1934 MCKAY, THOMAS (Statutory Register Deaths 030/MR 342)

Field Detail
Originator / Author  
Responsible Agency National Records of Scotland
Filed by Entry  
References 1934 D 030/MR 342



Return of Deaths reported to the Registrar-General of Shipping and Seamen under the provisions of the Merchant Shipping Act 1894, during the month of December 1934

Name of Ship: Gregalia

Official Number: 160261

Date of Death: 1-56AM, 9/11/34

Place of Death: At Sea 15-48N 98-03W

Name and Surname of Deceased: Thomas McKay

Sex: Male

Age: 50

Rank or Rating, Profession or Occupation: Boatswain

Nationality (stating Birthplace): Scotch, Embo

Last place of Abode: 13 Park Street, Embo, Sutherlandshire, Scotland

Cause of Death: Obstruction of Bowels due to growth in Intestines.

Passenger or Member of Crew: Crew


There is no Park Street in Embo

However, from a poorly written document transcribed to the official record, Park and Back are not too dissimilar. Perhaps that is the correct address.

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