 FRASER ANN (Scotland Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950)
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Fraser (18/Sep/1865 - 20/Jun/1946)
- 1865 FRASER, ANN - Statutory Register - Births
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Fraser (5/Dec/1833 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Fraser (18/Sep/1865 - 20/Jun/1946)
- 1865 MACDONALD, WILLIAM (Statutory Registers Births 051/ 4)
- Referenced from entry about: James MacDonald (about 1842 - 14/Jan/1880)
- Referenced from entry about: William MacDonald (9/Jan/1865 - 12/May/1898)
- Referenced from entry about: Christina Ross (about 1845 - 19/Apr/1916)
- 1865 ROSS, ALEXANDER; ROSS, CATHERINE (Statutory Registers Marriages 051/9)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Ross (about 1816 - 20/Jan/1896)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Ross (about 1843 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Catherine Ross (about 1846 - )
- Referenced from entry about: John Ross
- 1865 TAYLOR, HELEN (Edinburgh Cemetery Registers, 1771-1935)
- Referenced from entry about: John Fisher (about 1819 - after 1880)
- Referenced from entry about: Helen Taylor (about 1816 - 27/Nov/1865)
- 1866 NAPIER, ELIZABETH (Statutory Registers Births 426/ 324)
- Referenced from entry about: David Napier (12/Sep/1835 - 2/Nov/1901)
- Referenced from entry about: Elizabeth Napier (17/Nov/1866 - )
- 1866 ROSS, MARION (Statutory Registers Births 047/ 57)
- Referenced from entry about: Marion Ross (1/Nov/1866 - 19/Aug/1888)
- 1866 WILSON, DAVID; MACLEAN, MARY ANN (Statutory Register Marriages 081/ 8)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Ann McLean (about 1843 - )
- Referenced from entry about: David Wilson (22/Mar/1841 - )
- Referenced from entry about: James Wilson (about 1816 - )
- 1867 MACDONALD, ALEXANDER (Statutory Registers Births 051/ 7)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander MacDonald (5/Mar/1867 - 5/Sep/1928)
- Referenced from entry about: James MacDonald (about 1842 - 14/Jan/1880)
- Referenced from entry about: William MacDonald (9/Jan/1865 - 12/May/1898)
- Referenced from entry about: Christina Ross (about 1845 - 19/Apr/1916)
- 1868 FRASER, CHRISTINA (Statutory Register of Deaths 047/ 3)
- Referenced from entry about: Christy Fraser (about 1787 - 13/Jan/1868)
- Referenced from entry about: Marion Mackay (30/Jun/1821 - 30/Dec/1909)
- 1868 MACKAY, ALEXANDER (Statutory Register Deaths 047/ 2)
- Referenced from entry about: Christy Fraser (about 1787 - 13/Jan/1868)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Mackay (about 1779 - 8/Jan/1868)
- Referenced from entry about: Marion Mackay (30/Jun/1821 - 30/Dec/1909)
- 1868 ROSS, JOHN (Statutory Register Births 047/ 44)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Ross (about 1843 - )
- Referenced from entry about: John Ross (23/Aug/1868 - 20/Nov/1905)
- Referenced from entry about: Marion Ross (1/Nov/1866 - 19/Aug/1888)
- 1869 FRASER, THOMAS (Statutory Register Births 047/44)
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Fraser (18/Sep/1865 - 20/Jun/1946)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomas Fraser (12/Aug/1869 - 20/Apr/1932)
- 1869 GILLIE, ANDREW (Statutory Registers Births)
- Referenced from entry about: Andrew Gillie (28/Dec/1868 - )
- Referenced from entry about: John Gillie ( - before 1901)
- Referenced from entry about: John Gillie (about 1859 - 14/Oct/1881)
- 1869 MACKAY,
- Referenced from entry about: Kenneth Mackay (about 1813 - bet’ 1891 and 1901)
- 1871 CUMMING, JAMES & FAMILY (Census 047/ 1/L 5)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Cumming (1833 - 7/May/1884)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Cumming (about 1865 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Donald Cumming (about 1806 - 2/Oct/1875)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald J Cumming (22/Mar/1861 - 28/Feb/1940)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (bet’ 1834 and 1841 - 11/Jan/1923)
- Referenced from entry about: Kenneth Cumming (about 1867 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Marion Cumming (20/May/1863 - 15/Nov/1954)
- Referenced from entry about: William Cumming (about 1870 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Kate MacDonald (about 1807 - 29/Oct/1875)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ross (5/Nov/1840 - 13/Jan/1918)
- 1871 FLEMING, JOHN & FAMILY (Census 629/3/2)
- Referenced from entry about: John Fleming (about 1827 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Joseph Fleming (7/Oct/1851 - 30/Jan/1912)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Wood (about 1827 - before 1871)
- 1871 MACDONALD, JAMES & HOUSEHOLD (Census 051/ 1/ 36)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander MacDonald (5/Mar/1867 - 5/Sep/1928)
- Referenced from entry about: James MacDonald (about 1842 - 14/Jan/1880)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie MacDonald (7/Jul/1869 - 12/Feb/1941)
- Referenced from entry about: William MacDonald (9/Jan/1865 - 12/May/1898)
- Referenced from entry about: Christina Ross (about 1845 - 19/Apr/1916)
- 1871 MACLEAN, MARY (Census 066/2 3/2)
- Referenced from entry about: Janet MacLean (about 1839 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Mary McLean (about 1849 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Morrison (about 1805 - 23/Oct/1877)
- 1871 NAPIER, DAVID & Family (Census 426/ 14/ 5)
- Referenced from entry about: David Napier (12/Sep/1835 - 2/Nov/1901)
- Referenced from entry about: David Napier (7/Apr/1858 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Elizabeth Napier (17/Nov/1866 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Henry Napier (1870 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Janet Napier (about 1861 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Napier (1863 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Agnes Nicholson (about 1835 - )
- 1871 PATERSON WILLIAM & FAMILY (Census 098/ 1/ 18)
- Referenced from entry about: Barbara Mackenzie (about 1823 - 27/Apr/1884)
- Referenced from entry about: Barbara Paterson (about 1857 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Paterson (about 1850 - before 1929)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Paterson (11/Oct/1859 - 11/Mar/1881)
- Referenced from entry about: John Paterson (about 1855 - )
- Referenced from entry about: William Paterson (about 1823 - 26/Apr/1906)
- Referenced from entry about: Williamina Paterson (10/Jun/1861 - )
- 1871 ROSS, ALEXANDER & HOUSEHOLD (Census 047/ 1/L 9 - Schedule 44)
- Referenced from entry about: Marion Mackay (30/Jun/1821 - 30/Dec/1909)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Ross (about 1816 - 20/Jan/1896)
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Ross (17/Jun/1860 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Barbara Ross (28/Feb/1862 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Christina Ross (about 1845 - 19/Apr/1916)
- Referenced from entry about: Hugh Ross (11/Oct/1858 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ross (5/Nov/1840 - 13/Jan/1918)
- Referenced from entry about: John Ross (14/Dec/1855 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Kenneth Ross (1851 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Marion Ross (about 1853 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Wiliamina Ross (about 1849 - )
- 1871 ROSS, ALEXANDER & HOUSEHOLD (Census 047/ 1/L 9 -Schedule 40)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Ross (about 1843 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Catherine Ross (about 1846 - )
- Referenced from entry about: John Ross (23/Aug/1868 - 20/Nov/1905)
- Referenced from entry about: Marion Ross (1/Nov/1866 - 19/Aug/1888)
- 1871 TEEVAN, RICHARD & Family (Census 475/ 6/ 29)
- Referenced from entry about: Susan McKay (Apr/1833 - before 1886)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Teevin (about 1861 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Teevin (about 1858 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Richard Tevin (about 1841 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Thomas Tevin (about 1870 - )
- 1871 WILSON, DAVID & Household (Census 051/ 1/ 22)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Ann McLean (about 1843 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Annie Wilson (about 1869 - )
- Referenced from entry about: David Wilson (22/Mar/1841 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Henrietta Wilson (about 1868 - )
- Referenced from entry about: James Wilson (about 1870 - )
- 1872 MCKENZIE, RODERICK & PATERSON, BELLA (Statutory Registers Marriages 644/5 121)
- Referenced from entry about: Murdoch McKenzie
- Referenced from entry about: Roderick McKenzie (about 1851 - 23/Jan/1929)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Paterson (about 1850 - before 1929)
- Referenced from entry about: William Paterson (about 1823 - 26/Apr/1906)
- 1872 NAPIER, ALEXANDER (Statutory Register Births 426/ 332)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Napier (4/Nov/1872 - )
- Referenced from entry about: David Napier (12/Sep/1835 - 2/Nov/1901)
- 1872 ROSS, DONALD (Statutory Register Births 047/ 42)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Ross (about 1843 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Donald Ross (30/Aug/1872 - )
- Referenced from entry about: John Ross (23/Aug/1868 - 20/Nov/1905)
- Referenced from entry about: Marion Ross (1/Nov/1866 - 19/Aug/1888)
- 1872 WILSON, ELIZABETH (Statutory Register of Births 051/ 35)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Ann McLean (about 1843 - )
- Referenced from entry about: David Wilson (22/Mar/1841 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Elizabeth Wilson (31/Oct/1872 - about 1942)
- 1874 SUTHERLAND, DONALD (Statutory Registers Births 051/6)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald Sutherland (8/Feb/1874 - )
- 1874 WILSON, DAVID (Valuation Roll VR012000006-/263 Sutherland County)
- Referenced from entry about: David Wilson (22/Mar/1841 - )
- 1875 CUMMING, CATHERINE (Statutory Registers Deaths 047/45)
- Referenced from entry about: Adam Cumming (2/Jul/1841 - 18/Jan/1926)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Cumming (1833 - 7/May/1884)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald Cumming ( - after 1875)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald Cumming (about 1806 - 2/Oct/1875)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (bet’ 1834 and 1841 - 11/Jan/1923)
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Davies ( - before 1875)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander MacDonald ( - before 1875)
- Referenced from entry about: Kate MacDonald (about 1807 - 29/Oct/1875)
- 1875 CUMMING, DONALD (Statutory Registers Deaths 047/42)
- Referenced from entry about: Adam Cumming (2/Jul/1841 - 18/Jan/1926)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Cumming (1833 - 7/May/1884)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald Cumming (about 1806 - 2/Oct/1875)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (bet’ 1834 and 1841 - 11/Jan/1923)
- Referenced from entry about: Kate MacDonald (about 1807 - 29/Oct/1875)
- 1875 FLEMING, JOSEPH & TENNANT, MARGARET (Statutory Registers Marriages 632/21)
- Referenced from entry about: John Fleming (about 1827 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Joseph Fleming (7/Oct/1851 - 30/Jan/1912)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Tennant (19/Nov/1857 - 29/Jun/1924)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomas Tennant
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Wood (about 1827 - before 1871)
- 1875 WILSON, DAVID (Valuation Rolls VR012000006-/373 Sutherland County)
- Referenced from entry about: David Wilson (22/Mar/1841 - )
- 1876 CUMMING, ADAM (Statutory Register Marriages 047/12)
- Referenced from entry about: Adam Cumming (2/Jul/1841 - 18/Jan/1926)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Cumming (1833 - 7/May/1884)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald Cumming (about 1806 - 2/Oct/1875)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (bet’ 1834 and 1841 - 11/Jan/1923)
- Referenced from entry about: Kate MacDonald (about 1807 - 29/Oct/1875)
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Mackay (5/Nov/1855 - 21/Apr/1940)
- 1876 MACKAY, DONALD (Statutory Register Births 047/ 51)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald Mackay (25/Nov/1876 - 22/Nov/1939)
- 1877 FRASER, KENNETH (statutory registers Births 047/48)
- Referenced from entry about: Kenneth Fraser (19/Oct/1877 - 9/May/1954)
- 1877 MACLEAN, MARY (Statutory Register Deaths 066/2 38)
- Referenced from entry about: Anne Chisholm ( - before 1877)
- Referenced from entry about: John McLean ( - after 1877)
- Referenced from entry about: John Morrison ( - before 1877)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Morrison (about 1805 - 23/Oct/1877)
- 1878 MACIVER, HECTOR (Statutory Register Births 066/1 21)
- Referenced from entry about: Hector McLean McIver (17/Aug/1878 - 21/Feb/1938)
- Referenced from entry about: Rodrick McIver (about 1821 - )
- 1879 CLARK, CATHERINE WINK (Statutory Registers Births 168/2 470)
- Referenced from entry about: Catherine Wink Clark (27/Mar/1879 - )
- Referenced from entry about: James Clark
- Referenced from entry about: Jamesina Morrison
- 1880 FISHER, JAMES (Statutory Registers Marriages 685/5 528)
- Referenced from entry about: Helen Currie ( - before 1880)
- Referenced from entry about: James Fisher (about 1854 - )
- Referenced from entry about: John Fisher (about 1819 - after 1880)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Dickson Seaton (about 1856 - )
- Referenced from entry about: William Seaton (about 1824 - after 1891)
- Referenced from entry about: Helen Taylor (about 1816 - 27/Nov/1865)
- 1880 GILLIE, JOHN (Statutory Registers Marriages 739/5)
- Referenced from entry about: John Gillie (about 1859 - 14/Oct/1881)
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Lindores (about 1859 - )
- Referenced from entry about: William Lindores (before 1850 - )
- 1880 MACKAY, JESSIE (Statutory Registers Births 047/48)
- Referenced from entry about: Christy Grant (before 1865 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Mackay (about 1856 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Mackay (12/Sep/1880 - 7/Feb/1932)
- 1880 MCDONALD, JAMES (Statutory Register Deaths 051/ 2)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander MacDonald (5/Mar/1867 - 5/Sep/1928)
- Referenced from entry about: James MacDonald (about 1842 - 14/Jan/1880)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie MacDonald (7/Jul/1869 - 12/Feb/1941)
- Referenced from entry about: William MacDonald (9/Jan/1865 - 12/May/1898)
- Referenced from entry about: Christina Ross (about 1845 - 19/Apr/1916)
- 1881 CUMMING, JAMES (Statutory Register Births 047/60)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald J Cumming (22/Mar/1861 - 28/Feb/1940)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (bet’ 1834 and 1841 - 11/Jan/1923)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (4/Nov/1881 - before 1918)
- Referenced from entry about: Marion Cumming (20/May/1863 - 15/Nov/1954)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ross (5/Nov/1840 - 13/Jan/1918)
- 1881 EYEMOUTH DISASTER (Glasgow Herald)
- Referenced from entry about: John Gillie (about 1859 - 14/Oct/1881)
- 1881 FISHER, HELEN CURRIE (Family Search - Scotland Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950)
- Referenced from entry about: Helen Currie Fisher (29/Nov/1881 - 6/Jun/1953)
- 1881 FISHER, HELEN CURRIE (Statutory Register Births 644/11 2359)
- Referenced from entry about: Helen Currie Fisher (29/Nov/1881 - 6/Jun/1953)
- Referenced from entry about: James Fisher (about 1854 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Dickson Seaton (about 1856 - )
- 1881 FLEMING, JOSEPH & FAMILY (Census 632/10/1)
- Referenced from entry about: Ellen Fleming (6/Jul/1875 - )
- Referenced from entry about: John Fleming (11/Mar/1877 - before 1961)
- Referenced from entry about: Joseph Fleming (7/Oct/1851 - 30/Jan/1912)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Wood Fleming (25/Mar/1879 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Tennant (19/Nov/1857 - 29/Jun/1924)
- 1881 FLEMING, THOMAS TENNANT (Scotland, Select Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950)
- Referenced from entry about: John Fleming (11/Mar/1877 - before 1961)
- Referenced from entry about: Joseph Fleming (7/Oct/1851 - 30/Jan/1912)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomas Tennant Fleming (29/Aug/1881 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Tennant (19/Nov/1857 - 29/Jun/1924)
- 1881 GILLIE, JOHN (Statutory Registers Deaths 739/68)
- Referenced from entry about: John Gillie (about 1859 - 14/Oct/1881)
- 1881 HANTON, WILLIAM (Electoral Registers)
- Referenced from entry about: William Hanton (about 1855 - before 1922)
- 1881 HANTON, WILLIAM & Family (Census 685/3 38/ 6)
- Referenced from entry about: James Hanton (about 1880 - 20/Apr/1922)
- Referenced from entry about: William Hanton (about 1855 - before 1922)
- Referenced from entry about: Jane Johnston (about 1859 - before 1922)
- 1881 PATERSON, JESSIE ( 182545062)
- Referenced from entry about: Barbara Mackenzie (about 1823 - 27/Apr/1884)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Paterson (about 1850 - before 1929)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Paterson (11/Oct/1859 - 11/Mar/1881)
- Referenced from entry about: William Paterson (about 1823 - 26/Apr/1906)
- 1881 RAMSAY, JOHN & FAMILY (Census 411/ 4/ 13)
- Referenced from entry about: Andrew Morgan (about 1849 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Morgan (about 1845 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Agnes Ramsay (about 1873 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Cattie Ramsay (about 1877 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Ramsay (about 1878 - )
- Referenced from entry about: John Ramsay (about 1852 - )
- Referenced from entry about: John Ramsay (21/Feb/1880 - 20/Jun/1920)
- 1881 ROSS, JOHN (Statutory Registers Marriages 051/8)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald MacDonald (before 1850 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella MacDonald (about 1863 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Alex Ross (before 1840 - )
- Referenced from entry about: John Ross (about 1856 - )
- 1881 WILSON, DAVID and Household (Census 051/ 1/ 21)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Ann McLean (about 1843 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Alice Wilson (about 1875 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Annie Wilson (about 1869 - )
- Referenced from entry about: David Wilson (22/Mar/1841 - )
- Referenced from entry about: David Wilson (about 1880 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Elizabeth Wilson (31/Oct/1872 - about 1942)
- Referenced from entry about: Henrietta Wilson (about 1868 - )
- Referenced from entry about: James Wilson (about 1870 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Wilson (about 1872 - )
- 1882 MACKAY, THOMAS (Statutory Register Births 047/ 40)
- Referenced from entry about: Kenneth Mackay (about 1813 - bet’ 1891 and 1901)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomas Mackay (27/Jun/1882 - 9/Nov/1934)
- 1883 ROSS, WILLIAMINA (Statutory Registers Births 047/37)
- Referenced from entry about: Williamina Ross (22/Aug/1883 - )
- 1883 ROSS, WILLIAMINA (Statutory Registers Births 232/1 318)
- Referenced from entry about: Williamina Ross (22/Aug/1883 - )
- 1884 CUMMING, ALEXANDER (Statutory Register Deaths 047/27)
- Referenced from entry about: Adam Cumming (2/Jul/1841 - 18/Jan/1926)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Cumming (1833 - 7/May/1884)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (bet’ 1834 and 1841 - 11/Jan/1923)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Sutherland (1838 - after 1884)
- 1884 MACKENZIE, BARBARA ( 182539921)
- Referenced from entry about: Barbara Mackenzie (about 1823 - 27/Apr/1884)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Paterson (about 1850 - before 1929)
- Referenced from entry about: William Paterson (about 1823 - 26/Apr/1906)
- 1884 MCKENZIE, MARGARET PATERS (Statutory Registers Births 644/9 832)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Paterson McKenzie (26/May/1884 - 5/Apr/1964)
- Referenced from entry about: Roderick McKenzie (about 1851 - 23/Jan/1929)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Paterson (about 1850 - before 1929)
- 1885 CUMMING, BARBARA-ANN (Statutory Register Births 047/ 33)
- Referenced from entry about: Barbara Ann Cumming (30/Aug/1885 - 1977)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald J Cumming (22/Mar/1861 - 28/Feb/1940)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (bet’ 1834 and 1841 - 11/Jan/1923)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (4/Nov/1881 - before 1918)
- Referenced from entry about: Marion Cumming (20/May/1863 - 15/Nov/1954)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ross (5/Nov/1840 - 13/Jan/1918)
- 1885 HAWTHORN, WILLIAM and O’DONNELL, HANNAH (Statutory Register Marriages 662/1 5)
- Referenced from entry about: William Hawthorn ( - before 1884)
- Referenced from entry about: William Hawthorn (about 1847 - before 1921)
- Referenced from entry about: Catherine Macauley ( - before 1884)
- Referenced from entry about: Edward O’Donnell ( - before 1884)
- Referenced from entry about: Hannah O’Donnell (about 1857 - before 1921)
- 1886 MCKNIGHT, THOMAS & TEEVIN, MAGGIE (Statutory Registers Marriages 644/12 422)
- Referenced from entry about: Sarah Fleming ( - before 1886)
- Referenced from entry about: Susan McKay (Apr/1833 - before 1886)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomas McKnight (about 1856 - 8/Aug/1897)
- Referenced from entry about: William McKnight ( - before 1886)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Teevin (about 1861 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Richard Tevin (about 1841 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Elizabeth Thornton ( - before 1886)
- 1886 MCTURK, GRACE (Statutory Register Births 837/2 31)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander McTurk (about 1854 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Grace McTurk (20/Dec/1886 - )
- 1887 CUMMING, DONALD Statutory registers Marriages 047/5
- Referenced from entry about: Donald J Cumming (22/Mar/1861 - 28/Feb/1940)
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Fraser (18/Sep/1865 - 20/Jun/1946)
- 1887 SUNDERLAND, THOMAS; ROSS, MARY (Michigan Marriage Records)
- Referenced from entry about: Marion Ross (1/Nov/1866 - 19/Aug/1888)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomas Sunderland (about 1864 - )
- 1888 CUMMING, ISABELLA Statutory register Births 047/32
- Referenced from entry about: Donald J Cumming (22/Mar/1861 - 28/Feb/1940)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Cumming (21/Jul/1888 - 1/Feb/1986)
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Fraser (18/Sep/1865 - 20/Jun/1946)
- 1888 HAWTHORN, THOMAS (Statutory Register Births 669/ 35)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomas Hawthorn (28/Jun/1888 - before 1946)
- Referenced from entry about: William Hawthorn (about 1847 - before 1921)
- Referenced from entry about: Hannah O’Donnell (about 1857 - before 1921)
- 1888 MCKAY, JAMES statutory registers Marriages 047/4
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Mackay (7/Aug/1860 - after 1923)
- Referenced from entry about: James Mackay (12/Apr/1861 - before 1911)
- 1888 SUNDERLAND, MARY (Michigan Death Records)
- Referenced from entry about: John Ross (23/Aug/1868 - 20/Nov/1905)
- Referenced from entry about: Marion Ross (1/Nov/1866 - 19/Aug/1888)
- 1889 CAMPBELL, WILLIAM ANDREW (Statutory Registers Births 814/4)
- Referenced from entry about: William Andrew Campbell (2/Jan/1889 - )
- 1889 CUMMING, DONALD (statutory registers Births 047/70)
- Referenced from entry about: Adam Cumming (2/Jul/1841 - 18/Jan/1926)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald Cumming (17/Dec/1889 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Mackay (5/Nov/1855 - 21/Apr/1940)
- 1889 GRANT, HUGH (Statutory Registers Marriages 047/4)
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Fraser (4/Aug/1864 - 4/May/1891)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomas Fraser ( - before 1889)
- Referenced from entry about: Hugh Grant (26/Feb/1863 - 10/Sep/1944)
- 1889 MCKAY, LUCY (Statutory registers Births 047/57)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Mackay (7/Aug/1860 - after 1923)
- Referenced from entry about: James Mackay (12/Apr/1861 - before 1911)
- Referenced from entry about: Lucy Mackay (23/Sep/1889 - 15/May/1970)
- 1889 O’MALLEY, MICHAEL & MCBRIDE, CATHERINE (Statutory Registers Marriages 644/11 111)
- Referenced from entry about: Catherine Docherty ( - before 1889)
- Referenced from entry about: Catherine McBride (about 1865 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Patrick McBride ( - before 1889)
- Referenced from entry about: John O’Malley ( - before 1889)
- Referenced from entry about: Michael O’Malley (about 1851 - )
- 1889 ROSS, JOHN - Statutory Registers Marriages
- Referenced from entry about: Adam Cumming (2/Jul/1841 - 18/Jan/1926)
- Referenced from entry about: Barbara Ann Cumming (30/Aug/1885 - 1977)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald J Cumming (22/Mar/1861 - 28/Feb/1940)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (bet’ 1834 and 1841 - 11/Jan/1923)
- Referenced from entry about: Marion Cumming (20/May/1863 - 15/Nov/1954)
- Referenced from entry about: Hugh Ross ( - before 1889)
- Referenced from entry about: John Ross (1861 - )
- 1890 MACKAY, GEORGE (Statutory registers Births 047/47)
- Referenced from entry about: George Mackay (12/Nov/1890 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Mackay (7/Aug/1860 - after 1923)
- Referenced from entry about: James Mackay (12/Apr/1861 - before 1911)
- Referenced from entry about: Janet Mackay (12/Nov/1890 - 15/May/1891)
- Referenced from entry about: Lucy Mackay (23/Sep/1889 - 15/May/1970)
- 1890 MACKAY, JANET (Statutory registers Births 047/46)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Mackay (7/Aug/1860 - after 1923)
- Referenced from entry about: James Mackay (12/Apr/1861 - before 1911)
- Referenced from entry about: Janet Mackay (12/Nov/1890 - 15/May/1891)
- Referenced from entry about: Lucy Mackay (23/Sep/1889 - 15/May/1970)
- 1890 O’MALLEY EDWARD (Statutory Register Births 644/11 157)
- Referenced from entry about: Catherine McBride (about 1865 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Edward O’Malley (4/Jan/1890 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Michael O’Malley (about 1851 - )
- 1890 ROSS, ANN - Statutory Register Births
- Referenced from entry about: Marion Cumming (20/May/1863 - 15/Nov/1954)
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Ross (28/Nov/1890 - 27/Jun/1980)
- Referenced from entry about: John Ross (1861 - )
- 1891 CUMMING, ALEXANDERINA statutory registers births 047/12
- Referenced from entry about: Alexandrina Cumming (30/Mar/1891 - 10/Apr/1987)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald J Cumming (22/Mar/1861 - 28/Feb/1940)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Cumming (21/Jul/1888 - 1/Feb/1986)
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Fraser (18/Sep/1865 - 20/Jun/1946)
- 1891 CUMMING, DONALD - Statutory Registers - Births
- Referenced from entry about: Donald Cumming (11/Nov/1891 - Dec/1967)
- 1891 CUMMING, DONALD & FAMILY (1891 Census)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexandrina Cumming (30/Mar/1891 - 10/Apr/1987)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald J Cumming (22/Mar/1861 - 28/Feb/1940)
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Fraser (18/Sep/1865 - 20/Jun/1946)
- 1891 CUMMING, JAMES & FAMILY (Census 047/ 2/ 7)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Cumming (1833 - 7/May/1884)
- Referenced from entry about: Barbara Ann Cumming (30/Aug/1885 - 1977)
- Referenced from entry about: Christy Cumming (about 1878 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Donald Cumming (about 1806 - 2/Oct/1875)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (bet’ 1834 and 1841 - 11/Jan/1923)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (4/Nov/1881 - before 1918)
- Referenced from entry about: John Cumming (about 1873 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Kenneth Cumming (about 1867 - )
- Referenced from entry about: William Cumming (about 1870 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Kate MacDonald (about 1807 - 29/Oct/1875)
- Referenced from entry about: Marion Mackay (30/Jun/1821 - 30/Dec/1909)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Ross (about 1816 - 20/Jan/1896)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ross (5/Nov/1840 - 13/Jan/1918)
- 1891 FISHER, JAMES & FAMILY (Census 685/3 47/ 8)
- Referenced from entry about: Agnes Fisher (about 1887 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Helen Currie Fisher (29/Nov/1881 - 6/Jun/1953)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Fisher (about 1884 - )
- Referenced from entry about: James Fisher (about 1854 - )
- Referenced from entry about: John Fisher (about 1819 - after 1880)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Fisher (about 1889 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Dickson Seaton (about 1856 - )
- Referenced from entry about: William Seaton (about 1824 - after 1891)
- Referenced from entry about: Helen Taylor (about 1816 - 27/Nov/1865)
- 1891 FLEMING, JOSEPH & FAMILY (Census 669/2/23)
- Referenced from entry about: Elizabeth Fleming (22/Apr/1887 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Ellen Fleming (6/Jul/1875 - )
- Referenced from entry about: John Fleming (11/Mar/1877 - before 1961)
- Referenced from entry about: Joseph Fleming (7/Oct/1851 - 30/Jan/1912)
- Referenced from entry about: Lillias Fleming (25/May/1889 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Wood Fleming (25/Mar/1879 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Tennant (19/Nov/1857 - 29/Jun/1924)
- 1891 GRANT, ANN (Statutory Registers Deaths 047/15)
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Fraser (4/Aug/1864 - 4/May/1891)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomas Fraser ( - before 1889)
- Referenced from entry about: Hugh Grant (26/Feb/1863 - 10/Sep/1944)
- 1891 HAWTHORN, WILLIAM & Family (Census 694/ 5/ 22)
- Referenced from entry about: Edward Hawthorn (about 1886 - )
- Referenced from entry about: James Hawthorn (about 1877 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Joseph Hawthorn (about 1873 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Robert Hawthorn (about 1875 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Thomas Hawthorn (28/Jun/1888 - before 1946)
- Referenced from entry about: William Hawthorn (about 1847 - before 1921)
- Referenced from entry about: Hannah O’Donnell (about 1857 - before 1921)
- 1891 MACKAY, JANET - Statutory Registers - Deaths 047/18
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Mackay (7/Aug/1860 - after 1923)
- Referenced from entry about: James Mackay (12/Apr/1861 - before 1911)
- Referenced from entry about: Janet Mackay (12/Nov/1890 - 15/May/1891)
- Referenced from entry about: Lucy Mackay (23/Sep/1889 - 15/May/1970)
- 1891 MACKAY, KENNETH & FAMILY (Census 047/2/13)
- Referenced from entry about: Barbara Mackay (about 1854 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Bella Mackay (about 1885 - )
- Referenced from entry about: David Mackay (about 1879 - )
- Referenced from entry about: George Mackay (about 1875 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Kenneth Mackay (about 1813 - bet’ 1891 and 1901)
- Referenced from entry about: Kenneth Mackay (about 1877 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Thomas Mackay (27/Jun/1882 - 9/Nov/1934)
- 1891 MCKENZIE, RODERICK & FAMILY (Census 644/9 20/ 19)
- Referenced from entry about: Barbara Mackenzie (about 1823 - 27/Apr/1884)
- Referenced from entry about: Annie McKenzie (about 1874 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Barbara McKenzie (about 1876 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Christina McKenzie (about 1880 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Paterson McKenzie (about 1888 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Paterson McKenzie (26/May/1884 - 5/Apr/1964)
- Referenced from entry about: Murdoch McKenzie (1890 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Roderick McKenzie (about 1851 - 23/Jan/1929)
- Referenced from entry about: William P McKenzie (about 1878 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Paterson (about 1850 - before 1929)
- Referenced from entry about: William Paterson (about 1823 - 26/Apr/1906)
- 1891 MCTURK, ALEXANDER & FAMILY (Census 837/2 1/4)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Beatie (about 1844 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander McTurk (about 1854 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Elizabeth McTurk (about 1885 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Georgina McTurk (about 1883 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Grace McTurk (20/Dec/1886 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Jane McTurk (about 1880 - )
- 1891 O’MALLEY MICHAEL & FAMILY (Census 644/11 16/ 13)
- Referenced from entry about: Catherine McBride (about 1865 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Bridget O’Malley (about 1882 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Edward O’Malley (4/Jan/1890 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Michael O’Malley (about 1851 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Patrick O’Malley (about 1880 - )
- 1892 MACKAY, ANN - Statutory Registers Births
- Referenced from entry about: Annie Mackay (15/Dec/1892 - 1918)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Mackay (7/Aug/1860 - after 1923)
- Referenced from entry about: James Mackay (12/Apr/1861 - before 1911)
- Referenced from entry about: Lucy Mackay (23/Sep/1889 - 15/May/1970)
- 1892 X, X & NAPIER, ELIZABETH (Statutory Registers Marriages 426/ 1)
- Referenced from entry about: Marion Pearson ( - before 1892)
- 1893 CUMMING, JESSIE-ANN (statutory registers Births 047/4)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexandrina Cumming (30/Mar/1891 - 10/Apr/1987)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald J Cumming (22/Mar/1861 - 28/Feb/1940)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Cumming (21/Jul/1888 - 1/Feb/1986)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ann Cumming (8/Jan/1893 - 31/Oct/1978)
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Fraser (18/Sep/1865 - 20/Jun/1946)
- 1893 REID, THOMAS MITCHELL - Statutory Registers - Births
- Referenced from entry about: Thomas Mitchell Reid (14/Jan/1893 - 10/May/1974)
- 1894 CUMMING, JAMES (statutory register of births 047/52)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexandrina Cumming (30/Mar/1891 - 10/Apr/1987)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald J Cumming (22/Mar/1861 - 28/Feb/1940)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Cumming (21/Jul/1888 - 1/Feb/1986)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (7/Nov/1894 - 2/Jul/1975)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ann Cumming (8/Jan/1893 - 31/Oct/1978)
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Fraser (18/Sep/1865 - 20/Jun/1946)
- 1895 CUMMING, JOHN (Statutory Registers Births 047/54)
- Referenced from entry about: Adam Cumming (2/Jul/1841 - 18/Jan/1926)
- Referenced from entry about: John Cumming (10/Oct/1895 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Mackay (5/Nov/1855 - 21/Apr/1940)
- 1895 MACKAY, KENNETH (Statutory Registers Births 047/9)
- Referenced from entry about: Annie Mackay (15/Dec/1892 - 1918)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Mackay (7/Aug/1860 - after 1923)
- Referenced from entry about: James Mackay (12/Apr/1861 - before 1911)
- Referenced from entry about: Kenneth Mackay (2/Feb/1895 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Lucy Mackay (23/Sep/1889 - 15/May/1970)
- 1895 MCKNIGHT, RICHARD TEEVIN (Statutory Register Births 644/12 531)
- Referenced from entry about: Richard McKnight (27/Apr/1895 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Thomas McKnight (about 1856 - 8/Aug/1897)
- 1896 NAPIER, DAVID (Fife, Scotland, Asylum Regisgters)
- Referenced from entry about: David Napier (12/Sep/1835 - 2/Nov/1901)
- Referenced from entry about: Agnes Nicholson (about 1835 - )
- 1896 ROSS, ALEXANDER (Statutory Registers Deaths 047/2)
- Referenced from entry about: Marion Mackay (30/Jun/1821 - 30/Dec/1909)
- Referenced from entry about: Janet MacLeod (before 1798 - after 1864)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Ross (about 1816 - 20/Jan/1896)
- Referenced from entry about: Christina Ross (about 1845 - 19/Apr/1916)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ross (5/Nov/1840 - 13/Jan/1918)
- Referenced from entry about: William Ross (about 1780 - 31/Mar/1864)
- 1896 ROSS, HUGH ALEXANDER - (Statutory Registers Births 047/48)
- Referenced from entry about: Marion Cumming (20/May/1863 - 15/Nov/1954)
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Ross (28/Nov/1890 - 27/Jun/1980)
- Referenced from entry about: Hugh Alexander Ross (17/Nov/1896 - )
- Referenced from entry about: John Ross (1861 - )
- 1897 FRASER, THOMAS (Statutory Registers Marriages 047/1)
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Fraser (18/Sep/1865 - 20/Jun/1946)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomas Fraser (12/Aug/1869 - 20/Apr/1932)
- Referenced from entry about: Jane Mackay (about 1872 - after 1934)
- 1897 GIBSON, ALEXANDER; WILSON; ELIZABETH (Statutory Register of Marriages 051/ 4)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Gibson (1860 - before 1939)
- Referenced from entry about: Hugh Gibson
- Referenced from entry about: David Wilson (22/Mar/1841 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Elizabeth Wilson (31/Oct/1872 - about 1942)
- 1897 MCKNIGHT, THOMAS (Statutory Register Deaths 639/ 295)
- Referenced from entry about: Sarah Fleming ( - before 1886)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomas McKnight (about 1856 - 8/Aug/1897)
- Referenced from entry about: William McKnight ( - before 1886)
- 1897 TEEVIN OR MCKNIGHT, MAGGIE (North Lanarkshire Poor Law Applications and Registers)
- Referenced from entry about: Lizzie McKnight (about 1891 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Nelly McKnight (about 1896 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Richard McKnight (27/Apr/1895 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Susan McKnight (about 1889 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Thomas McKnight (about 1856 - 8/Aug/1897)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Teevin (about 1861 - )
- 1898 CUMMING, GEORGE DAVIDSON SMITH - Statutory Registers - Births
- Referenced from entry about: Alexandrina Cumming (30/Mar/1891 - 10/Apr/1987)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald J Cumming (22/Mar/1861 - 28/Feb/1940)
- Referenced from entry about: George Davidson Smith Cumming (31/May/1898 - Aug/1965)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Cumming (21/Jul/1888 - 1/Feb/1986)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (7/Nov/1894 - 2/Jul/1975)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ann Cumming (8/Jan/1893 - 31/Oct/1978)
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Fraser (18/Sep/1865 - 20/Jun/1946)
- 1898 FRASER, ALEXANDER (statutory registers births 047/49)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Fraser (31/Aug/1898 - 17/Feb/1966)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomas Fraser (12/Aug/1869 - 20/Apr/1932)
- Referenced from entry about: Jane Mackay (about 1872 - after 1934)
- 1898 GRANT, HUGH (Statutory Registers Marriages 082/1)
- Referenced from entry about: Hugh Grant (26/Feb/1863 - 10/Sep/1944)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Mackay
- Referenced from entry about: Annie Mackay (about 1865 - 1/May/1942)
- 1898 MACDONALD, WILLIAM (Statutory Registers Deaths 051/ 11)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander MacDonald (5/Mar/1867 - 5/Sep/1928)
- Referenced from entry about: James MacDonald (about 1842 - 14/Jan/1880)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie MacDonald (7/Jul/1869 - 12/Feb/1941)
- Referenced from entry about: William MacDonald (9/Jan/1865 - 12/May/1898)
- Referenced from entry about: Christina Ross (about 1845 - 19/Apr/1916)
- 1899 MACKAY, JOHN PAUL (Statutory registers Births 047/19)
- Referenced from entry about: Annie Mackay (15/Dec/1892 - 1918)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Mackay (7/Aug/1860 - after 1923)
- Referenced from entry about: James Mackay (12/Apr/1861 - before 1911)
- Referenced from entry about: John Paul Mackay (13/Mar/1899 - 3/Jul/1969)
- Referenced from entry about: Lucy Mackay (23/Sep/1889 - 15/May/1970)
- 18xx NAPIER (Old Parish Births and Baptisms Index - Dysart)
- Referenced from entry about: Agnes Napier (14/Apr/1845 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Napier (6/Oct/1841 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Andrew Napier (29/Jun/1843 - )
- Referenced from entry about: David Napier (12/Sep/1835 - 2/Nov/1901)
- Referenced from entry about: Henry Napier (27/Sep/1837 - )
- Referenced from entry about: James Napier (16/Jan/1849 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Jean Napier (28/Mar/1847 - )
- Referenced from entry about: William Napier (5/Dec/1839 - )
- 1900 CUMMING, MARY ANN, Statutory Registers Births 047/37
- Referenced from entry about: Alexandrina Cumming (30/Mar/1891 - 10/Apr/1987)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald J Cumming (22/Mar/1861 - 28/Feb/1940)
- Referenced from entry about: George Davidson Smith Cumming (31/May/1898 - Aug/1965)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Cumming (21/Jul/1888 - 1/Feb/1986)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (7/Nov/1894 - 2/Jul/1975)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ann Cumming (8/Jan/1893 - 31/Oct/1978)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Ann Cumming (26/Jul/1900 - 8/Oct/1981)
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Fraser (18/Sep/1865 - 20/Jun/1946)
- 1900 MACKAY, CATHERINE (Statutory Registers Births 088/244)
- Referenced from entry about: Catherine Mackay (3/Sep/1900 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Matilda MacLeod (about 1861 - 9/Nov/1949)
- 1900 MACKAY, WILLIAM ALEXANDER (Statutory registers Births 047/8)
- Referenced from entry about: Annie Mackay (15/Dec/1892 - 1918)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Mackay (7/Aug/1860 - after 1923)
- Referenced from entry about: James Mackay (12/Apr/1861 - before 1911)
- Referenced from entry about: John Paul Mackay (13/Mar/1899 - 3/Jul/1969)
- Referenced from entry about: Lucy Mackay (23/Sep/1889 - 15/May/1970)
- Referenced from entry about: William Alexander Mackay (24/Feb/1900 - 24/Sep/1982)
- 1900 NAPIER, ALEXANDER & DALRYMPLE, JANET (Statutory Register Marriages 442/ 137)
- Referenced from entry about: Janet Dalrymple (about 1876 - )
- Referenced from entry about: John Dalrymple
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Napier (4/Nov/1872 - )
- Referenced from entry about: David Napier (12/Sep/1835 - 2/Nov/1901)
- 1900 SUTHERLAND, DONALD; MACDONALD, JESSIE (Statutory Registers Marriages 051/ 2)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander MacDonald (5/Mar/1867 - 5/Sep/1928)
- Referenced from entry about: James MacDonald (about 1842 - 14/Jan/1880)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie MacDonald (7/Jul/1869 - 12/Feb/1941)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary MacDonald ( - after 1900)
- Referenced from entry about: William MacDonald (9/Jan/1865 - 12/May/1898)
- Referenced from entry about: Christina Ross (about 1845 - 19/Apr/1916)
- Referenced from entry about: Andrew Sutherland ( - after 1900)
- 1901 CUMMING, DONALD - 1901 Census 047/2/18
- Referenced from entry about: Alexandrina Cumming (30/Mar/1891 - 10/Apr/1987)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald J Cumming (22/Mar/1861 - 28/Feb/1940)
- Referenced from entry about: George Davidson Smith Cumming (31/May/1898 - Aug/1965)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Cumming (21/Jul/1888 - 1/Feb/1986)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (7/Nov/1894 - 2/Jul/1975)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ann Cumming (8/Jan/1893 - 31/Oct/1978)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Ann Cumming (26/Jul/1900 - 8/Oct/1981)
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Fraser (18/Sep/1865 - 20/Jun/1946)
- 1901 FISHER, JAMES & FAMILY (Census 685/5 25/ 4)
- Referenced from entry about: Agnes Fisher (about 1887 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Helen Currie Fisher (29/Nov/1881 - 6/Jun/1953)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Fisher (about 1884 - )
- Referenced from entry about: James Fisher (about 1854 - )
- Referenced from entry about: James Fisher (about 1896 - )
- Referenced from entry about: John Fisher (about 1892 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Fisher (about 1889 - )
- Referenced from entry about: William Fisher (about 1894 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Dickson Seaton (about 1856 - )
- 1901 FLEMING, JOSEPH & FAMILY (1901 Census 669/2/34)
- Referenced from entry about: Agnes Fleming (25/May/1898 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Christina Fleming (23/Aug/1895 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Elizabeth Fleming (22/Apr/1887 - )
- Referenced from entry about: John Fleming (11/Mar/1877 - before 1961)
- Referenced from entry about: Joseph Fleming (7/Oct/1851 - 30/Jan/1912)
- Referenced from entry about: Joseph Fleming (19/Oct/1892 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Lillias Fleming (25/May/1889 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Tennant (19/Nov/1857 - 29/Jun/1924)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Wood (about 1827 - before 1871)
- 1901 GILLIE, ANDREW (Census 739/2/20)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Gillie (about 1881 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Andrew Gillie (28/Dec/1868 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Jane Gillie (about 1877 - )
- Referenced from entry about: John Gillie (about 1859 - 14/Oct/1881)
- Referenced from entry about: William Gillie (about 1878 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Elisabeth Pritchard ( - before 1910)
- 1901 GRANT, HUGH & Family (Census 047/2/14 - Page 14 of 33)
- Referenced from entry about: Catherine Grant (about 1900 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Hugh Grant (26/Feb/1863 - 10/Sep/1944)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ann Grant (about 1899 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Annie Mackay (about 1865 - 1/May/1942)
- 1901 HANTON, JAMES & MCKECHNIE JESSIE (Statutory Register Marriages 573/1 420)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Faulds ( - before 1901)
- Referenced from entry about: James Hanton (about 1880 - 20/Apr/1922)
- Referenced from entry about: William Hanton (about 1855 - before 1922)
- Referenced from entry about: Janet McKechnie (about 1879 - 29/Jun/1949)
- 1901 MACKAY, BARBARA & FAMILY (Census 047/2/15)
- Referenced from entry about: Barbara Mackay (about 1854 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Bella Mackay (about 1885 - )
- Referenced from entry about: David Mackay (about 1879 - )
- Referenced from entry about: George Mackay (about 1875 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Kenneth Mackay (about 1813 - bet’ 1891 and 1901)
- Referenced from entry about: Kenneth Mackay (about 1877 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Thomas Mackay (27/Jun/1882 - 9/Nov/1934)
- 1901 MACKAY, JAMES & Family (Census 047/2/14)
- Referenced from entry about: Annie Mackay (15/Dec/1892 - 1918)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Mackay (7/Aug/1860 - after 1923)
- Referenced from entry about: James Mackay (12/Apr/1861 - before 1911)
- Referenced from entry about: John Paul Mackay (13/Mar/1899 - 3/Jul/1969)
- Referenced from entry about: Kenneth Mackay (2/Feb/1895 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Lucy Mackay (23/Sep/1889 - 15/May/1970)
- Referenced from entry about: William Alexander Mackay (24/Feb/1900 - 24/Sep/1982)
- 1901 MACKAY, MARGARET MOYES Statutory registers Births
- Referenced from entry about: Annie Mackay (15/Dec/1892 - 1918)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Mackay (7/Aug/1860 - after 1923)
- Referenced from entry about: James Mackay (12/Apr/1861 - before 1911)
- Referenced from entry about: John Paul Mackay (13/Mar/1899 - 3/Jul/1969)
- Referenced from entry about: Lucy Mackay (23/Sep/1889 - 15/May/1970)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Moyes Mackay (27/Jun/1901 - 1973)
- Referenced from entry about: William Alexander Mackay (24/Feb/1900 - 24/Sep/1982)
- 1901 MATHEWS, GEORGE & FAMILY (Census Warwickshire, Birmingham, All Saints, District 28)
- Referenced from entry about: Alfred G Mathews (about 1892 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Charles A Mathews (about 1899 - )
- Referenced from entry about: George Mathews (about 1863 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Georgina E Mathews (about 1886 - )
- Referenced from entry about: John Albert Mathews (21/Nov/1895 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Eliza Jane Wynn (about 1864 - )
- 1901 NAPIER, DAVID (Statutory Register Deaths 420/ 109)
- Referenced from entry about: David Napier (12/Sep/1835 - 2/Nov/1901)
- 1902 CUMMING, THOMASINA IAN (statutory registers Births 047/55)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexandrina Cumming (30/Mar/1891 - 10/Apr/1987)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald J Cumming (22/Mar/1861 - 28/Feb/1940)
- Referenced from entry about: George Davidson Smith Cumming (31/May/1898 - Aug/1965)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Cumming (21/Jul/1888 - 1/Feb/1986)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (7/Nov/1894 - 2/Jul/1975)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ann Cumming (8/Jan/1893 - 31/Oct/1978)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Ann Cumming (26/Jul/1900 - 8/Oct/1981)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomasina Ian Cumming (24/Nov/1902 - 1/Jun/1973)
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Fraser (18/Sep/1865 - 20/Jun/1946)
- 1902 NAPIER, DAVID (National Probate Index)
- Referenced from entry about: David Napier (12/Sep/1835 - 2/Nov/1901)
- Referenced from entry about: David Napier (7/Apr/1858 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Elizabeth Napier (17/Nov/1866 - )
- 1903 CUMMING, BARBARA-ANN & MACKAY, DONALD (Statutory Registers Marriage 047/ 5)
- Referenced from entry about: Barbara Ann Cumming (30/Aug/1885 - 1977)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (bet’ 1834 and 1841 - 11/Jan/1923)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald Mackay (25/Nov/1876 - 22/Nov/1939)
- Referenced from entry about: William Mackay
- 1903 CUMMING, DONALD (statutory register births 047/25)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald Cumming (4/May/1903 - )
- 1903 ROSS, DONALD W; WALKER, OLLIE E (Michigan Marriage Records)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald Ross (30/Aug/1872 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Ollie E Walker (about 1872 - )
- 1904 CUMMING, CHRISTINA (statutory registers Births 047/55)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexandrina Cumming (30/Mar/1891 - 10/Apr/1987)
- Referenced from entry about: Christine Cumming (15/Dec/1904 - 10/Nov/1996)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald J Cumming (22/Mar/1861 - 28/Feb/1940)
- Referenced from entry about: George Davidson Smith Cumming (31/May/1898 - Aug/1965)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Cumming (21/Jul/1888 - 1/Feb/1986)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (7/Nov/1894 - 2/Jul/1975)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ann Cumming (8/Jan/1893 - 31/Oct/1978)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Ann Cumming (26/Jul/1900 - 8/Oct/1981)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomasina Ian Cumming (24/Nov/1902 - 1/Jun/1973)
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Fraser (18/Sep/1865 - 20/Jun/1946)
- 1905 RAMSAY, JOHN (Statutory Register Births 685/3 391)
- Referenced from entry about: Helen Currie Fisher (29/Nov/1881 - 6/Jun/1953)
- Referenced from entry about: John Morgan Ramsay (31/Mar/1905 - 1967)
- Referenced from entry about: John Ramsay (21/Feb/1880 - 20/Jun/1920)
- 1905 RAMSAY, JOHN (Statutory Register Marriages 685/5 18)
- Referenced from entry about: Helen Currie Fisher (29/Nov/1881 - 6/Jun/1953)
- Referenced from entry about: James Fisher (about 1854 - )
- Referenced from entry about: John Ramsay (about 1852 - )
- Referenced from entry about: John Ramsay (21/Feb/1880 - 20/Jun/1920)
- 1905 ROSS, JOHN (Michigan Death Records)
- Referenced from entry about: John Ross (23/Aug/1868 - 20/Nov/1905)
- 1906 CUMMING, (D/R)ONALD JOHN Statutory Registers Births 047/48
- Referenced from entry about: Alexandrina Cumming (30/Mar/1891 - 10/Apr/1987)
- Referenced from entry about: Christine Cumming (15/Dec/1904 - 10/Nov/1996)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald J Cumming (22/Mar/1861 - 28/Feb/1940)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald John Cumming (29/Nov/1906 - 15/Mar/1986)
- Referenced from entry about: George Davidson Smith Cumming (31/May/1898 - Aug/1965)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Cumming (21/Jul/1888 - 1/Feb/1986)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (7/Nov/1894 - 2/Jul/1975)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ann Cumming (8/Jan/1893 - 31/Oct/1978)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Ann Cumming (26/Jul/1900 - 8/Oct/1981)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomasina Ian Cumming (24/Nov/1902 - 1/Jun/1973)
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Fraser (18/Sep/1865 - 20/Jun/1946)
- 1906 PATERSON, WILLIAM ( 182545128)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Paterson (about 1850 - before 1929)
- Referenced from entry about: William Paterson (about 1823 - 26/Apr/1906)
- 1906 PATERSON, WILLIAM (Statutory Registers Deaths 098/ 163)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Paterson (about 1850 - before 1929)
- Referenced from entry about: William Paterson (about 1823 - 26/Apr/1906)
- 1907 CUMMING, JAMES - General Merchant, The Northern Times
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (bet’ 1834 and 1841 - 11/Jan/1923)
- 1907 RAMSAY, JAMES FISHER (Statutory Register Births 685/3 137)
- Referenced from entry about: Helen Currie Fisher (29/Nov/1881 - 6/Jun/1953)
- Referenced from entry about: James Fisher Ramsay (15/Jan/1907 - 5/Jun/1908)
- Referenced from entry about: John Morgan Ramsay (31/Mar/1905 - 1967)
- Referenced from entry about: John Ramsay (21/Feb/1880 - 20/Jun/1920)
- 1908 RAMSAY, JAMES FISHER (Statutory Regigister Deaths 685/3 246)
- Referenced from entry about: Helen Currie Fisher (29/Nov/1881 - 6/Jun/1953)
- Referenced from entry about: James Fisher Ramsay (15/Jan/1907 - 5/Jun/1908)
- Referenced from entry about: John Morgan Ramsay (31/Mar/1905 - 1967)
- Referenced from entry about: John Ramsay (21/Feb/1880 - 20/Jun/1920)
- 1908 STEAD, CYRIL - Church of England Baptism
- Referenced from entry about: Nancy
- Referenced from entry about: Cyril Stead (11/Mar/1908 - 25/Nov/1980)
- Referenced from entry about: Harry Stead (about 1888 - )
- 1909 CUMMING, JAMES (U.S., Arriving Passenger and Crew Lists, 1820-1963)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (4/Nov/1881 - before 1918)
- 1909 CUMMING, MAGGIE CLARK (Statutory Regisgters Births 047/6)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (4/Nov/1881 - before 1918)
- Referenced from entry about: Maggie Cumming (19/Jan/1909 - )
- 1909 ROSS, MARY ANN (Statutory Register Deaths 047/33)
- Referenced from entry about: Christy Fraser (about 1787 - 13/Jan/1868)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Mackay (about 1779 - 8/Jan/1868)
- Referenced from entry about: Marion Mackay (30/Jun/1821 - 30/Dec/1909)
- Referenced from entry about: Christina Ross (about 1845 - 19/Apr/1916)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ross (5/Nov/1840 - 13/Jan/1918)
- 1910 CUMMINGS, JAMES (Naturalization: Declaration of Intention)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (4/Nov/1881 - before 1918)
- 1910 GARDINER, WILLIAM - Statutory Registers - Births (Index)
- Referenced from entry about: William Gardiner (17/Jul/1910 - 18/Apr/1986)
- 1910 GILLIE, ANDREW (Statutory Registers Marriages 047/3)
- Referenced from entry about: Andrew Gillie (28/Dec/1868 - )
- Referenced from entry about: John Gillie (about 1859 - 14/Oct/1881)
- Referenced from entry about: John Ross (about 1856 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Williamina Ross (22/Aug/1883 - )
- 1910 GILLIE, WILLIAMINA (statutory registers births 047/19)
- Referenced from entry about: Andrew Gillie (28/Dec/1868 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Williamina Gillie (4/Apr/1910 - 4/Nov/2003)
- 1910 MCIVER, HECTOR MCLEAN (Statutory Register Marriages 644/12 6)
- Referenced from entry about: Hector McLean McIver (17/Aug/1878 - 21/Feb/1938)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Paterson McKenzie (26/May/1884 - 5/Apr/1964)
- 1910 MCIVER, RODERICK MCKENZ (Statutory Register Births 644/11 1226)
- Referenced from entry about: Hector McLean McIver (17/Aug/1878 - 21/Feb/1938)
- Referenced from entry about: Roderick McKenzie McIver (22/Oct/1910 - 1999)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Paterson McKenzie (26/May/1884 - 5/Apr/1964)
- 1910 RAMSAY, WILLIAM FISHER (Statutory Registger Births 685/3 926)
- Referenced from entry about: Helen Currie Fisher (29/Nov/1881 - 6/Jun/1953)
- Referenced from entry about: John Morgan Ramsay (31/Mar/1905 - 1967)
- Referenced from entry about: John Ramsay (21/Feb/1880 - 20/Jun/1920)
- Referenced from entry about: William Fisher Ramsay (24/Aug/1910 - )
- 1910 ROSS, ALEXANDER Statutory registers Births 047/50
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Ross (24/Sep/1910 - )
- 1910 WILSON, HENRY H & FAMILY (1910 United States Federal Census)
- Referenced from entry about: Minnie Lenox (15/Apr/1867 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Ella R Wilson (about 1900 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Frieda Belle Wilson (10/Jan/1908 - 4/Jan/1995)
- Referenced from entry about: Henry Wilson (about 1876 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Elizabeth Wilson (about 1905 - 16/Dec/1971)
- Referenced from entry about: Stella K Wilson (about 1902 - )
- 1911 CUMMING, ALEXINA/BELLA & ROSS, ANNIE (Massachusetts, U.S., Arriving Passenger and Crew Lists, 1820-1963)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexandrina Cumming (30/Mar/1891 - 10/Apr/1987)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald J Cumming (22/Mar/1861 - 28/Feb/1940)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Cumming (21/Jul/1888 - 1/Feb/1986)
- Referenced from entry about: John Cumming (about 1873 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Ross (28/Nov/1890 - 27/Jun/1980)
- 1911 CUMMING, DONALD & FAMILY (Census 047/ 3/ 14)
- Referenced from entry about: Christine Cumming (15/Dec/1904 - 10/Nov/1996)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald J Cumming (22/Mar/1861 - 28/Feb/1940)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald John Cumming (29/Nov/1906 - 15/Mar/1986)
- Referenced from entry about: George Davidson Smith Cumming (31/May/1898 - Aug/1965)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (7/Nov/1894 - 2/Jul/1975)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Ann Cumming (26/Jul/1900 - 8/Oct/1981)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomasina Ian Cumming (24/Nov/1902 - 1/Jun/1973)
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Fraser (18/Sep/1865 - 20/Jun/1946)
- 1911 CUMMING, JAMES & JESSIE (Census 047/ 3/ 6)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (bet’ 1834 and 1841 - 11/Jan/1923)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ross (5/Nov/1840 - 13/Jan/1918)
- 1911 FLEMING, JOHN & FAMILY (Census 669/2 1/1)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Carlyle (1907 - )
- Referenced from entry about: John Fleming (11/Mar/1877 - before 1961)
- Referenced from entry about: Agnes Rennie (1878 - 7/Feb/1961)
- 1911 GRANT, HUGH & Family (Census 047/3/8)
- Referenced from entry about: Catherine Grant (about 1900 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Hugh Grant (about 1840 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Hugh Grant (26/Feb/1863 - 10/Sep/1944)
- Referenced from entry about: Jean Grant (30/Jun/1902 - 31/Oct/1971)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ann Grant (about 1899 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Annie Mackay (about 1865 - 1/May/1942)
- 1911 HANTON, JESSIE JOHNSTONE (Statutory Register of Births 644/3 290)
- Referenced from entry about: James Hanton (about 1880 - 20/Apr/1922)
- Referenced from entry about: James Hanton (about 1907 - 1975)
- Referenced from entry about: Jane Hanton (about 1908 - 3/Sep/1930)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Johnstone Hanton (23/Feb/1911 - 1981)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Hanton (about 1902 - 1989)
- Referenced from entry about: William Hanton (about 1904 - 1993)
- Referenced from entry about: Janet McKechnie (about 1879 - 29/Jun/1949)
- 1911 HENDERSON, EDWARD & CUMMING, ELIZABETH (Massachusetts, U.S., Marriage Records, 1840-1915)
- Referenced from entry about: Adam Cumming (2/Jul/1841 - 18/Jan/1926)
- Referenced from entry about: Elizabeth Cumming (about 1882 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Edward Henderson (about 1881 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Mackay (5/Nov/1855 - 21/Apr/1940)
- 1911 MACKAY, BELLA & Family (Census 047/ 3/ 12)
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Mackay (5/Nov/1855 - 21/Apr/1940)
- Referenced from entry about: Annie Mackay (15/Dec/1892 - 1918)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Mackay (7/Aug/1860 - after 1923)
- Referenced from entry about: James Mackay (12/Apr/1861 - before 1911)
- Referenced from entry about: John Paul Mackay (13/Mar/1899 - 3/Jul/1969)
- Referenced from entry about: Kenneth Mackay (2/Feb/1895 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Lucy Mackay (23/Sep/1889 - 15/May/1970)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Moyes Mackay (27/Jun/1901 - 1973)
- Referenced from entry about: William Alexander Mackay (24/Feb/1900 - 24/Sep/1982)
- 1911 MACKAY, DONALD & BARBARA-ANN (Census 047/ 3/ 6)
- Referenced from entry about: Barbara Ann Cumming (30/Aug/1885 - 1977)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald Mackay (25/Nov/1876 - 22/Nov/1939)
- 1911 O’MALLEY, EDWARD & THOMSON, AGNES WATSON (Statutory Registers Marriages 644/1 219)
- Referenced from entry about: Elizabeth Alexander ( - before 1911)
- Referenced from entry about: Edward O’Malley (4/Jan/1890 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Michael O’Malley (about 1851 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Agnes Watson Thomson (about 1892 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Thomas Thomson
- 1911 RAMSAY, JOHN & Family (Census 685/3 59/ 3)
- Referenced from entry about: Helen Currie Fisher (29/Nov/1881 - 6/Jun/1953)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Fisher (about 1889 - )
- Referenced from entry about: John Morgan Ramsay (31/Mar/1905 - 1967)
- Referenced from entry about: John Ramsay (21/Feb/1880 - 20/Jun/1920)
- 1911 STEAD, WILLIAM - 1911 England Census
- Referenced from entry about: Harriet (about 1867 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Albert Stead (1901 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Cyril Stead (11/Mar/1908 - 25/Nov/1980)
- Referenced from entry about: Emily Stead (about 1892 - )
- Referenced from entry about: George Stead (Mar/1911 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Harry Stead (about 1888 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Laura Stead (about 1904 - )
- Referenced from entry about: William Stead (about 1867 - )
- 1912 CRAWFORD, MARY HENDRY (Statutory Register of Births 644/13 385)
- Referenced from entry about: John Crawford ( - before 1936)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Hendry Crawford (22/Mar/1912 - 1991)
- 1912 FLEMING, JOSEPH (The Hamilton Advertiser, 10 FEB 1912, Page 1)
- Referenced from entry about: John Fleming (11/Mar/1877 - before 1961)
- Referenced from entry about: Joseph Fleming (7/Oct/1851 - 30/Jan/1912)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Tennant (19/Nov/1857 - 29/Jun/1924)
- 1912 FRASER, KENNETH (Statutory registers Marriages 047/1)
- Referenced from entry about: Kenneth Fraser (19/Oct/1877 - 9/May/1954)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Mackay (12/Sep/1880 - 7/Feb/1932)
- 1912 HAYES, CLAUDE & RAYMOND, GOLDIE (New York, U.S., County Marriage Records, 1847-1849, 1907-1936)
- Referenced from entry about: Claude Hayes (about 1889 - 30/Jan/1958)
- Referenced from entry about: Goldie Raymond (about 1894 - before 2018)
- 1913 HANTON, ANDREW IRVINE (Statutory Register of Births 644/4 430)
- Referenced from entry about: Andrew Irvine Hanton (19/May/1913 - 9/Aug/1963)
- Referenced from entry about: James Hanton (about 1880 - 20/Apr/1922)
- Referenced from entry about: James Hanton (about 1907 - 1975)
- Referenced from entry about: Jane Hanton (about 1908 - 3/Sep/1930)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Johnstone Hanton (23/Feb/1911 - 1981)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Hanton (about 1902 - 1989)
- Referenced from entry about: William Hanton (about 1904 - 1993)
- Referenced from entry about: Janet McKechnie (about 1879 - 29/Jun/1949)
- 1913 NAPIER, ALEXANDER (Statutory Register Births 426/ 264)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Napier (4/Nov/1872 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Napier (2/May/1913 - 25/Jun/1994)
- 1913 O’MALLEY, THOMAS (Statutory Register Births 644/5 936)
- Referenced from entry about: Edward O’Malley (4/Jan/1890 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Thomas O’Malley (4/Sep/1913 - before 2004)
- Referenced from entry about: Agnes Watson Thomson (about 1892 - )
- 1913 RAMSAY, BRUCE MORGAN (Statutory Register Births 685/3 952)
- Referenced from entry about: Helen Currie Fisher (29/Nov/1881 - 6/Jun/1953)
- Referenced from entry about: Allan Ramsay (1911 - 1932)
- Referenced from entry about: Bruce Morgan Ramsay (10/Oct/1913 - 29/Nov/1965)
- Referenced from entry about: John Morgan Ramsay (31/Mar/1905 - 1967)
- Referenced from entry about: John Ramsay (21/Feb/1880 - 20/Jun/1920)
- 1914 CUMMING, JAMES (01 of 33: Australian Imperial Force - Attestation Paper)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald J Cumming (22/Mar/1861 - 28/Feb/1940)
- 1914 GIBSON, ALASTAIR MACDON (Statutory Register Births 678/7)
- Referenced from entry about: Alastair McDonald Gibson (19/Jan/1914 - 1978)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Gibson (1860 - before 1939)
- Referenced from entry about: Elizabeth Wilson (31/Oct/1872 - about 1942)
- Referenced from entry about: George Davidson Smith Cumming (31/May/1898 - Aug/1965)
- 1915 CUMMINGS, JAMES (Petition for Naturalization)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (4/Nov/1881 - before 1918)
- Referenced from entry about: Maggie Cumming (19/Jan/1909 - )
- 1915 PATON, X MCCONNELL & MCLEOD, JEANIE (Statutory Register Marriages 644/13 176)
- Referenced from entry about: Jeanie McLeod (about 1897 - )
- Referenced from entry about: John Paton
- Referenced from entry about: John Paton (about 1894 - )
- 1916 CUMMING, ALEXINA & ISABELLA/X ANN & X - History Links Archive
- Referenced from entry about: Alexandrina Cumming (30/Mar/1891 - 10/Apr/1987)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Cumming (21/Jul/1888 - 1/Feb/1986)
- 1916 MACDONALD, CHRISTINA (Statutory Register of Deaths 051/7)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander MacDonald (5/Mar/1867 - 5/Sep/1928)
- Referenced from entry about: James MacDonald (about 1842 - 14/Jan/1880)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie MacDonald (7/Jul/1869 - 12/Feb/1941)
- Referenced from entry about: William MacDonald (9/Jan/1865 - 12/May/1898)
- Referenced from entry about: Christina Ross (about 1845 - 19/Apr/1916)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ross (5/Nov/1840 - 13/Jan/1918)
- 1916 PATON, MARGARET MCLEOD (Statutory Register Births 644/14 244)
- Referenced from entry about: Jeanie McLeod (about 1897 - )
- Referenced from entry about: John Paton (about 1894 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret McLeod Paton (14/Mar/1916 - before 2004)
- 1917 MCIVER, MARGARET MCKENZIE (Statutory Register Births 644/13 861)
- Referenced from entry about: Hector McLean McIver (17/Aug/1878 - 21/Feb/1938)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret McKenzie McIver (29/Sep/1917 - 12/Sep/2015)
- Referenced from entry about: Roderick McKenzie McIver (22/Oct/1910 - 1999)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Paterson McKenzie (26/May/1884 - 5/Apr/1964)
- 1918 CAMPBELL, WILLIAM ANDREW & MCTURK, GRACE (Statutory Registers Marriages 813/A 2)
- Referenced from entry about: William Andrew Campbell (2/Jan/1889 - )
- Referenced from entry about: William Campbell ( - before 1918)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander McTurk (about 1854 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Grace McTurk (20/Dec/1886 - )
- 1918 CUMMING, CATHERINE CLARK (U.S., Passport Applications, 1795-1925)
- Referenced from entry about: Catherine Wink Clark (27/Mar/1879 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Barbara Ann Cumming (30/Aug/1885 - 1977)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald J Cumming (22/Mar/1861 - 28/Feb/1940)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (bet’ 1834 and 1841 - 11/Jan/1923)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (4/Nov/1881 - before 1918)
- Referenced from entry about: Marion Cumming (20/May/1863 - 15/Nov/1954)
- Referenced from entry about: James Edward Cummings (18/Jan/1912 - 11/Dec/2003)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ross (5/Nov/1840 - 13/Jan/1918)
- 1918 CUMMING, DONALD; JESSIE ANN - Entry of Marriage
- Referenced from entry about: Donald Cumming (11/Nov/1891 - Dec/1967)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ann Cumming (8/Jan/1893 - 31/Oct/1978)
- 1918 CUMMING, JESSIE (Statutory Register Deaths 047/1)
- Referenced from entry about: Barbara Ann Cumming (30/Aug/1885 - 1977)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald J Cumming (22/Mar/1861 - 28/Feb/1940)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (bet’ 1834 and 1841 - 11/Jan/1923)
- Referenced from entry about: Marion Cumming (20/May/1863 - 15/Nov/1954)
- Referenced from entry about: Marion Mackay (30/Jun/1821 - 30/Dec/1909)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Ross (about 1816 - 20/Jan/1896)
- Referenced from entry about: Christina Ross (about 1845 - 19/Apr/1916)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ross (5/Nov/1840 - 13/Jan/1918)
- 1919 HANTON, JOHNINA (Statutory Register Births 573/1 267)
- Referenced from entry about: Andrew Irvine Hanton (19/May/1913 - 9/Aug/1963)
- Referenced from entry about: James Hanton (about 1880 - 20/Apr/1922)
- Referenced from entry about: James Hanton (about 1907 - 1975)
- Referenced from entry about: Jane Hanton (about 1908 - 3/Sep/1930)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Johnstone Hanton (23/Feb/1911 - 1981)
- Referenced from entry about: Johnina Hanton (12/Feb/1919 - 2000)
- Referenced from entry about: Marion Hanton (about 1916 - 2014)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Hanton (about 1902 - 1989)
- Referenced from entry about: William Hanton (about 1904 - 1993)
- Referenced from entry about: Janet McKechnie (about 1879 - 29/Jun/1949)
- 1919 MACKAY, LUCY Statutory Registers Marriages 644/18 240
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Mackay (5/Nov/1855 - 21/Apr/1940)
- Referenced from entry about: Annie Mackay (15/Dec/1892 - 1918)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Mackay (7/Aug/1860 - after 1923)
- Referenced from entry about: James Mackay (12/Apr/1861 - before 1911)
- Referenced from entry about: John Paul Mackay (13/Mar/1899 - 3/Jul/1969)
- Referenced from entry about: Kenneth Mackay (about 1813 - bet’ 1891 and 1901)
- Referenced from entry about: Lucy Mackay (23/Sep/1889 - 15/May/1970)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Moyes Mackay (27/Jun/1901 - 1973)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomas Mackay (27/Jun/1882 - 9/Nov/1934)
- Referenced from entry about: William Alexander Mackay (24/Feb/1900 - 24/Sep/1982)
- 1919 MACKAY, WILLIAM ALEXANDER - Service in Royal Navy 1/2
- Referenced from entry about: Annie Mackay (15/Dec/1892 - 1918)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Mackay (7/Aug/1860 - after 1923)
- Referenced from entry about: James Mackay (12/Apr/1861 - before 1911)
- Referenced from entry about: John Paul Mackay (13/Mar/1899 - 3/Jul/1969)
- Referenced from entry about: Lucy Mackay (23/Sep/1889 - 15/May/1970)
- Referenced from entry about: William Alexander Mackay (24/Feb/1900 - 24/Sep/1982)
- 1919 MCIVER, HECTOR SPENCE (Statutory registers Births 644/13 326)
- Referenced from entry about: Hector McLean McIver (17/Aug/1878 - 21/Feb/1938)
- Referenced from entry about: Hector Spence McIver (12/Apr/1919 - 27/Jan/2008)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret McKenzie McIver (29/Sep/1917 - 12/Sep/2015)
- Referenced from entry about: Roderick McKenzie McIver (22/Oct/1910 - 1999)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Paterson McKenzie (26/May/1884 - 5/Apr/1964)
- 1920 CAMPBELL, RACHEL SMITH (Statutory registers - Births 832/2)
- Referenced from entry about: Rachel Smith Campbell (6/Jan/1920 - 11/Dec/1998)
- Referenced from entry about: William Andrew Campbell (2/Jan/1889 - )
- 1920 CAMPBELL, RACHEL SMITH (Statutory registers - Births) Index
- Referenced from entry about: Rachel Smith Campbell (6/Jan/1920 - 11/Dec/1998)
- 1920 CUMMING, GEORGE (New York, U.S., Arriving Passenger and Crew Lists (including Castle Garden and Ellis Island), 1820-1957)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexandrina Cumming (30/Mar/1891 - 10/Apr/1987)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald J Cumming (22/Mar/1861 - 28/Feb/1940)
- Referenced from entry about: George Davidson Smith Cumming (31/May/1898 - Aug/1965)
- 1920 CUMMING, JESSIE ANN - Statutory Register - Births Index
- Referenced from entry about: Donald Cumming (11/Nov/1891 - Dec/1967)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ann Cumming (8/Jan/1893 - 31/Oct/1978)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ann Cumming (16/Jun/1920 - 26/Mar/1921)
- 1920 MACKAY, KENNETH (Statutory Registers Births 047/19)
- Referenced from entry about: Kenneth Mackay (28/Mar/1920 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Lucy Mackay (23/Sep/1889 - 15/May/1970)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomas Mackay (27/Jun/1882 - 9/Nov/1934)
- 1920 MATHEWS, JOHN ALBERT & CHRISTINA FLEMING (Statutory Registers Marriages 644/10 1110)
- Referenced from entry about: Christina Fleming (23/Aug/1895 - )
- Referenced from entry about: John Fleming (11/Mar/1877 - before 1961)
- Referenced from entry about: Joseph Fleming (7/Oct/1851 - 30/Jan/1912)
- Referenced from entry about: George Mathews (about 1863 - )
- Referenced from entry about: John Albert Mathews (21/Nov/1895 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Tennant (19/Nov/1857 - 29/Jun/1924)
- 1920 RAMSAY, HELEN FISHER (Statutory registers Births 685/9 413)
- Referenced from entry about: Helen Currie Fisher (29/Nov/1881 - 6/Jun/1953)
- Referenced from entry about: Allan Ramsay (1911 - 1932)
- Referenced from entry about: Bruce Morgan Ramsay (10/Oct/1913 - 29/Nov/1965)
- Referenced from entry about: Douglas Ramsay (1918 - 1993)
- Referenced from entry about: Helen Fisher Ramsay (28/Sep/1920 - 15/Oct/2015)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Ramsay (1916 - 1974)
- Referenced from entry about: John Morgan Ramsay (31/Mar/1905 - 1967)
- Referenced from entry about: John Ramsay (21/Feb/1880 - 20/Jun/1920)
- 1920 RAMSAY, JOHN (British Newspaper Archive, Family Notices)
- Referenced from entry about: Helen Currie Fisher (29/Nov/1881 - 6/Jun/1953)
- Referenced from entry about: Allan Ramsay (1911 - 1932)
- Referenced from entry about: Bruce Morgan Ramsay (10/Oct/1913 - 29/Nov/1965)
- Referenced from entry about: Douglas Ramsay (1918 - 1993)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Ramsay (1916 - 1974)
- Referenced from entry about: John Morgan Ramsay (31/Mar/1905 - 1967)
- Referenced from entry about: John Ramsay (21/Feb/1880 - 20/Jun/1920)
- 1920 RAMSAY, JOHN (Statutory Register Deaths 685/5 634)
- Referenced from entry about: Helen Currie Fisher (29/Nov/1881 - 6/Jun/1953)
- Referenced from entry about: John Fisher (about 1892 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Allan Ramsay (1911 - 1932)
- Referenced from entry about: Bruce Morgan Ramsay (10/Oct/1913 - 29/Nov/1965)
- Referenced from entry about: Douglas Ramsay (1918 - 1993)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Ramsay (1916 - 1974)
- Referenced from entry about: John Morgan Ramsay (31/Mar/1905 - 1967)
- Referenced from entry about: John Ramsay (21/Feb/1880 - 20/Jun/1920)
- 1920 ROBERTS, FRED & FAMILY (1920 United States Federal Census)
- Referenced from entry about: Mae Farnham (about 1872 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Donald F Roberts (about 1898 - before 1990)
- Referenced from entry about: Frederick B Roberts (about 1868 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Janet Roberts (about 1913 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Malcolm DeWitt Roberts (30/Sep/1905 - 6/May/1990)
- 1920 ROSS, ANNIE C (Certificate of Arrival)
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Ross (28/Nov/1890 - 27/Jun/1980)
- 1921 CAMPBELL, WILLIAM A & HOUSEHOLD (Census 840/ 4/ 2)
- Referenced from entry about: Rachel Smith Campbell (6/Jan/1920 - 11/Dec/1998)
- Referenced from entry about: William Andrew Campbell (2/Jan/1889 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Grace McTurk (20/Dec/1886 - )
- 1921 CUMMING DONALD, JESSIE, JESSIE & THOMASINA - Passenger and Crew Lists
- Referenced from entry about: Donald Cumming
- Referenced from entry about: Donald Cumming (11/Nov/1891 - Dec/1967)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald J Cumming (22/Mar/1861 - 28/Feb/1940)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ann Cumming (16/Jun/1920 - 26/Mar/1921)
- Referenced from entry about: John Cumming (about 1873 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Thomasina Ian Cumming (24/Nov/1902 - 1/Jun/1973)
- 1921 CUMMING, DONALD - Massachusetts, State and Federal Naturalization Records
- Referenced from entry about: Donald Cumming (17/Dec/1889 - )
- 1921 CUMMING, DONALD & Household (National Records of Scotland Census 047/ 3/ 11)
- Referenced from entry about: Christine Cumming (15/Dec/1904 - 10/Nov/1996)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald J Cumming (22/Mar/1861 - 28/Feb/1940)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald John Cumming (29/Nov/1906 - 15/Mar/1986)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Ann Cumming (26/Jul/1900 - 8/Oct/1981)
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Fraser (18/Sep/1865 - 20/Jun/1946)
- 1921 CUMMING, JESSIE - New York Municipal Deaths
- Referenced from entry about: Donald Cumming (11/Nov/1891 - Dec/1967)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ann Cumming (8/Jan/1893 - 31/Oct/1978)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ann Cumming (16/Jun/1920 - 26/Mar/1921)
- 1921 FALLOON, HANNA ELDER (Statutory Registers Births 628/ 944)
- Referenced from entry about: Hannah Elder Falloon (7/Dec/1921 - 1982)
- Referenced from entry about: William John Falloon
- 1921 HANTON, JAMES & Family (Census 573/1 56/ 40)
- Referenced from entry about: Andrew Irvine Hanton (19/May/1913 - 9/Aug/1963)
- Referenced from entry about: James Hanton (about 1880 - 20/Apr/1922)
- Referenced from entry about: James Hanton (about 1907 - 1975)
- Referenced from entry about: Jane Hanton (about 1908 - 3/Sep/1930)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Johnstone Hanton (23/Feb/1911 - 1981)
- Referenced from entry about: John Hanton (2/Jan/1921 - 2009)
- Referenced from entry about: Johnina Hanton (12/Feb/1919 - 2000)
- Referenced from entry about: Marion Hanton (about 1916 - 2014)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Hanton (about 1902 - 1989)
- Referenced from entry about: William Hanton (about 1855 - before 1922)
- Referenced from entry about: William Hanton (about 1904 - 1993)
- Referenced from entry about: Jane Johnston (about 1859 - before 1922)
- Referenced from entry about: Janet McKechnie (about 1879 - 29/Jun/1949)
- 1921 HANTON, JOHN (Statutory Register Births 573/1 135)
- Referenced from entry about: Andrew Irvine Hanton (19/May/1913 - 9/Aug/1963)
- Referenced from entry about: James Hanton (about 1880 - 20/Apr/1922)
- Referenced from entry about: James Hanton (about 1907 - 1975)
- Referenced from entry about: Jane Hanton (about 1908 - 3/Sep/1930)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Johnstone Hanton (23/Feb/1911 - 1981)
- Referenced from entry about: John Hanton (2/Jan/1921 - 2009)
- Referenced from entry about: Johnina Hanton (12/Feb/1919 - 2000)
- Referenced from entry about: Marion Hanton (about 1916 - 2014)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Hanton (about 1902 - 1989)
- Referenced from entry about: William Hanton (about 1904 - 1993)
- Referenced from entry about: Janet McKechnie (about 1879 - 29/Jun/1949)
- 1921 HAWTHORNE, THOMAS and SMITH, ALICE (Statutory Register Marriages 639/ 134)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomas Hawthorn (28/Jun/1888 - before 1946)
- Referenced from entry about: William Hawthorn (about 1847 - before 1921)
- Referenced from entry about: Hannah O’Donnell (about 1857 - before 1921)
- Referenced from entry about: Alice Smith (about 1890 - )
- Referenced from entry about: John Smith
- 1921 MCIVER, HECTOR MCLEAN & Family (Census 644/13 47/ 15)
- Referenced from entry about: Hector McLean McIver (17/Aug/1878 - 21/Feb/1938)
- Referenced from entry about: Hector Spence McIver (12/Apr/1919 - 27/Jan/2008)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret McKenzie McIver (29/Sep/1917 - 12/Sep/2015)
- Referenced from entry about: Roderick McKenzie McIver (22/Oct/1910 - 1999)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Paterson McKenzie (26/May/1884 - 5/Apr/1964)
- 1921 NAPIER, ALEXANDER & Family (Census 442/ 39/ 31)
- Referenced from entry about: Janet Dalrymple (about 1876 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Napier (4/Nov/1872 - )
- Referenced from entry about: David Napier (about 1901 - )
- Referenced from entry about: John Napier (about 1905 - )
- 1921 RAMSAY, HELEN CURRIE & Family (Census 685/9 2/ 15)
- Referenced from entry about: Helen Currie Fisher (29/Nov/1881 - 6/Jun/1953)
- Referenced from entry about: Allan Ramsay (1911 - 1932)
- Referenced from entry about: Bruce Morgan Ramsay (10/Oct/1913 - 29/Nov/1965)
- Referenced from entry about: Douglas Ramsay (1918 - 1993)
- Referenced from entry about: Helen Fisher Ramsay (28/Sep/1920 - 15/Oct/2015)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Ramsay (1916 - 1974)
- Referenced from entry about: John Morgan Ramsay (31/Mar/1905 - 1967)
- 1922 HANTON, JAMES (Statutory Register of Deaths 573/1 789)
- Referenced from entry about: Andrew Irvine Hanton (19/May/1913 - 9/Aug/1963)
- Referenced from entry about: James Hanton (about 1880 - 20/Apr/1922)
- Referenced from entry about: James Hanton (about 1907 - 1975)
- Referenced from entry about: Jane Hanton (about 1908 - 3/Sep/1930)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Johnstone Hanton (23/Feb/1911 - 1981)
- Referenced from entry about: John Hanton (2/Jan/1921 - 2009)
- Referenced from entry about: Johnina Hanton (12/Feb/1919 - 2000)
- Referenced from entry about: Marion Hanton (about 1916 - 2014)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Hanton (about 1902 - 1989)
- Referenced from entry about: William Hanton (about 1855 - before 1922)
- Referenced from entry about: William Hanton (about 1904 - 1993)
- Referenced from entry about: Jane Johnston (about 1859 - before 1922)
- Referenced from entry about: Janet McKechnie (about 1879 - 29/Jun/1949)
- 1922 NAPIER, Alexander (Rosyth Dockyard Employee Books)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Napier (4/Nov/1872 - )
- 1923 CUMMING, DONALD, JESSIE, THOMASINA - Cambridge Massachusetts City Directory
- Referenced from entry about: Donald Cumming (11/Nov/1891 - Dec/1967)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ann Cumming (8/Jan/1893 - 31/Oct/1978)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomasina Ian Cumming (24/Nov/1902 - 1/Jun/1973)
- 1923 CUMMING, JAMES (Statutory Registers Deaths 047/1)
- Referenced from entry about: Adam Cumming (2/Jul/1841 - 18/Jan/1926)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Cumming (1833 - 7/May/1884)
- Referenced from entry about: Barbara Ann Cumming (30/Aug/1885 - 1977)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald Cumming (about 1806 - 2/Oct/1875)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald J Cumming (22/Mar/1861 - 28/Feb/1940)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (bet’ 1834 and 1841 - 11/Jan/1923)
- Referenced from entry about: Marion Cumming (20/May/1863 - 15/Nov/1954)
- Referenced from entry about: Kate MacDonald (about 1807 - 29/Oct/1875)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ross (5/Nov/1840 - 13/Jan/1918)
- 1923 MACKAY, KENNETH (Canada, Ocean Arrivals (Form 30A), 1919-1927)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Mackay (7/Aug/1860 - after 1923)
- Referenced from entry about: John Paul Mackay (13/Mar/1899 - 3/Jul/1969)
- Referenced from entry about: Kenneth Mackay (2/Feb/1895 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Lucy Mackay (23/Sep/1889 - 15/May/1970)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Moyes Mackay (27/Jun/1901 - 1973)
- Referenced from entry about: William Alexander Mackay (24/Feb/1900 - 24/Sep/1982)
- 1924 CUMMING, JOHN & PREDENDALL, CARRIE (New York, U.S., County Marriage Records)
- Referenced from entry about: John Cumming (10/Oct/1895 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Carrie Elizabeth Predendall (about 1901 - )
- 1924 MCIVER, THOMAS CLEPHAN (Statutory Register Births Index 644/13 507)
- Referenced from entry about: Hector McLean McIver (17/Aug/1878 - 21/Feb/1938)
- Referenced from entry about: Hector Spence McIver (12/Apr/1919 - 27/Jan/2008)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret McKenzie McIver (29/Sep/1917 - 12/Sep/2015)
- Referenced from entry about: Roderick McKenzie McIver (22/Oct/1910 - 1999)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomas Clephan McIver (1924 - 2019)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Paterson McKenzie (26/May/1884 - 5/Apr/1964)
- 1924 MCKNIGHT, RICHARD & FERN, ANNIE (Statutory Registers Marriages 625/2 45)
- Referenced from entry about: Annie Fern (about 1903 - before 1946)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomas Fern
- Referenced from entry about: Mary McKnight (about 1924 - about 1991)
- Referenced from entry about: Richard McKnight (27/Apr/1895 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Thomas McKnight (about 1856 - 8/Aug/1897)
- 1926 CUMMING, ADAM (Satutory Registers DEATHS 047/4)
- Referenced from entry about: Adam Cumming (2/Jul/1841 - 18/Jan/1926)
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Mackay (5/Nov/1855 - 21/Apr/1940)
- 1926 GRANT, JEAN (New York, U.S., Arriving Passenger and Crew Lists (including Castle Garden and Ellis Island), 1820-1957)
- Referenced from entry about: Hugh Grant (26/Feb/1863 - 10/Sep/1944)
- Referenced from entry about: Jean Grant (30/Jun/1902 - 31/Oct/1971)
- 1927 ROBERTS, MALCOLM D & WILSON, MARY E (New York State, Marriage Index, 1881-1967)
- Referenced from entry about: Malcolm DeWitt Roberts (30/Sep/1905 - 6/May/1990)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Elizabeth Wilson (about 1905 - 16/Dec/1971)
- 1928 GILLIE, WILLIAMINA (statutory registers marriages 098/A99)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexandrina Cumming (30/Mar/1891 - 10/Apr/1987)
- Referenced from entry about: Christine Cumming (15/Dec/1904 - 10/Nov/1996)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald J Cumming (22/Mar/1861 - 28/Feb/1940)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald John Cumming (29/Nov/1906 - 15/Mar/1986)
- Referenced from entry about: George Davidson Smith Cumming (31/May/1898 - Aug/1965)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Cumming (21/Jul/1888 - 1/Feb/1986)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (7/Nov/1894 - 2/Jul/1975)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ann Cumming (8/Jan/1893 - 31/Oct/1978)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Ann Cumming (26/Jul/1900 - 8/Oct/1981)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomasina Ian Cumming (24/Nov/1902 - 1/Jun/1973)
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Fraser (18/Sep/1865 - 20/Jun/1946)
- Referenced from entry about: Andrew Gillie (28/Dec/1868 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Williamina Gillie (4/Apr/1910 - 4/Nov/2003)
- 1928 MACDONALD, ALEXANDER (Statutory Register Deaths 051/ 23)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander MacDonald (5/Mar/1867 - 5/Sep/1928)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie MacDonald (7/Jul/1869 - 12/Feb/1941)
- 1928 MATHEWS, ROBERT D R (England and Wales Birth Registration Index, 1837-2008)
- Referenced from entry about: Robert Dennis R Mathews (6/Sep/1928 - 11/Feb/2009)
- 1928 MATHEWS, ROBERT D.R. (England & Wales, Civil Registration Birth Index, 1916-2007)
- Referenced from entry about: Robert Dennis R Mathews (6/Sep/1928 - 11/Feb/2009)
- 1928 MITCHELL, ANNIE CONSTANCE ROSS (Declaration of Intention)
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Ross (28/Nov/1890 - 27/Jun/1980)
- 1929 MCKENZIE, RODERICK (Statutory Registers Death 644/11 122)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Paterson McKenzie (26/May/1884 - 5/Apr/1964)
- Referenced from entry about: Roderick McKenzie (about 1851 - 23/Jan/1929)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Paterson (about 1850 - before 1929)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald Cumming (11/Nov/1891 - Dec/1967)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald James Cumming (19/Jan/1922 - 16/Jan/1976)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabelle Anne Cumming (29/Jul/1923 - )
- 1930 CUMMING, GEORGE / ALEXINA / THOMASINA / CHRISTINE - 1930 United States Federal Census
- Referenced from entry about: Alexandrina Cumming (30/Mar/1891 - 10/Apr/1987)
- Referenced from entry about: Christine Cumming (15/Dec/1904 - 10/Nov/1996)
- Referenced from entry about: George Davidson Smith Cumming (31/May/1898 - Aug/1965)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomasina Ian Cumming (24/Nov/1902 - 1/Jun/1973)
- 1930 GRANT, JEAN & CATHERINE (1930 United States Federal Census)
- Referenced from entry about: Catherine Grant (about 1900 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Jean Grant (30/Jun/1902 - 31/Oct/1971)
- 1930 HANTON, JANE (Statutory Register of Deaths 572/1 36)
- Referenced from entry about: Andrew Irvine Hanton (19/May/1913 - 9/Aug/1963)
- Referenced from entry about: James Hanton (about 1880 - 20/Apr/1922)
- Referenced from entry about: James Hanton (about 1907 - 1975)
- Referenced from entry about: Jane Hanton (about 1908 - 3/Sep/1930)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Johnstone Hanton (23/Feb/1911 - 1981)
- Referenced from entry about: John Hanton (2/Jan/1921 - 2009)
- Referenced from entry about: Johnina Hanton (12/Feb/1919 - 2000)
- Referenced from entry about: Marion Hanton (about 1916 - 2014)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Hanton (about 1902 - 1989)
- Referenced from entry about: William Hanton (about 1904 - 1993)
- Referenced from entry about: Janet McKechnie (about 1879 - 29/Jun/1949)
- 1930 MACKAY, MARION C - U.S. Border Crossings from Canada to U.S.
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Cumming (21/Jul/1888 - 1/Feb/1986)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Ann Cumming (26/Jul/1900 - 8/Oct/1981)
- Referenced from entry about: William Alexander Mackay (24/Feb/1900 - 24/Sep/1982)
- 1930 MACKAY, WILLIAM ALEXANDER - Marriage to Mary Ann Cumming
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Ann Cumming (26/Jul/1900 - 8/Oct/1981)
- Referenced from entry about: William Alexander Mackay (24/Feb/1900 - 24/Sep/1982)
- 1930 MCLEAN/GRANT (Michigan, U.S., Marriage Records, 1867-1952)
- Referenced from entry about: Catherine Grant (about 1900 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Arthur Fred McLean (about 1901 - )
- 1930 MITCHELL, ANNIE CONSTANCE (Petition for Citizenship)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald Charles Mitchell (26/Mar/1929 - 12/Mar/1982)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomas Mitchell (2/Feb/1891 - 4/May/1972)
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Ross (28/Nov/1890 - 27/Jun/1980)
- 1930 REID, THOMAS - 1930 United States Federal Census
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Cumming (21/Jul/1888 - 1/Feb/1986)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomas Mitchell Reid (14/Jan/1893 - 10/May/1974)
- 1930 WATSON, JOHN BLUE; HANTON, JESSIE JOHNSTONE (Statutory Registers of Marriages 573/1 70)
- Referenced from entry about: Katherine Bode ( - before 1930)
- Referenced from entry about: Andrew Irvine Hanton (19/May/1913 - 9/Aug/1963)
- Referenced from entry about: James Hanton (about 1880 - 20/Apr/1922)
- Referenced from entry about: James Hanton (about 1907 - 1975)
- Referenced from entry about: Jane Hanton (about 1908 - 3/Sep/1930)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Johnstone Hanton (23/Feb/1911 - 1981)
- Referenced from entry about: John Hanton (2/Jan/1921 - 2009)
- Referenced from entry about: Johnina Hanton (12/Feb/1919 - 2000)
- Referenced from entry about: Marion Hanton (about 1916 - 2014)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Hanton (about 1902 - 1989)
- Referenced from entry about: William Hanton (about 1904 - 1993)
- Referenced from entry about: Janet McKechnie (about 1879 - 29/Jun/1949)
- Referenced from entry about: John Blue Watson (about 1909 - 9/Jun/1963)
- Referenced from entry about: John Watson ( - before 1963)
- 1931 CUMMING, WILMA MAY (Statutory Register Births Index 685/10 860)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (7/Nov/1894 - 2/Jul/1975)
- Referenced from entry about: Wilma May Cumming (9/Nov/1931 - 12/Sep/2009)
- Referenced from entry about: Williamina Gillie (4/Apr/1910 - 4/Nov/2003)
- 1931 MACKAY, WILLIAM ALEXANDER - Incomming Passenger Lists, Glasgow Scotland
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Ann Cumming (26/Jul/1900 - 8/Oct/1981)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald James Mackay (1931 - 29/Dec/2011)
- Referenced from entry about: William Alexander Mackay (24/Feb/1900 - 24/Sep/1982)
- 1931 MACKAY, WILLIAM; MARY ANN; DONALD JAMES (Seventh Census of Canada, Ontario, Toronto Scarborough 160)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Ann Cumming (26/Jul/1900 - 8/Oct/1981)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald James Mackay (1931 - 29/Dec/2011)
- Referenced from entry about: William Alexander Mackay (24/Feb/1900 - 24/Sep/1982)
- 1932 FRASER, JESSIE (Statutory Registers Deaths 047/3)
- Referenced from entry about: Kenneth Fraser (19/Oct/1877 - 9/May/1954)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Mackay (12/Sep/1880 - 7/Feb/1932)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Fraser (31/Aug/1898 - 17/Feb/1966)
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Fraser (18/Sep/1865 - 20/Jun/1946)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomas Fraser (12/Aug/1869 - 20/Apr/1932)
- Referenced from entry about: Jane Mackay (about 1872 - after 1934)
- 1932 X, X X Statutory Registers - Births Index
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Ann Cumming (26/Jul/1900 - 8/Oct/1981)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald James Mackay (1931 - 29/Dec/2011)
- Referenced from entry about: William Alexander Mackay (24/Feb/1900 - 24/Sep/1982)
- 1932 STEAD, CYRIL & FAWLEY CLARA (England & Wales, Civil Registration Marriage Index, 1916-2005)
- Referenced from entry about: Clara Fawley (20/Apr/1912 - 12/Aug/1993)
- Referenced from entry about: Cyril Stead (11/Mar/1908 - 25/Nov/1980)
- 1933 CUMMING, DONALD & ALEXANDRINA (New York, U.S., Arriving Passenger and Crew Lists)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexandrina Cumming (30/Mar/1891 - 10/Apr/1987)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald J Cumming (22/Mar/1861 - 28/Feb/1940)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald John Cumming (29/Nov/1906 - 15/Mar/1986)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Cumming (21/Jul/1888 - 1/Feb/1986)
- 1933 GRANT, JEAN (UK and Ireland, Incoming Passenger Lists, 1878-1960)
- Referenced from entry about: Jean Grant (30/Jun/1902 - 31/Oct/1971)
- 1933 HANTON, JAMES & FLOOD, MARY ELIZABETH (Statutory Register of Marriages 573/1 596)
- Referenced from entry about: James Flood
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Elizabeth Flood (about 1921 - )
- Referenced from entry about: James Hanton (about 1907 - 1975)
- 1933 MITCHELL, ANNIE & DONALD CHARLES (Massachusetts, U.S., Arriving Passenger and Crew Lists, 1820-1963)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald Charles Mitchell (26/Mar/1929 - 12/Mar/1982)
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Ross (28/Nov/1890 - 27/Jun/1980)
- 1934 CUMMING, DONALD JOHN, Declaration of Intention
- Referenced from entry about: Donald John Cumming (29/Nov/1906 - 15/Mar/1986)
- 1934 FRASER, ALEXANDER (Statutory Registers Marriages 047/1)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Fraser (31/Aug/1898 - 17/Feb/1966)
- Referenced from entry about: Hugh Grant (26/Feb/1863 - 10/Sep/1944)
- Referenced from entry about: Jean Grant (30/Jun/1902 - 31/Oct/1971)
- Referenced from entry about: Annie Mackay (about 1865 - 1/May/1942)
- Referenced from entry about: Jane Mackay (about 1872 - after 1934)
- 1934 MACKAY, MARGARET MOYES (statutory registers Marriages 047/2)
- Referenced from entry about: Kenneth Fraser (19/Oct/1877 - 9/May/1954)
- Referenced from entry about: John Paul Mackay (13/Mar/1899 - 3/Jul/1969)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Moyes Mackay (27/Jun/1901 - 1973)
- 1934 MACKAY, THOMAS (The Donaldson Line Limited - SS Gregalia)
- Referenced from entry about: Lucy Mackay (23/Sep/1889 - 15/May/1970)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomas Mackay (27/Jun/1882 - 9/Nov/1934)
- 1934 MCKAY, THOMAS (Statutory Register Deaths 030/MR 342)
- Referenced from entry about: Lucy Mackay (23/Sep/1889 - 15/May/1970)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomas Mackay (27/Jun/1882 - 9/Nov/1934)
- 1935 HANTON, X; MCAUGHTRIE, MARY HOUSTON (Statutory Register of Marriages 573/1 456)
- Referenced from entry about: Andrew Irvine Hanton (19/May/1913 - 9/Aug/1963)
- Referenced from entry about: William Hanton (about 1904 - 1993)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella McAughtrie
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Houston McAughtrie (about 1918 - )
- 1935 MACKAY, ALEXINA (Extract of an entry from the Register of Births)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Ann Cumming (26/Jul/1900 - 8/Oct/1981)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexina Mackay (11/Jan/1935 - 1935)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald James Mackay (1931 - 29/Dec/2011)
- Referenced from entry about: William Alexander Mackay (24/Feb/1900 - 24/Sep/1982)
- 1936 CUMMING, GEORGE - Certificate of Arrival
- Referenced from entry about: George Davidson Smith Cumming (31/May/1898 - Aug/1965)
- 1936 CUMMING, GEORGE Davidson Smith Cumming
- Referenced from entry about: George Davidson Smith Cumming (31/May/1898 - Aug/1965)
- 1936 MACKAY, JOHN PAUL (List or manifest of aliens employed on the vessel as members of crew)
- Referenced from entry about: John Paul Mackay (13/Mar/1899 - 3/Jul/1969)
- 1936 MACKAY, JOHN PAUL (Statutory Registers Marriages 047/8)
- Referenced from entry about: Catherine Mackay (3/Sep/1900 - )
- Referenced from entry about: John Paul Mackay (13/Mar/1899 - 3/Jul/1969)
- 1936 MCIVER, RODERICK MCKENZIE & CRAWFORD, MARY HENDRY (Statutory Register of Marriages 644/10 169)
- Referenced from entry about: John Crawford ( - before 1936)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Hendry Crawford (22/Mar/1912 - 1991)
- Referenced from entry about: Agnes Gibb Hendry ( - after 1936)
- Referenced from entry about: Roderick McKenzie McIver (22/Oct/1910 - 1999)
- Referenced from entry about: George Davidson Smith Cumming (31/May/1898 - Aug/1965)
- 1937 FRASER, ANNA CATHERINE (Statutory Registers Births 047/20)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Fraser (31/Aug/1898 - 17/Feb/1966)
- Referenced from entry about: Anna Catherine Fraser (28/Aug/1937 - 1992)
- Referenced from entry about: Jean Grant (30/Jun/1902 - 31/Oct/1971)
- 1937 STEAD, NORMAN - Birth -
- Referenced from entry about: Clara Fawley (20/Apr/1912 - 12/Aug/1993)
- Referenced from entry about: Albert Stead (about 1934 - 22/Aug/1938)
- Referenced from entry about: Cyril Stead (11/Mar/1908 - 25/Nov/1980)
- Referenced from entry about: Lawrence Stead (29/Nov/1933 - Mar/1989)
- Referenced from entry about: Norman Stead (Oct/1937 - 2011)
- 1937 STEAD, NORMAN - Birth Index
- Referenced from entry about: Clara Fawley (20/Apr/1912 - 12/Aug/1993)
- Referenced from entry about: Albert Stead (about 1934 - 22/Aug/1938)
- Referenced from entry about: Cyril Stead (11/Mar/1908 - 25/Nov/1980)
- Referenced from entry about: Lawrence Stead (29/Nov/1933 - Mar/1989)
- Referenced from entry about: Norman Stead (Oct/1937 - 2011)
- 1937, CUMMING, DONALD JOHN - Petition for Naturalization
- Referenced from entry about: Donald John Cumming (29/Nov/1906 - 15/Mar/1986)
- 1938 - CUMMING, DONALD - Certificate of Arrival
- Referenced from entry about: Donald Cumming (11/Nov/1891 - Dec/1967)
- 1938 CUMMING, DONALD - Declaration of Intent
- Referenced from entry about: Donald Cumming (11/Nov/1891 - Dec/1967)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald James Cumming (19/Jan/1922 - 16/Jan/1976)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabelle Anne Cumming (29/Jul/1923 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ann Cumming (8/Jan/1893 - 31/Oct/1978)
- 1938 CUMMING, JESSIE - Certificate of Arrival
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ann Cumming (8/Jan/1893 - 31/Oct/1978)
- 1938 CUMMING, JESSIE ANNE - Naturalisation, Declaration of Intent
- Referenced from entry about: Alexandrina Cumming (30/Mar/1891 - 10/Apr/1987)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald Cumming (11/Nov/1891 - Dec/1967)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald J Cumming (22/Mar/1861 - 28/Feb/1940)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald James Cumming (19/Jan/1922 - 16/Jan/1976)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Cumming (21/Jul/1888 - 1/Feb/1986)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabelle Anne Cumming (29/Jul/1923 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ann Cumming (8/Jan/1893 - 31/Oct/1978)
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Fraser (18/Sep/1865 - 20/Jun/1946)
- 1938 MACKAY, ANNA JESSIE (Statutory Registers Births 075/ 2)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Ann Cumming (26/Jul/1900 - 8/Oct/1981)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald James Mackay (1931 - 29/Dec/2011)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Mackay (1/Jan/1936 - 19/Dec/2019)
- Referenced from entry about: William Alexander Mackay (24/Feb/1900 - 24/Sep/1982)
- Referenced from entry about: Anna Jessie MacKay (7/Jul/1938 - 12/Mar/2021)
- 1938 MCIVER, HECTOR (Statutory register Deaths 685/2 145)
- Referenced from entry about: Hector McLean McIver (17/Aug/1878 - 21/Feb/1938)
- Referenced from entry about: Hector Spence McIver (12/Apr/1919 - 27/Jan/2008)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret McKenzie McIver (29/Sep/1917 - 12/Sep/2015)
- Referenced from entry about: Roderick McKenzie McIver (22/Oct/1910 - 1999)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomas Clephan McIver (1924 - 2019)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Paterson McKenzie (26/May/1884 - 5/Apr/1964)
- 1938 STEAD, ALBERT (
- Referenced from entry about: Clara Fawley (20/Apr/1912 - 12/Aug/1993)
- Referenced from entry about: Albert Stead (about 1934 - 22/Aug/1938)
- Referenced from entry about: Cyril Stead (11/Mar/1908 - 25/Nov/1980)
- Referenced from entry about: Lawrence Stead (29/Nov/1933 - Mar/1989)
- Referenced from entry about: Norman Stead (Oct/1937 - 2011)
- 1939 CUMMING, CHRISTINE: Certificate of Arrival
- Referenced from entry about: Christine Cumming (15/Dec/1904 - 10/Nov/1996)
- 1939 CUMMING, CHRISTINE: Declaration of Intention
- Referenced from entry about: Christine Cumming (15/Dec/1904 - 10/Nov/1996)
- 1939 CUMMING, GEORGE DAVIDSON SMITH - Petition for Naturalization
- Referenced from entry about: George Davidson Smith Cumming (31/May/1898 - Aug/1965)
- 1939 GIBSON, ALASTAIR MCDONA (Statutory Registers Marriages 685/1 345)
- Referenced from entry about: Alastair McDonald Gibson (19/Jan/1914 - 1978)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Gibson (1860 - before 1939)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret McKenzie McIver (29/Sep/1917 - 12/Sep/2015)
- Referenced from entry about: Elizabeth Wilson (31/Oct/1872 - about 1942)
- Referenced from entry about: Barbara Ann Cumming (30/Aug/1885 - 1977)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald Mackay (25/Nov/1876 - 22/Nov/1939)
- 1939 X, JOHN A & FAMILY (1939 England and Wales Register)
- Referenced from entry about: Christina Fleming (23/Aug/1895 - )
- Referenced from entry about: John Albert Mathews (21/Nov/1895 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Joseph Mathews (15/Jun/1922 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Robert Dennis R Mathews (6/Sep/1928 - 11/Feb/2009)
- 1939 O’MALLEY, THOMAS (Statutory registers Marriages 644/10 421)
- Referenced from entry about: Edward O’Malley (4/Jan/1890 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Thomas O’Malley (4/Sep/1913 - before 2004)
- Referenced from entry about: John Paton (about 1894 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret McLeod Paton (14/Mar/1916 - before 2004)
- 1939 X, X & SIMONET, VIRGINIA (Connecticut, U.S., Marriage Records, 1897-1968)
- Referenced from entry about: Virginia C Simonet (14/Apr/1918 - 5/Mar/1998)
- 1939 STEAD, CYRIL & FAMILY (1939 England and Wales Register)
- Referenced from entry about: Clara Fawley (20/Apr/1912 - 12/Aug/1993)
- Referenced from entry about: Cyril Stead (11/Mar/1908 - 25/Nov/1980)
- Referenced from entry about: Lawrence Stead (29/Nov/1933 - Mar/1989)
- Referenced from entry about: Norman Stead (Oct/1937 - 2011)
- 1940 CUMMING, ALEXINA, GEORGE, THOMASINA, & CHRISTINE - 1940 United States Federal Census
- Referenced from entry about: Alexandrina Cumming (30/Mar/1891 - 10/Apr/1987)
- Referenced from entry about: Christine Cumming (15/Dec/1904 - 10/Nov/1996)
- Referenced from entry about: George Davidson Smith Cumming (31/May/1898 - Aug/1965)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomasina Ian Cumming (24/Nov/1902 - 1/Jun/1973)
- 1940 CUMMING, DONALD (Statutory Register Deaths 047/12)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexandrina Cumming (30/Mar/1891 - 10/Apr/1987)
- Referenced from entry about: Barbara Ann Cumming (30/Aug/1885 - 1977)
- Referenced from entry about: Christine Cumming (15/Dec/1904 - 10/Nov/1996)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald J Cumming (22/Mar/1861 - 28/Feb/1940)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald John Cumming (29/Nov/1906 - 15/Mar/1986)
- Referenced from entry about: George Davidson Smith Cumming (31/May/1898 - Aug/1965)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Cumming (21/Jul/1888 - 1/Feb/1986)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (7/Nov/1894 - 2/Jul/1975)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ann Cumming (8/Jan/1893 - 31/Oct/1978)
- Referenced from entry about: Marion Cumming (20/May/1863 - 15/Nov/1954)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Ann Cumming (26/Jul/1900 - 8/Oct/1981)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomasina Ian Cumming (24/Nov/1902 - 1/Jun/1973)
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Fraser (18/Sep/1865 - 20/Jun/1946)
- 1940 CUMMING, DONALD JOHN - U.S. WWII Draft Cards Young Men, 1940-1947
- Referenced from entry about: Donald John Cumming (29/Nov/1906 - 15/Mar/1986)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Cumming (21/Jul/1888 - 1/Feb/1986)
- 1940 LORIMER, ARCHIBALD KING; HANTON, MARY FAULDS (Statutory Register of Marriages 573/ 1/ 1066)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Ferguson ( - after 1940)
- Referenced from entry about: James Hanton (about 1880 - 20/Apr/1922)
- Referenced from entry about: Marion Hanton (about 1916 - 2014)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Hanton (about 1902 - 1989)
- Referenced from entry about: Adam Lorimer ( - before 1940)
- Referenced from entry about: Archibald King Lorimer (about 1896 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Janet McKechnie (about 1879 - 29/Jun/1949)
- 1940 X, X X (Index to the Statutory Register of Births)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Hendry Crawford (22/Mar/1912 - 1991)
- Referenced from entry about: Roderick McKenzie McIver (22/Oct/1910 - 1999)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Paton O’Malley (26/Sep/1940 - 3/Apr/2004)
- 1940 O’MALLEY, MARGARET PATON (Extract entry of Birth)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Paton O’Malley (26/Sep/1940 - 3/Apr/2004)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomas O’Malley (4/Sep/1913 - before 2004)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret McLeod Paton (14/Mar/1916 - before 2004)
- 1940 O’MALLEY, MARGARET PATON Index from Register of Births
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Paton O’Malley (26/Sep/1940 - 3/Apr/2004)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomas O’Malley (4/Sep/1913 - before 2004)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret McLeod Paton (14/Mar/1916 - before 2004)
- 1940 REID, THOMAS & ISABELLA - 1940 United States Federal Census
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Cumming (21/Jul/1888 - 1/Feb/1986)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomas Mitchell Reid (14/Jan/1893 - 10/May/1974)
- 1940 X, MALCOLM & Family (Federal Census)
- Referenced from entry about: Malcolm DeWitt Roberts (30/Sep/1905 - 6/May/1990)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Beth Roberts (1/Nov/1930 - 6/Feb/2014)
- Referenced from entry about: Sandra Jane Roberts (10/Nov/1937 - 26/Nov/2019)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Elizabeth Wilson (about 1905 - 16/Dec/1971)
- 1940 ROBERTS, MALCOLM DEWITT (U.S., World War II Draft Cards Young Men, 1940)
- Referenced from entry about: Malcolm DeWitt Roberts (30/Sep/1905 - 6/May/1990)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Elizabeth Wilson (about 1905 - 16/Dec/1971)
- 1941 CUMMING, CHRISTINE: Petition for Naturalization
- Referenced from entry about: Christine Cumming (15/Dec/1904 - 10/Nov/1996)
- 1941 CUMMING, ISABEL ANN (U.S., School Yearbooks, 1900-1999)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabelle Anne Cumming (29/Jul/1923 - )
- 1941 MACDONALD X, JESSIE (Detroit Free Press)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie MacDonald (7/Jul/1869 - 12/Feb/1941)
- 1941 MACDONALD SUTHERLAND, JESSIE (Michigan Certificate of Death 275190)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander MacDonald (5/Mar/1867 - 5/Sep/1928)
- Referenced from entry about: James MacDonald (about 1842 - 14/Jan/1880)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie MacDonald (7/Jul/1869 - 12/Feb/1941)
- Referenced from entry about: William MacDonald (9/Jan/1865 - 12/May/1898)
- Referenced from entry about: Christina Ross (about 1845 - 19/Apr/1916)
- 1942 X, X (Extract of an entry in the REGISTER of BIRTHS)
- Referenced from entry about: Rachel Smith Campbell (6/Jan/1920 - 11/Dec/1998)
- 1942 X, X (Statutory Registers - Births) Index
- Referenced from entry about: Rachel Smith Campbell (6/Jan/1920 - 11/Dec/1998)
- 1942 CUMMING, DONALD - Petition for Naturalization
- Referenced from entry about: Donald Cumming (11/Nov/1891 - Dec/1967)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald James Cumming (19/Jan/1922 - 16/Jan/1976)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabelle Anne Cumming (29/Jul/1923 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ann Cumming (8/Jan/1893 - 31/Oct/1978)
- 1942 CUMMING, DONALD JAMES - Draft Registration Card
- Referenced from entry about: Donald James Cumming (19/Jan/1922 - 16/Jan/1976)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ann Cumming (8/Jan/1893 - 31/Oct/1978)
- 1942 CUMMING, GEORGE DAVIDSON SMITH - U.S. World War II Draft Card
- Referenced from entry about: Alexandrina Cumming (30/Mar/1891 - 10/Apr/1987)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald J Cumming (22/Mar/1861 - 28/Feb/1940)
- Referenced from entry about: George Davidson Smith Cumming (31/May/1898 - Aug/1965)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Cumming (21/Jul/1888 - 1/Feb/1986)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (7/Nov/1894 - 2/Jul/1975)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ann Cumming (8/Jan/1893 - 31/Oct/1978)
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Fraser (18/Sep/1865 - 20/Jun/1946)
- 1942 CUMMING, JESSIE ANN - Petition for Naturalisation
- Referenced from entry about: Donald Cumming (11/Nov/1891 - Dec/1967)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald James Cumming (19/Jan/1922 - 16/Jan/1976)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ann Cumming (8/Jan/1893 - 31/Oct/1978)
- 1942 GRANT, ANN (Statutory Register Deaths 047/8)
- Referenced from entry about: Hugh Grant (26/Feb/1863 - 10/Sep/1944)
- Referenced from entry about: Jean Grant (30/Jun/1902 - 31/Oct/1971)
- Referenced from entry about: Annie Mackay (about 1865 - 1/May/1942)
- 1942 REID, THOMAS MITCHELL - U.S. World War II Draft Registration Cards
- Referenced from entry about: Thomas Mitchell Reid (14/Jan/1893 - 10/May/1974)
- 1943 CUMMING, GEORGE DAVIDSON SMITH - Florida County Marriage Records
- Referenced from entry about: George Davidson Smith Cumming (31/May/1898 - Aug/1965)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Hogg Hatelie (11/Sep/1897 - 23/Dec/1977)
- 1943 CUMMING, GEORGE DAVIDSON SMITH & HATELIE, MARGARET HOGG (Fort Lauderdale New, Florida, 15 DEC 1943, Page 7)
- Referenced from entry about: George Davidson Smith Cumming (31/May/1898 - Aug/1965)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Hogg Hatelie (11/Sep/1897 - 23/Dec/1977)
- 1943 X, X X (Statutory Register of Births 573/1 368)
- Referenced from entry about: James Hanton (about 1907 - 1975)
- 1943 HATELIE, MARGARET HOGG (Certificate of arrival)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Hogg Hatelie (11/Sep/1897 - 23/Dec/1977)
- 1943 HATELIE, MARGARET HOGG (Declaration of Intention)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Hogg Hatelie (11/Sep/1897 - 23/Dec/1977)
- 1943 MACKAY, John P (List of manifest of aliens employed on the vessel as members of crew)
- Referenced from entry about: John Paul Mackay (13/Mar/1899 - 3/Jul/1969)
- 1944 CUMMING THOMASINA IAN, Border Crossing, I-448, 1944-10-18
- Referenced from entry about: Alexandrina Cumming (30/Mar/1891 - 10/Apr/1987)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomasina Ian Cumming (24/Nov/1902 - 1/Jun/1973)
- 1944 GRANT, HUGH (Statutory Registers Deaths 047/22)
- Referenced from entry about: Hugh Grant (26/Feb/1863 - 10/Sep/1944)
- Referenced from entry about: Jean Grant (30/Jun/1902 - 31/Oct/1971)
- Referenced from entry about: Annie Mackay (about 1865 - 1/May/1942)
- 1944 HANTON, ANDREW IRVINE; RUSSELL, MARTHA (Statutory Register of Marriages 573/1 504)
- Referenced from entry about: Catherine Dickson ( - before 1944)
- Referenced from entry about: Andrew Irvine Hanton (19/May/1913 - 9/Aug/1963)
- Referenced from entry about: John Hanton (2/Jan/1921 - 2009)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander McGregor Russell
- Referenced from entry about: Martha Russell (about 1916 - before 1963)
- 1944 MARTENSEN, PHYLLIS - High School Yearbook
- Referenced from entry about: Phylis Martensen (21/Oct/1926 - 17/Mar/2018)
- 1945 NAPIER, ALEXANDER & HANTON, JOHNINA (Statutory Register Marriages 573/1 936)
- Referenced from entry about: Andrew Irvine Hanton (19/May/1913 - 9/Aug/1963)
- Referenced from entry about: James Hanton (about 1880 - 20/Apr/1922)
- Referenced from entry about: James Hanton (about 1907 - 1975)
- Referenced from entry about: Jane Hanton (about 1908 - 3/Sep/1930)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Johnstone Hanton (23/Feb/1911 - 1981)
- Referenced from entry about: John Hanton (2/Jan/1921 - 2009)
- Referenced from entry about: Johnina Hanton (12/Feb/1919 - 2000)
- Referenced from entry about: Marion Hanton (about 1916 - 2014)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Hanton (about 1902 - 1989)
- Referenced from entry about: William Hanton (about 1904 - 1993)
- Referenced from entry about: Janet McKechnie (about 1879 - 29/Jun/1949)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Napier (4/Nov/1872 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Napier (2/May/1913 - 25/Jun/1994)
- 1945 RAMSAY, HELEN FISHER (Statutory Registers Marriages 685/4 313)
- Referenced from entry about: Hector Spence McIver (12/Apr/1919 - 27/Jan/2008)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomas Clephan McIver (1924 - 2019)
- Referenced from entry about: Helen Fisher Ramsay (28/Sep/1920 - 15/Oct/2015)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Ramsay (1916 - 1974)
- Referenced from entry about: John Ramsay (21/Feb/1880 - 20/Jun/1920)
- 1946 CUMMING, ANN (Statutory Registers Deaths 047/11)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexandrina Cumming (30/Mar/1891 - 10/Apr/1987)
- Referenced from entry about: Christine Cumming (15/Dec/1904 - 10/Nov/1996)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald John Cumming (29/Nov/1906 - 15/Mar/1986)
- Referenced from entry about: George Davidson Smith Cumming (31/May/1898 - Aug/1965)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Cumming (21/Jul/1888 - 1/Feb/1986)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (7/Nov/1894 - 2/Jul/1975)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ann Cumming (8/Jan/1893 - 31/Oct/1978)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Ann Cumming (26/Jul/1900 - 8/Oct/1981)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomasina Ian Cumming (24/Nov/1902 - 1/Jun/1973)
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Fraser (18/Sep/1865 - 20/Jun/1946)
- 1946 HAWTHORN, EDWARD JOSEPH & MCKNIGHT, MARY (Statutory Registers Marriages 639/ 265)
- Referenced from entry about: Annie Fern (about 1903 - before 1946)
- Referenced from entry about: Edward Joseph Hawthorne (about 13/Apr/1923 - 2013)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary McKnight (about 1924 - about 1991)
- Referenced from entry about: Richard McKnight (27/Apr/1895 - )
- 1947 CUMMING, CHRISTINE - The Palm Beach Post Thu Jan 9 1947
- Referenced from entry about: Christine Cumming (15/Dec/1904 - 10/Nov/1996)
- 1947 CUMMING, DONALD JAMES / MARTENSEN, PHYLIS - Index to Marriages in Massachusetts 1946-1950
- Referenced from entry about: Donald James Cumming (19/Jan/1922 - 16/Jan/1976)
- Referenced from entry about: Phylis Martensen (21/Oct/1926 - 17/Mar/2018)
- 1947 EMBO (Historylinks Archive photo 909)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald James Mackay (1931 - 29/Dec/2011)
- 1948 CAMPBELL, RACHEL SMITH - Statutory Registers - Marriages (Index)
- Referenced from entry about: Rachel Smith Campbell (6/Jan/1920 - 11/Dec/1998)
- Referenced from entry about: William Gardiner (17/Jul/1910 - 18/Apr/1986)
- 1948 CUMMING, MARGARET HOGG (Petition for Naturalization)
- Referenced from entry about: George Davidson Smith Cumming (31/May/1898 - Aug/1965)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Hogg Hatelie (11/Sep/1897 - 23/Dec/1977)
- 1948 CUMMING, MARGARET HOGG (The Palm Beach Post, Florida, 25 NOV 1948, Page 3)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Hogg Hatelie (11/Sep/1897 - 23/Dec/1977)
- 1949 HANTON, JANET (Statutory Register of Deaths 573/1 697)
- Referenced from entry about: Andrew Irvine Hanton (19/May/1913 - 9/Aug/1963)
- Referenced from entry about: James Hanton (about 1907 - 1975)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Johnstone Hanton (23/Feb/1911 - 1981)
- Referenced from entry about: John Hanton (2/Jan/1921 - 2009)
- Referenced from entry about: Johnina Hanton (12/Feb/1919 - 2000)
- Referenced from entry about: Marion Hanton (about 1916 - 2014)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Hanton (about 1902 - 1989)
- Referenced from entry about: William Hanton (about 1904 - 1993)
- Referenced from entry about: Janet McKechnie (about 1879 - 29/Jun/1949)
- 1949 MACKAY, MATILDA (Statutory Registers Deaths 088/184)
- Referenced from entry about: Matilda MacLeod (about 1861 - 9/Nov/1949)
- 1949 Sunday Post - 150 Young Men Went out to Seek Their Fortune (15/May/1949)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexandrina Cumming (30/Mar/1891 - 10/Apr/1987)
- Referenced from entry about: Christine Cumming (15/Dec/1904 - 10/Nov/1996)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald John Cumming (29/Nov/1906 - 15/Mar/1986)
- Referenced from entry about: George Davidson Smith Cumming (31/May/1898 - Aug/1965)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Cumming (21/Jul/1888 - 1/Feb/1986)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (7/Nov/1894 - 2/Jul/1975)
- 1950 CUMMING (1950 United States Federal Census)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald Cumming (11/Nov/1891 - Dec/1967)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald John Cumming (29/Nov/1906 - 15/Mar/1986)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ann Cumming (8/Jan/1893 - 31/Oct/1978)
- 1950 CUMMING DONALD J & PHYLISS M (1950 United States Federal Census)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald James Cumming (19/Jan/1922 - 16/Jan/1976)
- Referenced from entry about: Phylis Martensen (21/Oct/1926 - 17/Mar/2018)
- 1950 CUMMING, CHRISTINE - The Palm Beach Post, Sun Dec 3 1950
- Referenced from entry about: Christine Cumming (15/Dec/1904 - 10/Nov/1996)
- Referenced from entry about: George Davidson Smith Cumming (31/May/1898 - Aug/1965)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Hogg Hatelie (11/Sep/1897 - 23/Dec/1977)
- 1950 X (1950 United States Federal Census; Connecticut)
- Referenced from entry about: Mae Farnham (about 1872 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Malcolm DeWitt Roberts (30/Sep/1905 - 6/May/1990)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Beth Roberts (1/Nov/1930 - 6/Feb/2014)
- Referenced from entry about: Sandra Jane Roberts (10/Nov/1937 - 26/Nov/2019)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Elizabeth Wilson (about 1905 - 16/Dec/1971)
- 1950 SUTHERLAND, DONALD; MOORE, ALICE (Michigan, U.S. Marriage Records)
- Referenced from entry about: Alice McCann (about 1891 - )
- 1951 CUMMING, CHRISTINE - The Palm Beach Post, Fri Jun 15 1951
- Referenced from entry about: Christine Cumming (15/Dec/1904 - 10/Nov/1996)
- 1951 X, THOMAS CLEPHAN & X, X X (Index to the Statutory Register of Marriages)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomas Clephan McIver (1924 - 2019)
- Referenced from entry about: Wilma May Cumming (9/Nov/1931 - 12/Sep/2009)
- 1952 MATHEWS, ROBERT D.R. & FALLOON, HANNA E (England & Wales, Civil Registration Marriage Index, 1916-2005)
- Referenced from entry about: Hannah Elder Falloon (7/Dec/1921 - 1982)
- Referenced from entry about: Robert Dennis R Mathews (6/Sep/1928 - 11/Feb/2009)
- 1953 CUMMING, GEORGE D.S (West Palm Beach, Florida, City Directory, 1953)
- Referenced from entry about: George Davidson Smith Cumming (31/May/1898 - Aug/1965)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Hogg Hatelie (11/Sep/1897 - 23/Dec/1977)
- 1953 CUMMING, WILMA & X, CLINTON EDWIN (Marriage notice, The Escanaba Daily Press, Michigan, 8 JAN 1953, Page 10)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (7/Nov/1894 - 2/Jul/1975)
- Referenced from entry about: Wilma May Cumming (9/Nov/1931 - 12/Sep/2009)
- Referenced from entry about: Williamina Gillie (4/Apr/1910 - 4/Nov/2003)
- Referenced from entry about: Clinton Edwin Monson (9/Sep/1931 - 15/Jul/2019)
- 1953 CUMMING, WILMA & X, CLINTON EDWIN (Michigan, U.S., County Marriage Records)
- Referenced from entry about: Wilma May Cumming (9/Nov/1931 - 12/Sep/2009)
- Referenced from entry about: Clinton Edwin Monson (9/Sep/1931 - 15/Jul/2019)
- 1953 CUMMING, WILMA M & MONSON, CLINTON E (The Escanaba Daily Press, Michigan, 2 Jan 1953, Fri, Page 2)
- Referenced from entry about: Wilma May Cumming (9/Nov/1931 - 12/Sep/2009)
- Referenced from entry about: Clinton Edwin Monson (9/Sep/1931 - 15/Jul/2019)
- 1953 X, X X: Statutory Registers - Births Index
- Referenced from entry about: Hector Spence McIver (12/Apr/1919 - 27/Jan/2008)
- Referenced from entry about: Helen Fisher Ramsay (28/Sep/1920 - 15/Oct/2015)
- 1953 RAMSAY, HELEN CURRIE (Statutory Register Deaths 685/3 309)
- Referenced from entry about: Helen Currie Fisher (29/Nov/1881 - 6/Jun/1953)
- Referenced from entry about: Bruce Morgan Ramsay (10/Oct/1913 - 29/Nov/1965)
- Referenced from entry about: Douglas Ramsay (1918 - 1993)
- Referenced from entry about: Helen Fisher Ramsay (28/Sep/1920 - 15/Oct/2015)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Ramsay (1916 - 1974)
- Referenced from entry about: John Morgan Ramsay (31/Mar/1905 - 1967)
- 1954 FRASER, KENNETH - Statutory Register Deathes 047/11
- Referenced from entry about: Kenneth Fraser (19/Oct/1877 - 9/May/1954)
- Referenced from entry about: John Paul Mackay (13/Mar/1899 - 3/Jul/1969)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Moyes Mackay (27/Jun/1901 - 1973)
- 1954 X, X A & FAMILY OF VOTING AGE (Register of Voters, Glasgow, Wards 13-26, 1954)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Ann Cumming (26/Jul/1900 - 8/Oct/1981)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald James Mackay (1931 - 29/Dec/2011)
- Referenced from entry about: William Alexander Mackay (24/Feb/1900 - 24/Sep/1982)
- 1954 MATHEWS, JOHN ALBERT: Statutory Registers - Births Index
- Referenced from entry about: Hannah Elder Falloon (7/Dec/1921 - 1982)
- Referenced from entry about: b Albert Mathews (1954 - 2004)
- Referenced from entry about: Robert Dennis R Mathews (6/Sep/1928 - 11/Feb/2009)
- 1954 X, X X (Statutory Registers Births - Index 442/164)
- Referenced from entry about: Johnina Hanton (12/Feb/1919 - 2000)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Napier (2/May/1913 - 25/Jun/1994)
- 1956 X, X A & FAMILY (Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland, Electoral Registers, 1857-1962)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Ann Cumming (26/Jul/1900 - 8/Oct/1981)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald James Mackay (1931 - 29/Dec/2011)
- Referenced from entry about: William Alexander Mackay (24/Feb/1900 - 24/Sep/1982)
- 1956 X, X (Statutory Registers - Births) Index
- Referenced from entry about: Hannah Elder Falloon (7/Dec/1921 - 1982)
- Referenced from entry about: b Albert Mathews (1954 - 2004)
- Referenced from entry about: Robert Dennis R Mathews (6/Sep/1928 - 11/Feb/2009)
- 1956 X, X X (Statutory Register - Births) Index
- Referenced from entry about: Hannah Elder Falloon (7/Dec/1921 - 1982)
- Referenced from entry about: b Albert Mathews (1954 - 2004)
- Referenced from entry about: Robert Dennis R Mathews (6/Sep/1928 - 11/Feb/2009)
- 1956 MATHEWS, SANDRA - Facebook profile
- Referenced from entry about: Sandra Sarah Bolger (30/Aug/1956 - 2023)
- 1956 MITCHELL, DONALD CHARLES & X, SYLVIA JEAN (The Berkshire Eagle, 8 Sep 1956, page 5)
- Referenced from entry about: James A Hoctor ( - before 1993)
- Referenced from entry about: Sylvia Jean Hoctor (21/Dec/1933 - 1993)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald Charles Mitchell (26/Mar/1929 - 12/Mar/1982)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomas Mitchell (2/Feb/1891 - 4/May/1972)
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Ross (28/Nov/1890 - 27/Jun/1980)
- 1957 MONSON, WILMA (New York, U.S., Arriving Passenger and Crew Lists (including Castle Garden and Ellis Island), 1820-1957)
- Referenced from entry about: Wilma May Cumming (9/Nov/1931 - 12/Sep/2009)
- 1957 MONSON, WILMA (UK and Ireland, Outward Passenger Lists, 1890-1960)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (7/Nov/1894 - 2/Jul/1975)
- Referenced from entry about: Wilma May Cumming (9/Nov/1931 - 12/Sep/2009)
- Referenced from entry about: Williamina Gillie (4/Apr/1910 - 4/Nov/2003)
- Referenced from entry about: Clinton Edwin Monson (9/Sep/1931 - 15/Jul/2019)
- 1958 CUMMING, CHRISTINE Incomming passengers 18/Jul/1958 at Southampton on S.S. Maasdam
- Referenced from entry about: Alexandrina Cumming (30/Mar/1891 - 10/Apr/1987)
- Referenced from entry about: Christine Cumming (15/Dec/1904 - 10/Nov/1996)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald J Cumming (22/Mar/1861 - 28/Feb/1940)
- Referenced from entry about: George Davidson Smith Cumming (31/May/1898 - Aug/1965)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Cumming (21/Jul/1888 - 1/Feb/1986)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (7/Nov/1894 - 2/Jul/1975)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ann Cumming (8/Jan/1893 - 31/Oct/1978)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Ann Cumming (26/Jul/1900 - 8/Oct/1981)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomasina Ian Cumming (24/Nov/1902 - 1/Jun/1973)
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Fraser (18/Sep/1865 - 20/Jun/1946)
- 1958 HAYES, CLAUD (New York State, U.S., Death Index, 1957-1970)
- Referenced from entry about: Claude Hayes (about 1889 - 30/Jan/1958)
- Referenced from entry about: Dan Hayes (25/Sep/1935 - 31/Aug/2018)
- Referenced from entry about: Goldie Raymond (about 1894 - before 2018)
- 1958 MONSON, WILMA MAY CUMMING (Petition for Naturalization - Palm Beach, FL)
- Referenced from entry about: George Davidson Smith Cumming (31/May/1898 - Aug/1965)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (7/Nov/1894 - 2/Jul/1975)
- Referenced from entry about: Wilma May Cumming (9/Nov/1931 - 12/Sep/2009)
- Referenced from entry about: Williamina Gillie (4/Apr/1910 - 4/Nov/2003)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Hogg Hatelie (11/Sep/1897 - 23/Dec/1977)
- Referenced from entry about: Clinton Edwin Monson (9/Sep/1931 - 15/Jul/2019)
- 1958 ROBERTS, MALCOLM (Norwalk, Connecticut, City Directory, 1958)
- Referenced from entry about: Malcolm DeWitt Roberts (30/Sep/1905 - 6/May/1990)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Elizabeth Wilson (about 1905 - 16/Dec/1971)
- 1959 MACKAY, ANNA J - New York State, Passenger and Crew Lists, 1917-1967
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Ann Cumming (26/Jul/1900 - 8/Oct/1981)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald James Mackay (1931 - 29/Dec/2011)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Mackay (1/Jan/1936 - 19/Dec/2019)
- Referenced from entry about: William Alexander Mackay (24/Feb/1900 - 24/Sep/1982)
- Referenced from entry about: Anna Jessie MacKay (7/Jul/1938 - 12/Mar/2021)
- 1959 STEAD, NORMAN - Statutory Registers Marriages (Index)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Paton O’Malley (26/Sep/1940 - 3/Apr/2004)
- Referenced from entry about: Norman Stead (Oct/1937 - 2011)
- 1960 CUMMING REID, ISABELLA Petition for Naturalization No 3898
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Cumming (21/Jul/1888 - 1/Feb/1986)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomas Mitchell Reid (14/Jan/1893 - 10/May/1974)
- 1960 CUMMING, ALEXANDERINA, Federal Naturalization Records No. 3896
- Referenced from entry about: Alexandrina Cumming (30/Mar/1891 - 10/Apr/1987)
- 1960 CUMMING, JAMES (UK and Ireland Incoming passenger Lists, 1878-1960)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (7/Nov/1894 - 2/Jul/1975)
- 1960 X, JAMES, WILLIAMINA & X B (Edinburgh, Scotland, Electoral Registers, 1832-1966)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (7/Nov/1894 - 2/Jul/1975)
- Referenced from entry about: Williamina Gillie (4/Apr/1910 - 4/Nov/2003)
- 1960 CUMMING, THOMASINA IAN Petion for Naturalization No 3897
- Referenced from entry about: Thomasina Ian Cumming (24/Nov/1902 - 1/Jun/1973)
- 1960 MACKAY, ISABELLA - The Midwives roll for Scotland, 1960
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Mackay (1/Jan/1936 - 19/Dec/2019)
- 1960 MACKAY, WILLIAM ALEXANDER - Phonebook Glasgow Area 1960
- Referenced from entry about: William Alexander Mackay (24/Feb/1900 - 24/Sep/1982)
- 1960 X, X A & ROBERTS, SANDRA J (The Bridgeport Post, Connecticut)
- Referenced from entry about: Malcolm DeWitt Roberts (30/Sep/1905 - 6/May/1990)
- Referenced from entry about: Sandra Jane Roberts (10/Nov/1937 - 26/Nov/2019)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Elizabeth Wilson (about 1905 - 16/Dec/1971)
- 1960 REID, THOMAS MITCHELL, petiton for naturalization, No 3899
- Referenced from entry about: Thomas Mitchell Reid (14/Jan/1893 - 10/May/1974)
- 1960 X, X - Birth Registration Index
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Paton O’Malley (26/Sep/1940 - 3/Apr/2004)
- Referenced from entry about: Norman Stead (Oct/1937 - 2011)
- 1961 FLEMING, AGNES MCGINTY (Statutory Register Deaths 673/1 4)
- Referenced from entry about: Helen Fisher ( - before 1961)
- Referenced from entry about: John Fleming (11/Mar/1877 - before 1961)
- Referenced from entry about: Agnes Rennie (1878 - 7/Feb/1961)
- Referenced from entry about: James Fraser Rennie ( - before 1961)
- 1961 X, X X: Statutory Registers - Births Index
- Referenced from entry about: Hector Spence McIver (12/Apr/1919 - 27/Jan/2008)
- Referenced from entry about: Helen Fisher Ramsay (28/Sep/1920 - 15/Oct/2015)
- 1961 MITCHELL, ANNIE (Arrival Card)
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Ross (28/Nov/1890 - 27/Jun/1980)
- 1961 MITCHELL, THOMAS (Arrival Card)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomas Mitchell (2/Feb/1891 - 4/May/1972)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Napier (2/May/1913 - 25/Jun/1994)
- 1961 STEAD, LINDA M : England and Wales Birth Registration Index, 1837-2008
- Referenced from entry about: Linda Margaret Campbell (16/Oct/1961 - 28/Sep/2016)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Paton O’Malley (26/Sep/1940 - 3/Apr/2004)
- Referenced from entry about: Norman Stead (Oct/1937 - 2011)
- 1961 STEAD, LINDA M (England & Wales, Civil Registration Birth Index, 1916-2007)
- Referenced from entry about: Linda Margaret Campbell (16/Oct/1961 - 28/Sep/2016)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Paton O’Malley (26/Sep/1940 - 3/Apr/2004)
- Referenced from entry about: Norman Stead (Oct/1937 - 2011)
- 1962 CUMMING, CHRISTINE - Honolulu Star Express, Thursday Aug 2, 1962, page 4
- Referenced from entry about: Christine Cumming (15/Dec/1904 - 10/Nov/1996)
- 1962 X, X - Statutory Registers - Marriages (index)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Mackay (1/Jan/1936 - 19/Dec/2019)
- 1962 MACKAY, ISABELLA - The Midwives roll for Scotland, 1962
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Mackay (1/Jan/1936 - 19/Dec/2019)
- 1962 X, X A - Birth Registration Index
- Referenced from entry about: Linda Margaret Campbell (16/Oct/1961 - 28/Sep/2016)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Paton O’Malley (26/Sep/1940 - 3/Apr/2004)
- Referenced from entry about: Norman Stead (Oct/1937 - 2011)
- 1963 X, X X M - Statutory Registers Births
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Mackay (1/Jan/1936 - 19/Dec/2019)
- 1963 HANTON, ANDREW IRVINE (Statutory Register of Deaths 573/1 982)
- Referenced from entry about: Andrew Irvine Hanton (19/May/1913 - 9/Aug/1963)
- Referenced from entry about: James Hanton (about 1907 - 1975)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Johnstone Hanton (23/Feb/1911 - 1981)
- Referenced from entry about: John Hanton (2/Jan/1921 - 2009)
- Referenced from entry about: Johnina Hanton (12/Feb/1919 - 2000)
- Referenced from entry about: Marion Hanton (about 1916 - 2014)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Hanton (about 1902 - 1989)
- Referenced from entry about: William Hanton (about 1904 - 1993)
- Referenced from entry about: Martha Russell (about 1916 - before 1963)
- 1963 X X & SANDRA (U.S., City Directories, 1822-1995)
- Referenced from entry about: Sandra Jane Roberts (10/Nov/1937 - 26/Nov/2019)
- 1963 X, JOHN BLUE (Statutory Register of Deaths 573/1 763)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Johnstone Hanton (23/Feb/1911 - 1981)
- Referenced from entry about: John Blue Watson (about 1909 - 9/Jun/1963)
- Referenced from entry about: John Watson ( - before 1963)
- 1964 MCIVER, MARGARET PATERS (Statutory Register Deaths 685/3 153)
- Referenced from entry about: Hector Spence McIver (12/Apr/1919 - 27/Jan/2008)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret McKenzie McIver (29/Sep/1917 - 12/Sep/2015)
- Referenced from entry about: Roderick McKenzie McIver (22/Oct/1910 - 1999)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomas Clephan McIver (1924 - 2019)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Paterson McKenzie (26/May/1884 - 5/Apr/1964)
- 1965 X, X & X, X X (Statutory Register of Marriages 573/1 68)
- Referenced from entry about: James Hanton (about 1907 - 1975)
- 1965 CUMMING, GEORGE D S - Florida Death Index
- Referenced from entry about: Alexandrina Cumming (30/Mar/1891 - 10/Apr/1987)
- Referenced from entry about: Christine Cumming (15/Dec/1904 - 10/Nov/1996)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald John Cumming (29/Nov/1906 - 15/Mar/1986)
- Referenced from entry about: George Davidson Smith Cumming (31/May/1898 - Aug/1965)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Cumming (21/Jul/1888 - 1/Feb/1986)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (7/Nov/1894 - 2/Jul/1975)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ann Cumming (8/Jan/1893 - 31/Oct/1978)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Ann Cumming (26/Jul/1900 - 8/Oct/1981)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomasina Ian Cumming (24/Nov/1902 - 1/Jun/1973)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Hogg Hatelie (11/Sep/1897 - 23/Dec/1977)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexandrina Cumming (30/Mar/1891 - 10/Apr/1987)
- Referenced from entry about: Christine Cumming (15/Dec/1904 - 10/Nov/1996)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald John Cumming (29/Nov/1906 - 15/Mar/1986)
- Referenced from entry about: George Davidson Smith Cumming (31/May/1898 - Aug/1965)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Cumming (21/Jul/1888 - 1/Feb/1986)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (7/Nov/1894 - 2/Jul/1975)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ann Cumming (8/Jan/1893 - 31/Oct/1978)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Ann Cumming (26/Jul/1900 - 8/Oct/1981)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomasina Ian Cumming (24/Nov/1902 - 1/Jun/1973)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Hogg Hatelie (11/Sep/1897 - 23/Dec/1977)
- 1965 GIBSON, NORMAN & FRASER, MORAG (Index to the Statutory Register of Marriages 168/3 395)
- Referenced from entry about: Norman Alexander Gibson (19/Jun/1942 - 11/Apr/2024)
- 1965 X, X; HANTON/WATSON, JESSIE JOHNSTON (Index to the Statutory Register of Marriages 573/1 207)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Johnstone Hanton (23/Feb/1911 - 1981)
- 1966 X, ALEXANDER (Statutory Register Deaths)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Fraser (31/Aug/1898 - 17/Feb/1966)
- Referenced from entry about: Anna Catherine Fraser (28/Aug/1937 - 1992)
- Referenced from entry about: Jean Grant (30/Jun/1902 - 31/Oct/1971)
- 1966 X, X X - Statutory Registers Births Index
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Mackay (1/Jan/1936 - 19/Dec/2019)
- 1966 GILCHRIST, ISABELLA - The Midwives roll for Scotland, 1966
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Mackay (1/Jan/1936 - 19/Dec/2019)
- 1966 X, X T O’M (Statutory Registers - Births) Index
- Referenced from entry about: Linda Margaret Campbell (16/Oct/1961 - 28/Sep/2016)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Paton O’Malley (26/Sep/1940 - 3/Apr/2004)
- Referenced from entry about: Norman Stead (Oct/1937 - 2011)
- 1967 CUMMING, DONALD - Find a grave
- Referenced from entry about: Donald Cumming (11/Nov/1891 - Dec/1967)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald James Cumming (19/Jan/1922 - 16/Jan/1976)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ann Cumming (8/Jan/1893 - 31/Oct/1978)
- 1967 CUMMING, DONALD - U.S. Social Security Death Index
- Referenced from entry about: Donald Cumming (11/Nov/1891 - Dec/1967)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald James Cumming (19/Jan/1922 - 16/Jan/1976)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ann Cumming (8/Jan/1893 - 31/Oct/1978)
- 1967 X, X X (Ohio, U.S., Birth Index, 1908-1998)
- Referenced from entry about: Sandra Jane Roberts (10/Nov/1937 - 26/Nov/2019)
- 1967 X, MRS. (The Glens Falls Times, New York, 4 MAY 1967, Page 3)
- Referenced from entry about: Minnie Lenox (15/Apr/1867 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Anna Jessie MacKay (7/Jul/1938 - 12/Mar/2021)
- Referenced from entry about: Malcolm DeWitt Roberts (30/Sep/1905 - 6/May/1990)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Beth Roberts (1/Nov/1930 - 6/Feb/2014)
- Referenced from entry about: Frieda Belle Wilson (10/Jan/1908 - 4/Jan/1995)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Elizabeth Wilson (about 1905 - 16/Dec/1971)
- Referenced from entry about: Stella K Wilson (about 1902 - )
- 1968 GILCHRIST, ISABELLA - The Midwives Roll of Scotland, 1968
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Mackay (1/Jan/1936 - 19/Dec/2019)
- 1969 X, X - Facebook Profile, About, Contact and Basic Info
- Referenced from entry about: Linda Margaret Campbell (16/Oct/1961 - 28/Sep/2016)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Paton O’Malley (26/Sep/1940 - 3/Apr/2004)
- 1969 X, X (Extract of an entry in a REGISTER of MARRIAGES)
- Referenced from entry about: Linda Margaret Campbell (16/Oct/1961 - 28/Sep/2016)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Paton O’Malley (26/Sep/1940 - 3/Apr/2004)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomas O’Malley (4/Sep/1913 - before 2004)
- Referenced from entry about: Norman Stead (Oct/1937 - 2011)
- 1969 X, JOHN PAUL (Statutory registers Deaths 047/18)
- Referenced from entry about: John Paul Mackay (13/Mar/1899 - 3/Jul/1969)
- Referenced from entry about: Lucy Mackay (23/Sep/1889 - 15/May/1970)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Moyes Mackay (27/Jun/1901 - 1973)
- Referenced from entry about: William Alexander Mackay (24/Feb/1900 - 24/Sep/1982)
- 1970 MACKAY, LUCY (Statutory Register Deaths)
- Referenced from entry about: Lucy Mackay (23/Sep/1889 - 15/May/1970)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Moyes Mackay (27/Jun/1901 - 1973)
- Referenced from entry about: William Alexander Mackay (24/Feb/1900 - 24/Sep/1982)
- 1971 FRASER, JANE (Statutory Registers Deaths)
- Referenced from entry about: Anna Catherine Fraser (28/Aug/1937 - 1992)
- Referenced from entry about: Hugh Grant (26/Feb/1863 - 10/Sep/1944)
- Referenced from entry about: Jean Grant (30/Jun/1902 - 31/Oct/1971)
- Referenced from entry about: Annie Mackay (about 1865 - 1/May/1942)
- 1971 X, MARY ELIZABETH - Hartford Courant Sun Dec 19 1971
- Referenced from entry about: Malcolm DeWitt Roberts (30/Sep/1905 - 6/May/1990)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Beth Roberts (1/Nov/1930 - 6/Feb/2014)
- Referenced from entry about: Sandra Jane Roberts (10/Nov/1937 - 26/Nov/2019)
- Referenced from entry about: Frieda Belle Wilson (10/Jan/1908 - 4/Jan/1995)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Elizabeth Wilson (about 1905 - 16/Dec/1971)
- 1971 X, THOMAS A - The Boston Globe Wed Apr 7 1971
- Referenced from entry about: Stasia LaFavre ( - before 2018)
- Referenced from entry about: Charles Raymond Martensen (before 1910 - after 1971)
- Referenced from entry about: Phylis Martensen (21/Oct/1926 - 17/Mar/2018)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomas Stevens (21/Aug/1918 - 6/Apr/1971)
- 1971 WILSON, MARY ELIZABETH (The Bridgeport Post, Connecticut, 18 DEC 1971, Page 29)
- Referenced from entry about: Malcolm DeWitt Roberts (30/Sep/1905 - 6/May/1990)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Beth Roberts (1/Nov/1930 - 6/Feb/2014)
- Referenced from entry about: Sandra Jane Roberts (10/Nov/1937 - 26/Nov/2019)
- Referenced from entry about: Frieda Belle Wilson (10/Jan/1908 - 4/Jan/1995)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Elizabeth Wilson (about 1905 - 16/Dec/1971)
- 1972 MITCHELL, THOMAS (Orlando Evening Star)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald Charles Mitchell (26/Mar/1929 - 12/Mar/1982)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomas Mitchell (2/Feb/1891 - 4/May/1972)
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Ross (28/Nov/1890 - 27/Jun/1980)
- 1972 ROBERTS, MALCOLM D & SCAM, VIRGINIA C (Connecticut, U.S., Marriage Index, 1959-2012)
- Referenced from entry about: Malcolm DeWitt Roberts (30/Sep/1905 - 6/May/1990)
- Referenced from entry about: Virginia C Simonet (14/Apr/1918 - 5/Mar/1998)
- 1972 X, MARY ELIZABETH WILSON - The Bridgeport Post Thu Jan 13 1972
- Referenced from entry about: Malcolm DeWitt Roberts (30/Sep/1905 - 6/May/1990)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Beth Roberts (1/Nov/1930 - 6/Feb/2014)
- Referenced from entry about: Sandra Jane Roberts (10/Nov/1937 - 26/Nov/2019)
- Referenced from entry about: Frieda Belle Wilson (10/Jan/1908 - 4/Jan/1995)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Elizabeth Wilson (about 1905 - 16/Dec/1971)
- 1973 CUMMING, THOMASINA I - The Palm Beach Post Mon Jun 4 1974
- Referenced from entry about: Alexandrina Cumming (30/Mar/1891 - 10/Apr/1987)
- Referenced from entry about: Christine Cumming (15/Dec/1904 - 10/Nov/1996)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald John Cumming (29/Nov/1906 - 15/Mar/1986)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Cumming (21/Jul/1888 - 1/Feb/1986)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (7/Nov/1894 - 2/Jul/1975)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ann Cumming (8/Jan/1893 - 31/Oct/1978)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Ann Cumming (26/Jul/1900 - 8/Oct/1981)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomasina Ian Cumming (24/Nov/1902 - 1/Jun/1973)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexandrina Cumming (30/Mar/1891 - 10/Apr/1987)
- Referenced from entry about: Christine Cumming (15/Dec/1904 - 10/Nov/1996)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald John Cumming (29/Nov/1906 - 15/Mar/1986)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Cumming (21/Jul/1888 - 1/Feb/1986)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (7/Nov/1894 - 2/Jul/1975)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ann Cumming (8/Jan/1893 - 31/Oct/1978)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Ann Cumming (26/Jul/1900 - 8/Oct/1981)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomasina Ian Cumming (24/Nov/1902 - 1/Jun/1973)
- 1973 FRASER, MARGARET MOYES (Statutory Register of Deaths 182/ 22)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Moyes Mackay (27/Jun/1901 - 1973)
- Referenced from entry about: William Alexander Mackay (24/Feb/1900 - 24/Sep/1982)
- 1974 REID, THOMAS MITCHELL - Florida Death Index
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Cumming (21/Jul/1888 - 1/Feb/1986)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomas Mitchell Reid (14/Jan/1893 - 10/May/1974)
- 1975 EMBO drifter Mizpah (Historylinks 3322)
- Referenced from entry about: Williamina Gillie (4/Apr/1910 - 4/Nov/2003)
- 1975 HANTON, JAMES (Index to the Statutory Register of Deaths 646/ 623)
- Referenced from entry about: James Hanton (about 1907 - 1975)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Johnstone Hanton (23/Feb/1911 - 1981)
- Referenced from entry about: John Hanton (2/Jan/1921 - 2009)
- Referenced from entry about: Johnina Hanton (12/Feb/1919 - 2000)
- Referenced from entry about: Marion Hanton (about 1916 - 2014)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Hanton (about 1902 - 1989)
- Referenced from entry about: William Hanton (about 1904 - 1993)
- 1976 CUMMING, DONALD J - Billion Graves
- Referenced from entry about: Donald Cumming (11/Nov/1891 - Dec/1967)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald James Cumming (19/Jan/1922 - 16/Jan/1976)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ann Cumming (8/Jan/1893 - 31/Oct/1978)
- Referenced from entry about: Charles Raymond Martensen (before 1910 - after 1971)
- Referenced from entry about: Phylis Martensen (21/Oct/1926 - 17/Mar/2018)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomas Stevens (21/Aug/1918 - 6/Apr/1971)
- 1976 CUMMING, DONALD JAMES - Massachusetts, Death Index
- Referenced from entry about: Donald James Cumming (19/Jan/1922 - 16/Jan/1976)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ann Cumming (8/Jan/1893 - 31/Oct/1978)
- Referenced from entry about: Phylis Martensen (21/Oct/1926 - 17/Mar/2018)
- 1976 CUMMING, DONALD JAMES - Massachusetts, Mason Membership Cards
- Referenced from entry about: Donald James Cumming (19/Jan/1922 - 16/Jan/1976)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ann Cumming (8/Jan/1893 - 31/Oct/1978)
- Referenced from entry about: Phylis Martensen (21/Oct/1926 - 17/Mar/2018)
- 1976 X, DONALD JAMES - Obituary, The Boston Globe
- Referenced from entry about: Donald James Cumming (19/Jan/1922 - 16/Jan/1976)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabelle Anne Cumming (29/Jul/1923 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ann Cumming (8/Jan/1893 - 31/Oct/1978)
- Referenced from entry about: Phylis Martensen (21/Oct/1926 - 17/Mar/2018)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Hogg Hatelie (11/Sep/1897 - 23/Dec/1977)
- 1977 HATELIE, MARGARET HOGG (Florida, U.S., Death Index, 1877-1998)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Hogg Hatelie (11/Sep/1897 - 23/Dec/1977)
- 1977 HATELIE, MARGARET HOGG (U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Hogg Hatelie (11/Sep/1897 - 23/Dec/1977)
- 1977 MACKAY, BARBARA ANN (Statutory Register Deaths Index 182/ 22)
- Referenced from entry about: Barbara Ann Cumming (30/Aug/1885 - 1977)
- 1978 CUMMING, JESSIE A. - Find a grave
- Referenced from entry about: Alexandrina Cumming (30/Mar/1891 - 10/Apr/1987)
- Referenced from entry about: Christine Cumming (15/Dec/1904 - 10/Nov/1996)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald John Cumming (29/Nov/1906 - 15/Mar/1986)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Cumming (21/Jul/1888 - 1/Feb/1986)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ann Cumming (8/Jan/1893 - 31/Oct/1978)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Ann Cumming (26/Jul/1900 - 8/Oct/1981)
- 1978 CUMMING, JESSIE ANN - Florida Death Index
- Referenced from entry about: Alexandrina Cumming (30/Mar/1891 - 10/Apr/1987)
- Referenced from entry about: Christine Cumming (15/Dec/1904 - 10/Nov/1996)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald John Cumming (29/Nov/1906 - 15/Mar/1986)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Cumming (21/Jul/1888 - 1/Feb/1986)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ann Cumming (8/Jan/1893 - 31/Oct/1978)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Ann Cumming (26/Jul/1900 - 8/Oct/1981)
- 1978 GIBSON, ALASTAIR MACDON (Index - Statutory Register Death 572/94)
- Referenced from entry about: Alastair McDonald Gibson (19/Jan/1914 - 1978)
- Referenced from entry about: Norman Alexander Gibson (19/Jun/1942 - 11/Apr/2024)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret McKenzie McIver (29/Sep/1917 - 12/Sep/2015)
- 1978 MATHEWS, JOHN ALBERT - Statutory Registers Marriages Index
- Referenced from entry about: Sandra Sarah Bolger (30/Aug/1956 - 2023)
- Referenced from entry about: b Albert Mathews (1954 - 2004)
- 1980 CAMPBELL, LINDA MARGARET (deed - name change)
- Referenced from entry about: Linda Margaret Campbell (16/Oct/1961 - 28/Sep/2016)
- 1980 MACKAY, WILLIAM ALEXANDER - Phonebook Glasgow Area 1980
- Referenced from entry about: William Alexander Mackay (24/Feb/1900 - 24/Sep/1982)
- 1980 MITCHELL, ANN (Texas, U.S., Death Certificates, 1903-1982)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald Charles Mitchell (26/Mar/1929 - 12/Mar/1982)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomas Mitchell (2/Feb/1891 - 4/May/1972)
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Ross (28/Nov/1890 - 27/Jun/1980)
- 1980 STEAD, CYRIL -
- Referenced from entry about: Clara Fawley (20/Apr/1912 - 12/Aug/1993)
- Referenced from entry about: Cyril Stead (11/Mar/1908 - 25/Nov/1980)
- Referenced from entry about: Lawrence Stead (29/Nov/1933 - Mar/1989)
- Referenced from entry about: Norman Stead (Oct/1937 - 2011)
- 1981 HANTON, JESSIE JOHNSTON (Index to the Statutory Register of Deaths)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Johnstone Hanton (23/Feb/1911 - 1981)
- Referenced from entry about: John Hanton (2/Jan/1921 - 2009)
- Referenced from entry about: Johnina Hanton (12/Feb/1919 - 2000)
- Referenced from entry about: Marion Hanton (about 1916 - 2014)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Hanton (about 1902 - 1989)
- Referenced from entry about: William Hanton (about 1904 - 1993)
- 1981 Index entry of Obituary Mary Ann Mackay (Post Star, GF, NY)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexandrina Cumming (30/Mar/1891 - 10/Apr/1987)
- Referenced from entry about: Christine Cumming (15/Dec/1904 - 10/Nov/1996)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald John Cumming (29/Nov/1906 - 15/Mar/1986)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Cumming (21/Jul/1888 - 1/Feb/1986)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Ann Cumming (26/Jul/1900 - 8/Oct/1981)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald James Mackay (1931 - 29/Dec/2011)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Mackay (1/Jan/1936 - 19/Dec/2019)
- Referenced from entry about: William Alexander Mackay (24/Feb/1900 - 24/Sep/1982)
- Referenced from entry about: Anna Jessie MacKay (7/Jul/1938 - 12/Mar/2021)
- 1981 X, MARY ANN - The Post Star Fri Oct 9 1981
- Referenced from entry about: Alexandrina Cumming (30/Mar/1891 - 10/Apr/1987)
- Referenced from entry about: Christine Cumming (15/Dec/1904 - 10/Nov/1996)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald John Cumming (29/Nov/1906 - 15/Mar/1986)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Cumming (21/Jul/1888 - 1/Feb/1986)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Ann Cumming (26/Jul/1900 - 8/Oct/1981)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald James Mackay (1931 - 29/Dec/2011)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Mackay (1/Jan/1936 - 19/Dec/2019)
- Referenced from entry about: William Alexander Mackay (24/Feb/1900 - 24/Sep/1982)
- Referenced from entry about: Anna Jessie MacKay (7/Jul/1938 - 12/Mar/2021)
- 1981 X, MARY ANN (Statutory Register Deaths 613/506)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexandrina Cumming (30/Mar/1891 - 10/Apr/1987)
- Referenced from entry about: Christine Cumming (15/Dec/1904 - 10/Nov/1996)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald John Cumming (29/Nov/1906 - 15/Mar/1986)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Cumming (21/Jul/1888 - 1/Feb/1986)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Ann Cumming (26/Jul/1900 - 8/Oct/1981)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald James Mackay (1931 - 29/Dec/2011)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Mackay (1/Jan/1936 - 19/Dec/2019)
- Referenced from entry about: William Alexander Mackay (24/Feb/1900 - 24/Sep/1982)
- Referenced from entry about: Anna Jessie MacKay (7/Jul/1938 - 12/Mar/2021)
- 1982 X, X ALEXANDER (Register of Deaths)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald James Mackay (1931 - 29/Dec/2011)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Mackay (1/Jan/1936 - 19/Dec/2019)
- Referenced from entry about: William Alexander Mackay (24/Feb/1900 - 24/Sep/1982)
- Referenced from entry about: Anna Jessie MacKay (7/Jul/1938 - 12/Mar/2021)
- 1982 MATHEWS, HANNAH ELDER (Statutory Register Deaths, Index 711/216)
- Referenced from entry about: Hannah Elder Falloon (7/Dec/1921 - 1982)
- Referenced from entry about: b Albert Mathews (1954 - 2004)
- Referenced from entry about: Robert Dennis R Mathews (6/Sep/1928 - 11/Feb/2009)
- 1982 MITCHELL, DONALD CHARLES (Certificate of Death)
- Referenced from entry about: Sylvia Jean Hoctor (21/Dec/1933 - 1993)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald Charles Mitchell (26/Mar/1929 - 12/Mar/1982)
- 1983 X, X (Extract of an Entry in a REGISTER of BIRTHS)
- Referenced from entry about: Linda Margaret Campbell (16/Oct/1961 - 28/Sep/2016)
- 1984 MCIVER, H.S. Edinburgh Phonebook 1984
- Referenced from entry about: Hector Spence McIver (12/Apr/1919 - 27/Jan/2008)
- 1984 TULLOCH, BARRIE M - Letter from Registrar in Brora
- Referenced from entry about: Adam Cumming (2/Jul/1841 - 18/Jan/1926)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Cumming (1833 - 7/May/1884)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald Cumming (about 1806 - 2/Oct/1875)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (bet’ 1834 and 1841 - 11/Jan/1923)
- Referenced from entry about: Cate Grant (bet’ 1849 and 1851 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Kate MacDonald (about 1807 - 29/Oct/1875)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Mackay (bet’ 1844 and 1849 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Mackay (about 1850 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Mackay (5/Nov/1855 - 21/Apr/1940)
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Mackay (bet’ 1858 and 1859 - 14/Jun/1889)
- Referenced from entry about: Barbara Mackay ( - before 1896)
- Referenced from entry about: Barbara Mackay (bet’ 1849 and 1854 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Betsy Mackay (bet’ 1855 and 1856 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Catherine Mackay (bet’ 1849 and 1856 - )
- Referenced from entry about: David Mackay (1846 - 1860)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald Mackay (about 1855 - )
- Referenced from entry about: George Mackay (bet’ 1805 and 1816 - 25/Nov/1893)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Mackay (7/Aug/1860 - after 1923)
- Referenced from entry about: James Mackay (12/Apr/1861 - before 1911)
- Referenced from entry about: Jane or Jean Mackay (bet’ 1859 and 1863 - )
- Referenced from entry about: John Mackay (bet’ 1864 and 1865 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Kenneth Mackay (calc’d 1815 - )
- Referenced from entry about: William Mackay (1781 - 1841)
- Referenced from entry about: William Mackay (bet’ 1843 and 1846 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Hector Matheson ( - before 1896)
- Referenced from entry about: Lucy Matheson (bet’ 1813 and 1820 - 23/Aug/1896)
- 1985 X, X (Extract of an entry in the Register of Births)
- Referenced from entry about: Linda Margaret Campbell (16/Oct/1961 - 28/Sep/2016)
- 1986 CUMMING, DONALD JAMES - Obiturary, The Tampa Tribune
- Referenced from entry about: Alexandrina Cumming (30/Mar/1891 - 10/Apr/1987)
- Referenced from entry about: Christine Cumming (15/Dec/1904 - 10/Nov/1996)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald John Cumming (29/Nov/1906 - 15/Mar/1986)
- 1986 CUMMING, DONALD JAMES -Florida Death Index, 1986
- Referenced from entry about: Alexandrina Cumming (30/Mar/1891 - 10/Apr/1987)
- Referenced from entry about: Christine Cumming (15/Dec/1904 - 10/Nov/1996)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald John Cumming (29/Nov/1906 - 15/Mar/1986)
- 1986 GARDINER, WILLIAM - Statutory Registers - Deaths (Index)
- Referenced from entry about: Rachel Smith Campbell (6/Jan/1920 - 11/Dec/1998)
- Referenced from entry about: William Gardiner (17/Jul/1910 - 18/Apr/1986)
- 1986 REID, ISABELLA - U.S. Social Security Death Index
- Referenced from entry about: Alexandrina Cumming (30/Mar/1891 - 10/Apr/1987)
- Referenced from entry about: Christine Cumming (15/Dec/1904 - 10/Nov/1996)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald John Cumming (29/Nov/1906 - 15/Mar/1986)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Cumming (21/Jul/1888 - 1/Feb/1986)
- 1986 REID, ISABELLA C - Florida Death Index
- Referenced from entry about: Alexandrina Cumming (30/Mar/1891 - 10/Apr/1987)
- Referenced from entry about: Christine Cumming (15/Dec/1904 - 10/Nov/1996)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald John Cumming (29/Nov/1906 - 15/Mar/1986)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Cumming (21/Jul/1888 - 1/Feb/1986)
- 1987 CUMMING, ALEXINA - The Palm Beach Post Sat Apr 11 1987
- Referenced from entry about: Alexandrina Cumming (30/Mar/1891 - 10/Apr/1987)
- Referenced from entry about: Christine Cumming (15/Dec/1904 - 10/Nov/1996)
- 1987 CUMMING, ALEXINA U.S. Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014
- Referenced from entry about: Alexandrina Cumming (30/Mar/1891 - 10/Apr/1987)
- Referenced from entry about: Christine Cumming (15/Dec/1904 - 10/Nov/1996)
- 1987, CUMMING, ALEXINA, Florida Death Index
- Referenced from entry about: Alexandrina Cumming (30/Mar/1891 - 10/Apr/1987)
- Referenced from entry about: Christine Cumming (15/Dec/1904 - 10/Nov/1996)
- 1989 HANTON, MARY FAULDS (Index to the Statutory Register of Deaths 646/ 1036)
- Referenced from entry about: John Hanton (2/Jan/1921 - 2009)
- Referenced from entry about: Johnina Hanton (12/Feb/1919 - 2000)
- Referenced from entry about: Marion Hanton (about 1916 - 2014)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Hanton (about 1902 - 1989)
- Referenced from entry about: William Hanton (about 1904 - 1993)
- 1989 STEAD, LAWRENCE (England & Wales, Civil Registration Death Index, 1916-2007)
- Referenced from entry about: Clara Fawley (20/Apr/1912 - 12/Aug/1993)
- Referenced from entry about: Lawrence Stead (29/Nov/1933 - Mar/1989)
- Referenced from entry about: Norman Stead (Oct/1937 - 2011)
- 1990 X, ANNA & X (The Post-Star, Glens Falls, 8 AUG 1990, Page 24)
- Referenced from entry about: Anna Jessie MacKay (7/Jul/1938 - 12/Mar/2021)
- 1990 ROBERTS, MALCOLM D (Connecticut Death Index, 1949-2012)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald F Roberts (about 1898 - before 1990)
- Referenced from entry about: Malcolm DeWitt Roberts (30/Sep/1905 - 6/May/1990)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Beth Roberts (1/Nov/1930 - 6/Feb/2014)
- Referenced from entry about: Sandra Jane Roberts (10/Nov/1937 - 26/Nov/2019)
- Referenced from entry about: Virginia C Simonet (14/Apr/1918 - 5/Mar/1998)
- 1990 X, MALCOLM DEWITT - The Post Star Wed May 9 1990
- Referenced from entry about: Donald F Roberts (about 1898 - before 1990)
- Referenced from entry about: Janet Roberts (about 1913 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Malcolm DeWitt Roberts (30/Sep/1905 - 6/May/1990)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Beth Roberts (1/Nov/1930 - 6/Feb/2014)
- Referenced from entry about: Sandra Jane Roberts (10/Nov/1937 - 26/Nov/2019)
- Referenced from entry about: Virginia C Simonet (14/Apr/1918 - 5/Mar/1998)
- 1991 CRAWFORD, MARY HENDRY (Index to the Statutory Register of Deaths)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Hendry Crawford (22/Mar/1912 - 1991)
- Referenced from entry about: Roderick McKenzie McIver (22/Oct/1910 - 1999)
- 1991 X, ANNA & X (The Post-Star, Glens Falls, New York, 11 OCT 1992, Page 46)
- Referenced from entry about: Anna Jessie MacKay (7/Jul/1938 - 12/Mar/2021)
- 1992 FRASER, ANNA C (
- Referenced from entry about: Anna Catherine Fraser (28/Aug/1937 - 1992)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald James Mackay (1931 - 29/Dec/2011)
- 1993 X, X C (U.S., Public Records Index, 1950-1993, Volume 2)
- Referenced from entry about: Dan Hayes (25/Sep/1935 - 31/Aug/2018)
- 1993 HANTON, WILLIAM (Index to the Statutory Register of Deaths 646/ 954)
- Referenced from entry about: John Hanton (2/Jan/1921 - 2009)
- Referenced from entry about: Johnina Hanton (12/Feb/1919 - 2000)
- Referenced from entry about: Marion Hanton (about 1916 - 2014)
- Referenced from entry about: William Hanton (about 1904 - 1993)
- 1993 MATHEWS, ROBERT (Lothian Courier)
- Referenced from entry about: Robert Dennis R Mathews (6/Sep/1928 - 11/Feb/2009)
- 1993 X, SYLVIA J. (The Berkshire Eagle)
- Referenced from entry about: James A Hoctor ( - before 1993)
- Referenced from entry about: Sylvia Jean Hoctor (21/Dec/1933 - 1993)
- Referenced from entry about: Timothy Hoctor ( - before 1993)
- 1993 X, X E (U.S., Public Records Index, 1950-1993, Volume 2)
- Referenced from entry about: Anna Jessie MacKay (7/Jul/1938 - 12/Mar/2021)
- 1993 STEAD, CLARA (
- Referenced from entry about: Clara Fawley (20/Apr/1912 - 12/Aug/1993)
- Referenced from entry about: Norman Stead (Oct/1937 - 2011)
- 1994 CUMMING, PHYLIS M - U.S. Public Records Index
- Referenced from entry about: Charles Raymond Martensen (before 1910 - after 1971)
- Referenced from entry about: Phylis Martensen (21/Oct/1926 - 17/Mar/2018)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomas Stevens (21/Aug/1918 - 6/Apr/1971)
- 1994 X, X (Obituary - Paisley Daily Express)
- Referenced from entry about: Johnina Hanton (12/Feb/1919 - 2000)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Napier (2/May/1913 - 25/Jun/1994)
- 1995 LAVELLE, FRIEDA BELLE WILSON (The Post Star, Glens Falls, 6 JAN 1995, Page 15)
- Referenced from entry about: Frieda Belle Wilson (10/Jan/1908 - 4/Jan/1995)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Elizabeth Wilson (about 1905 - 16/Dec/1971)
- 1996 CUMMING, CHRISTINE - The Palm Beach Post Nov 12 1996
- Referenced from entry about: Christine Cumming (15/Dec/1904 - 10/Nov/1996)
- 1996 CUMMING, CHRISTINE (U.S., Veterans’ Gravesites, ca.1775-2019)
- Referenced from entry about: Christine Cumming (15/Dec/1904 - 10/Nov/1996)
- Referenced from entry about: Christine Cumming (15/Dec/1904 - 10/Nov/1996)
- 1996 CUMMING, CHRISTINE: US Department of Veterans Affairs BIRLS Death File
- Referenced from entry about: Christine Cumming (15/Dec/1904 - 10/Nov/1996)
- 1998 CAMPBELL, RACHEL SMITH (Statutory registers - Deaths) index
- Referenced from entry about: Rachel Smith Campbell (6/Jan/1920 - 11/Dec/1998)
- 1998 ROBERTS, VIRGINIA (Connecticut Death Index, 1949-2012)
- Referenced from entry about: Virginia C Simonet (14/Apr/1918 - 5/Mar/1998)
- 1998 SIMONET, VIRGINIA CHARLOTTE (U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007)
- Referenced from entry about: Virginia C Simonet (14/Apr/1918 - 5/Mar/1998)
- 1999 X, X X (The Post Star, Glens Falls, New York, 18 FEB 1999, Page 13)
- Referenced from entry about: Anna Jessie MacKay (7/Jul/1938 - 12/Mar/2021)
- 1999 MCIVER, RODERICK MCKENZIE (Statutory Register Deaths Index 507/ 328)
- Referenced from entry about: Hector Spence McIver (12/Apr/1919 - 27/Jan/2008)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret McKenzie McIver (29/Sep/1917 - 12/Sep/2015)
- Referenced from entry about: Roderick McKenzie McIver (22/Oct/1910 - 1999)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomas Clephan McIver (1924 - 2019)
- 2000 NAPIER, JOHNINA (Statutory Registers Deaths Index 432/ 666)
- Referenced from entry about: John Hanton (2/Jan/1921 - 2009)
- Referenced from entry about: Johnina Hanton (12/Feb/1919 - 2000)
- Referenced from entry about: Marion Hanton (about 1916 - 2014)
- 2000 X, X ELIZAETH - The Post Star Fri Apr 21 2000
- Referenced from entry about: Anna Jessie MacKay (7/Jul/1938 - 12/Mar/2021)
- 2003 CUMMING, WILLIAMINA (UK, Electoral Registers, 2003-2010)
- Referenced from entry about: Williamina Gillie (4/Apr/1910 - 4/Nov/2003)
- 2003 CUMMINGS, JAMES EDWARD (U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (4/Nov/1881 - before 1918)
- Referenced from entry about: James Edward Cummings (18/Jan/1912 - 11/Dec/2003)
- 2003 X, EDWARD (UK, Electoral Registers, 2003-2010)
- Referenced from entry about: Edward Joseph Hawthorne (about 13/Apr/1923 - 2013)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary McKnight (about 1924 - about 1991)
- 2003 MATHEWS, ROBERT D (UK, Electoral Registers, 2003-2010)
- Referenced from entry about: Robert Dennis R Mathews (6/Sep/1928 - 11/Feb/2009)
- 2003 MCIVER, HELEN F (UK, Electoral Registers, 2003-2010)
- Referenced from entry about: Helen Fisher Ramsay (28/Sep/1920 - 15/Oct/2015)
- 2004 X, MARGARET PATON (Extract of an entry in a REGISTER of DEATHS)
- Referenced from entry about: Linda Margaret Campbell (16/Oct/1961 - 28/Sep/2016)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Paton O’Malley (26/Sep/1940 - 3/Apr/2004)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomas O’Malley (4/Sep/1913 - before 2004)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret McLeod Paton (14/Mar/1916 - before 2004)
- Referenced from entry about: Norman Stead (Oct/1937 - 2011)
- 2004 CAMPBELL, MARGARET PATON (Statutory Registers Deaths Index 772/ 107)
- Referenced from entry about: Linda Margaret Campbell (16/Oct/1961 - 28/Sep/2016)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Paton O’Malley (26/Sep/1940 - 3/Apr/2004)
- Referenced from entry about: Norman Stead (Oct/1937 - 2011)
- 2004 MATHEWS, JOHN ALBERT Statutory Registers - Death Index
- Referenced from entry about: Sandra Sarah Bolger (30/Aug/1956 - 2023)
- Referenced from entry about: b Albert Mathews (1954 - 2004)
- Referenced from entry about: Robert Dennis R Mathews (6/Sep/1928 - 11/Feb/2009)
- 2005 X, NORMAN (Brora - Time and change in a Highland village - a photographic portrait by Norman X)
- Referenced from entry about: Alastair McDonald Gibson (19/Jan/1914 - 1978)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Gibson (1860 - before 1939)
- Referenced from entry about: Norman Alexander Gibson (19/Jun/1942 - 11/Apr/2024)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret McKenzie McIver (29/Sep/1917 - 12/Sep/2015)
- Referenced from entry about: Elizabeth Wilson (31/Oct/1872 - about 1942)
- Referenced from entry about: Linda Margaret Campbell (16/Oct/1961 - 28/Sep/2016)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Paton O’Malley (26/Sep/1940 - 3/Apr/2004)
- Referenced from entry about: Norman Stead (Oct/1937 - 2011)
- 2005 MCIVER, HECTOR S (UK, Electoral Registers, 2003-2010)
- Referenced from entry about: Hector Spence McIver (12/Apr/1919 - 27/Jan/2008)
- 2007 BYRNE, KEVIN JAMES - Statutory Registers - Births Index
- Referenced from entry about: Kevin James Byrne (23/Sep/2007 - 29/Sep/2007)
- 2007 BYRNE, KEVIN JAMES - Statutory Registers - Deaths Index
- Referenced from entry about: Kevin James Byrne (23/Sep/2007 - 29/Sep/2007)
- 2008 X, X X - The Post Star Tuesday June 24 2008
- Referenced from entry about: Anna Jessie MacKay (7/Jul/1938 - 12/Mar/2021)
- 2009 CUMMING, WILMA MAY (Statutory Registers Deaths 735/ 650)
- Referenced from entry about: Wilma May Cumming (9/Nov/1931 - 12/Sep/2009)
- Referenced from entry about: Clinton Edwin Monson (9/Sep/1931 - 15/Jul/2019)
- 2009 X, ISABELLA (UK Electoral Registers)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Mackay (1/Jan/1936 - 19/Dec/2019)
- 2009 HANTON, JOHN (Index to the Satutory Register of Deaths)
- Referenced from entry about: John Hanton (2/Jan/1921 - 2009)
- Referenced from entry about: Marion Hanton (about 1916 - 2014)
- 2009 MATHEWS, ROBERT DENNIS (Scotland and Northern Ireland, Death Index, 1989-2020)
- Referenced from entry about: Robert Dennis R Mathews (6/Sep/1928 - 11/Feb/2009)
- 2009 WESTLAKE, WILMA (Scotland and Northern Ireland, Death Index, 1989-2021)
- Referenced from entry about: Wilma May Cumming (9/Nov/1931 - 12/Sep/2009)
- Referenced from entry about: Clinton Edwin Monson (9/Sep/1931 - 15/Jul/2019)
- 2009 WESTLAKE, WILMA C (U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014(
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (7/Nov/1894 - 2/Jul/1975)
- Referenced from entry about: Wilma May Cumming (9/Nov/1931 - 12/Sep/2009)
- Referenced from entry about: Williamina Gillie (4/Apr/1910 - 4/Nov/2003)
- Referenced from entry about: Clinton Edwin Monson (9/Sep/1931 - 15/Jul/2019)
- 2010 MATHEWS, LINDA M (UK, Electoral Registers, 2003-2010)
- Referenced from entry about: Linda Margaret Campbell (16/Oct/1961 - 28/Sep/2016)
- 2011 - MACKAY, Donald James. GreyPower Deceased Data; compiled by Wilmington Millennium; England and Wales Death Indexes
- Referenced from entry about: Donald James Mackay (1931 - 29/Dec/2011)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Mackay (1/Jan/1936 - 19/Dec/2019)
- Referenced from entry about: Anna Jessie MacKay (7/Jul/1938 - 12/Mar/2021)
- Referenced from entry about: Linda Margaret Campbell (16/Oct/1961 - 28/Sep/2016)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Paton O’Malley (26/Sep/1940 - 3/Apr/2004)
- Referenced from entry about: Norman Stead (Oct/1937 - 2011)
- 2012 X, X - Statutory Registers of Civil Partnerships 601/19
- Referenced from entry about: Linda Margaret Campbell (16/Oct/1961 - 28/Sep/2016)
- 2014 HANTON, MARION BLACK (Index to the Statutory Register of Deaths 646/ 432)
- Referenced from entry about: Marion Hanton (about 1916 - 2014)
- 2014 X, MARY BET (The Post Star, Glens Falls, New York)
- Referenced from entry about: Malcolm DeWitt Roberts (30/Sep/1905 - 6/May/1990)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Beth Roberts (1/Nov/1930 - 6/Feb/2014)
- Referenced from entry about: Sandra Jane Roberts (10/Nov/1937 - 26/Nov/2019)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Elizabeth Wilson (about 1905 - 16/Dec/1971)
- 2015 - MCIVER, EILEEN FISHER - St John Scotland
- Referenced from entry about: Helen Fisher Ramsay (28/Sep/1920 - 15/Oct/2015)
- 2015 X, MARGARET MCKENZIE (The Herald - Death Notices and Obituaries)
- Referenced from entry about: Norman Alexander Gibson (19/Jun/1942 - 11/Apr/2024)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret McKenzie McIver (29/Sep/1917 - 12/Sep/2015)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomas Clephan McIver (1924 - 2019)
- 2015 GIBSON, MORAG (Index to the Statutory Register of Deaths 177/3)
- Referenced from entry about: Morag Fraser ( - 2015)
- Referenced from entry about: Norman Alexander Gibson (19/Jun/1942 - 11/Apr/2024)
- 2015 X, X X Statutory Registeres Marriages 774/41
- Referenced from entry about: Linda Margaret Campbell (16/Oct/1961 - 28/Sep/2016)
- 2015 MCIVER, HELEN (EILEEN) - Edinburgh Evening News (via
- Referenced from entry about: Helen Fisher Ramsay (28/Sep/1920 - 15/Oct/2015)
- 2015 MCIVER, HELEN EILEEN - Find a Grave 156713994
- Referenced from entry about: Helen Fisher Ramsay (28/Sep/1920 - 15/Oct/2015)
- 2016 X, LINDA (A Celebration of the Life of Linda X)
- Referenced from entry about: Linda Margaret Campbell (16/Oct/1961 - 28/Sep/2016)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Paton O’Malley (26/Sep/1940 - 3/Apr/2004)
- Referenced from entry about: Norman Stead (Oct/1937 - 2011)
- Referenced from entry about: Linda Margaret Campbell (16/Oct/1961 - 28/Sep/2016)
- 2016 X, LINDA MARGARET (Extract of an entry in a REGISTER of DEATHS)
- Referenced from entry about: Linda Margaret Campbell (16/Oct/1961 - 28/Sep/2016)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Paton O’Malley (26/Sep/1940 - 3/Apr/2004)
- Referenced from entry about: Norman Stead (Oct/1937 - 2011)
- 2016 X, ANNA/X - Meals a lifesaver for homebound couple
- Referenced from entry about: Anna Jessie MacKay (7/Jul/1938 - 12/Mar/2021)
- 2018 CUMMING, PHYLIS MARTENSEN - U.S. Obituary Collection 1930-Current
- Referenced from entry about: Phylis Martensen (21/Oct/1926 - 17/Mar/2018)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald James Cumming (19/Jan/1922 - 16/Jan/1976)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ann Cumming (8/Jan/1893 - 31/Oct/1978)
- Referenced from entry about: Stasia LaFavre ( - before 2018)
- Referenced from entry about: Phylis Martensen (21/Oct/1926 - 17/Mar/2018)
- 2018 X, DANIEL B. - The Post Star Mon Sep 3 2018
- Referenced from entry about: Ada Hayes ( - before 2018)
- Referenced from entry about: Claude Hayes (about 1889 - 30/Jan/1958)
- Referenced from entry about: Dan Hayes (25/Sep/1935 - 31/Aug/2018)
- Referenced from entry about: Lena Hayes ( - before 2018)
- Referenced from entry about: Leonard Hayes ( - before 2018)
- Referenced from entry about: Marion Hayes ( - before 2018)
- Referenced from entry about: Mildred Hayes ( - before 2018)
- Referenced from entry about: Nellie Hayes ( - before 2018)
- Referenced from entry about: Sarah Hayes ( - before 2018)
- Referenced from entry about: Vernon Hayes ( - before 2018)
- Referenced from entry about: Goldie Raymond (about 1894 - before 2018)
- 2018 X, X & X, X (Florida, U.S., County Marriage Records)
- Referenced from entry about: Anna Jessie MacKay (7/Jul/1938 - 12/Mar/2021)
- 2019 GILCHRIST, ISABELLA - Statutory Register Deaths
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Mackay (1/Jan/1936 - 19/Dec/2019)
- Referenced from entry about: Anna Jessie MacKay (7/Jul/1938 - 12/Mar/2021)
- 2019 X, ISABELLA - The Herald Death Notices and Announcements
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Mackay (1/Jan/1936 - 19/Dec/2019)
- Referenced from entry about: Anna Jessie MacKay (7/Jul/1938 - 12/Mar/2021)
- 2019 GILCHRIST, ISABELLA (née Mackay) -
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Mackay (1/Jan/1936 - 19/Dec/2019)
- Referenced from entry about: Anna Jessie MacKay (7/Jul/1938 - 12/Mar/2021)
- 2019 GILCHRIST, ISABELLA (née Mackay) -
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Mackay (1/Jan/1936 - 19/Dec/2019)
- Referenced from entry about: Anna Jessie MacKay (7/Jul/1938 - 12/Mar/2021)
- 2019 GILCHRIST, ISABELLA (née Mackay) - Memorial Service programme
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Ann Cumming (26/Jul/1900 - 8/Oct/1981)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald James Mackay (1931 - 29/Dec/2011)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Mackay (1/Jan/1936 - 19/Dec/2019)
- Referenced from entry about: William Alexander Mackay (24/Feb/1900 - 24/Sep/1982)
- Referenced from entry about: Anna Jessie MacKay (7/Jul/1938 - 12/Mar/2021)
- 2019 MCIVER, THOMAS CLEPHAN (Statutory Register Deaths Index 735/ 939)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomas Clephan McIver (1924 - 2019)
- Referenced from entry about: Clinton Edwin Monson (9/Sep/1931 - 15/Jul/2019)
- 2019 X, SANDRA J. (The Post-Star, Glens Falls, New York)
- Referenced from entry about: Anna Jessie MacKay (7/Jul/1938 - 12/Mar/2021)
- Referenced from entry about: Malcolm DeWitt Roberts (30/Sep/1905 - 6/May/1990)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Beth Roberts (1/Nov/1930 - 6/Feb/2014)
- Referenced from entry about: Sandra Jane Roberts (10/Nov/1937 - 26/Nov/2019)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Elizabeth Wilson (about 1905 - 16/Dec/1971)
- 2019 X, X A (U.S., Index to Public Records, 1994-2019)
- Referenced from entry about: Anna Jessie MacKay (7/Jul/1938 - 12/Mar/2021)
- 2019 X, X D (U.S., Index to Public Records, 1994-2019)
- Referenced from entry about: Anna Jessie MacKay (7/Jul/1938 - 12/Mar/2021)
- 2020 X, X - Phone conversation notes
- Referenced from entry about: Linda Margaret Campbell (16/Oct/1961 - 28/Sep/2016)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Paton O’Malley (26/Sep/1940 - 3/Apr/2004)
- Referenced from entry about: Norman Stead (Oct/1937 - 2011)
- 2020 CUMMING, ADAM 1/3 Descendant Report
- Referenced from entry about: Adam Cumming (2/Jul/1841 - 18/Jan/1926)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Cumming (1833 - 7/May/1884)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald Cumming (about 1806 - 2/Oct/1875)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (bet’ 1834 and 1841 - 11/Jan/1923)
- Referenced from entry about: Kate MacDonald (about 1807 - 29/Oct/1875)
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Mackay (5/Nov/1855 - 21/Apr/1940)
- Referenced from entry about: David Mackay (1846 - 1860)
- Referenced from entry about: George Mackay (bet’ 1805 and 1816 - 25/Nov/1893)
- Referenced from entry about: Lucy Matheson (bet’ 1813 and 1820 - 23/Aug/1896)
- 2020 CUMMING, ADAM 2/3 Descendant Report
- Referenced from entry about: Adam Cumming (2/Jul/1841 - 18/Jan/1926)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald Cumming (17/Dec/1889 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Mackay (5/Nov/1855 - 21/Apr/1940)
- 2020 X, X - Facebook About page
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Ann Cumming (26/Jul/1900 - 8/Oct/1981)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald James Mackay (1931 - 29/Dec/2011)
- Referenced from entry about: William Alexander Mackay (24/Feb/1900 - 24/Sep/1982)
- 2020 ROBERTS, ANNA JESS - Facbook post 25/Jan/2020
- Referenced from entry about: Anna Jessie MacKay (7/Jul/1938 - 12/Mar/2021)
- 2021 X, ANNA JESSE - Obituary, The Post Star
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Ann Cumming (26/Jul/1900 - 8/Oct/1981)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald James Mackay (1931 - 29/Dec/2011)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Mackay (1/Jan/1936 - 19/Dec/2019)
- Referenced from entry about: William Alexander Mackay (24/Feb/1900 - 24/Sep/1982)
- Referenced from entry about: Anna Jessie MacKay (7/Jul/1938 - 12/Mar/2021)
- 2021 X, ANNA JESS - Obituary, The Northern Times
- Referenced from entry about: Anna Jessie MacKay (7/Jul/1938 - 12/Mar/2021)
- 2021 X, JOAN (Memorial Website)
- Referenced from entry about: Joan ( - 18/Feb/2021)
- 2022 X, X (Facebook profile)
- Referenced from entry about: Edward Joseph Hawthorne (about 13/Apr/1923 - 2013)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary McKnight (about 1924 - about 1991)
- 2022 X, X (Facebook Contact and Basic Info)
- Referenced from entry about: Anna Jessie MacKay (7/Jul/1938 - 12/Mar/2021)
- 2024 GIBSON, NORMAN (Funeral Service Programme)
- Referenced from entry about: Alastair McDonald Gibson (19/Jan/1914 - 1978)
- Referenced from entry about: Norman Alexander Gibson (19/Jun/1942 - 11/Apr/2024)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret McKenzie McIver (29/Sep/1917 - 12/Sep/2015)
- 2024 GIBSON, NORMAN (Index to the Statutory Register of Deaths 472/ 170)
- Referenced from entry about: Norman Alexander Gibson (19/Jun/1942 - 11/Apr/2024)
- Anne Cumming US social security applications and claims index
- Referenced from entry about: Anne Cumming (23/Feb/1920 - 14/Nov/2002)
- Annie Cumming, New York Passenger and Crew Lists T715, Roll 2832
- Referenced from entry about: Anne Cumming (23/Feb/1920 - 14/Nov/2002)
- CAMPBELL, RACHEL SMITH - Family Tree of Paul Robinson
- Referenced from entry about: Rachel Smith Campbell (6/Jan/1920 - 11/Dec/1998)
- Referenced from entry about: William Gardiner (17/Jul/1910 - 18/Apr/1986)
- CUMMING, DONALD, CATHERINE, ADAM, JAMES, ANN (Find a grave - Memorial 195215019)
- Referenced from entry about: Adam Cumming (2/Jul/1841 - 18/Jan/1926)
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Mackay (5/Nov/1855 - 21/Apr/1940)
- CUMMING, ISABEL A (U.S., Public Records Index, 1950-1993, Volume 1)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabelle Anne Cumming (29/Jul/1923 - )
- X X in the New York State Birth Index 1881-1942
- Referenced from entry about: Malcolm DeWitt Roberts (30/Sep/1905 - 6/May/1990)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Beth Roberts (1/Nov/1930 - 6/Feb/2014)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Elizabeth Wilson (about 1905 - 16/Dec/1971)
- X X/Anna J Mackay in the New York State Marriage Index, 1881-1967
- Referenced from entry about: Anna Jessie MacKay (7/Jul/1938 - 12/Mar/2021)
- Eyemouth Disaster
- Referenced from entry about: John Gillie (about 1859 - 14/Oct/1881)
- FLEMING, JOSEPH & FAMILY (Family Register)
- Referenced from entry about: Agnes Fleming (25/May/1898 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Christina Fleming (26/Aug/1883 - 10/Mar/1884)
- Referenced from entry about: Christina Fleming (23/Aug/1895 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Elizabeth Fleming (22/Apr/1887 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Ellen Fleming (6/Jul/1875 - )
- Referenced from entry about: John Fleming (11/Mar/1877 - before 1961)
- Referenced from entry about: Joseph Fleming (7/Oct/1851 - 30/Jan/1912)
- Referenced from entry about: Joseph Fleming (19/Oct/1892 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Lillias Fleming (25/May/1889 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Wood Fleming (25/Mar/1879 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Fleming (5/May/1885 - 15/Aug/1886)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomas Tennant Fleming (29/Aug/1881 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Agnes Rennie (1878 - 7/Feb/1961)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Tennant (19/Nov/1857 - 29/Jun/1924)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Wood (about 1827 - before 1871)
- GARDINER, WILLIAM (1910) - Family tree of Paul Robinson
- Referenced from entry about: Rachel Smith Campbell (6/Jan/1920 - 11/Dec/1998)
- Referenced from entry about: William Gardiner (17/Jul/1910 - 18/Apr/1986)
- GIBSON, NORMAN (Donn Country: A 300 year legacy)
- Referenced from entry about: Alastair McDonald Gibson (19/Jan/1914 - 1978)
- Referenced from entry about: Norman Alexander Gibson (19/Jun/1942 - 11/Apr/2024)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret McKenzie McIver (29/Sep/1917 - 12/Sep/2015)
- Great Eyemouth Fishing Disaster of Oct 14 1881 - Listing of Individuals who Perished
- Referenced from entry about: John Gillie (about 1859 - 14/Oct/1881)
- MACKAY, THOMAS (Photo - S.S. Gregalia)
- Referenced from entry about: Lucy Mackay (23/Sep/1889 - 15/May/1970)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomas Mackay (27/Jun/1882 - 9/Nov/1934)
- P091 Embo - genealogy, Uncle Sandy’s Story and a little history
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Mackay (bet’ 1858 and 1859 - 14/Jun/1889)
- P092 - Embo -genealogy, Uncle Sandy’s Story and a little history
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Mackay (about 1856 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Mackay (12/Sep/1880 - 7/Feb/1932)
- P113 Embo - genealogy, Uncle Sandy’s Story and a little history
- Referenced from entry about: Adam Cumming (2/Jul/1841 - 18/Jan/1926)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Cumming (1833 - 7/May/1884)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald Cumming (about 1806 - 2/Oct/1875)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (bet’ 1834 and 1841 - 11/Jan/1923)
- Referenced from entry about: Kate MacDonald (about 1807 - 29/Oct/1875)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Mackay (bet’ 1844 and 1849 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Mackay (5/Nov/1855 - 21/Apr/1940)
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Mackay (bet’ 1858 and 1859 - 14/Jun/1889)
- Referenced from entry about: Barbara Mackay (bet’ 1849 and 1854 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Catherine Mackay (bet’ 1849 and 1856 - )
- Referenced from entry about: David Mackay (1846 - 1860)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald Mackay (about 1855 - )
- Referenced from entry about: George Mackay (bet’ 1805 and 1816 - 25/Nov/1893)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Mackay (7/Aug/1860 - after 1923)
- Referenced from entry about: James Mackay (12/Apr/1861 - before 1911)
- Referenced from entry about: Jane or Jean Mackay (bet’ 1859 and 1863 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Janet or Jessie Mackay (1840 - )
- Referenced from entry about: John Mackay (18/Feb/1841 - )
- Referenced from entry about: William Mackay (1781 - 1841)
- Referenced from entry about: William Mackay (bet’ 1843 and 1846 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Lucy Matheson (bet’ 1813 and 1820 - 23/Aug/1896)
- P116 Embo - genealogy, Uncle Sandy’s Story and a little history
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Ann Cumming (26/Jul/1900 - 8/Oct/1981)
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Mackay (5/Nov/1855 - 21/Apr/1940)
- Referenced from entry about: Annie Mackay (15/Dec/1892 - 1918)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald James Mackay (1931 - 29/Dec/2011)
- Referenced from entry about: George Mackay (bet’ 1805 and 1816 - 25/Nov/1893)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Mackay (7/Aug/1860 - after 1923)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Mackay (1/Jan/1936 - 19/Dec/2019)
- Referenced from entry about: James Mackay (12/Apr/1861 - before 1911)
- Referenced from entry about: Janet Mackay (12/Nov/1890 - 15/May/1891)
- Referenced from entry about: John Paul Mackay (13/Mar/1899 - 3/Jul/1969)
- Referenced from entry about: Kenneth Mackay (2/Feb/1895 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Lucy Mackay (23/Sep/1889 - 15/May/1970)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Moyes Mackay (27/Jun/1901 - 1973)
- Referenced from entry about: William Alexander Mackay (24/Feb/1900 - 24/Sep/1982)
- Referenced from entry about: Anna Jessie MacKay (7/Jul/1938 - 12/Mar/2021)
- Referenced from entry about: Lucy Matheson (bet’ 1813 and 1820 - 23/Aug/1896)
- P161 Embo - genealogy, Uncle Sandy’s Story and a little history
- Referenced from entry about: Catherine Wink Clark (27/Mar/1879 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Adam Cumming (2/Jul/1841 - 18/Jan/1926)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Cumming (1833 - 7/May/1884)
- Referenced from entry about: Alexander Cumming (about 1865 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Alexandrina Cumming (30/Mar/1891 - 10/Apr/1987)
- Referenced from entry about: Barbara Ann Cumming (30/Aug/1885 - 1977)
- Referenced from entry about: Christine Cumming (15/Dec/1904 - 10/Nov/1996)
- Referenced from entry about: Christy Cumming (about 1878 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Donald J Cumming (22/Mar/1861 - 28/Feb/1940)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald John Cumming (29/Nov/1906 - 15/Mar/1986)
- Referenced from entry about: George Davidson Smith Cumming (31/May/1898 - Aug/1965)
- Referenced from entry about: Isabella Cumming (21/Jul/1888 - 1/Feb/1986)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (bet’ 1834 and 1841 - 11/Jan/1923)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (4/Nov/1881 - before 1918)
- Referenced from entry about: James Cumming (7/Nov/1894 - 2/Jul/1975)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ann Cumming (8/Jan/1893 - 31/Oct/1978)
- Referenced from entry about: John Cumming (about 1873 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Kenneth Cumming (about 1867 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Marion Cumming (20/May/1863 - 15/Nov/1954)
- Referenced from entry about: Mary Ann Cumming (26/Jul/1900 - 8/Oct/1981)
- Referenced from entry about: Thomasina Ian Cumming (24/Nov/1902 - 1/Jun/1973)
- Referenced from entry about: William Cumming (about 1870 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Wilma May Cumming (9/Nov/1931 - 12/Sep/2009)
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Fraser (18/Sep/1865 - 20/Jun/1946)
- Referenced from entry about: Williamina Gillie (4/Apr/1910 - 4/Nov/2003)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald Mackay (25/Nov/1876 - 22/Nov/1939)
- Referenced from entry about: William Alexander Mackay (24/Feb/1900 - 24/Sep/1982)
- Referenced from entry about: May Miller (about 1881 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Ross (28/Nov/1890 - 27/Jun/1980)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Ross (5/Nov/1840 - 13/Jan/1918)
- Referenced from entry about: John Ross (1861 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Sarah Ross (about 1880 - )
- P167 Embo - genealogy, Uncle Sandy’s Story and a little history
- Referenced from entry about: Adam Cumming (2/Jul/1841 - 18/Jan/1926)
- Referenced from entry about: Donald Cumming (17/Dec/1889 - )
- Referenced from entry about: Ann Mackay (5/Nov/1855 - 21/Apr/1940)
- P176 Embo - genealogy, Uncle Sandy’s Story and a little history
- Referenced from entry about: Kenneth Fraser (19/Oct/1877 - 9/May/1954)
- Referenced from entry about: Jessie Mackay (12/Sep/1880 - 7/Feb/1932)
- Referenced from entry about: Margaret Moyes Mackay (27/Jun/1901 - 1973)
- Referenced from entry about: Hector Spence McIver (12/Apr/1919 - 27/Jan/2008)
- Referenced from entry about: Helen Fisher Ramsay (28/Sep/1920 - 15/Oct/2015)
- STEAD, NORMAN - life story from Family Tree of Karen Robb
- Referenced from entry about: Linda Margaret Campbell (16/Oct/1961 - 28/Sep/2016)
- Referenced from entry about: Clara Fawley (20/Apr/1912 - 12/Aug/1993)
- Referenced from entry about: Albert Stead (about 1934 - 22/Aug/1938)
- Referenced from entry about: Cyril Stead (11/Mar/1908 - 25/Nov/1980)
- Referenced from entry about: Lawrence Stead (29/Nov/1933 - Mar/1989)
- Referenced from entry about: Norman Stead (Oct/1937 - 2011)