1915 CUMMINGS, JAMES (Petition for Naturalization)

Field Detail
Originator / Author  
Date 26/Apr/1915
Responsible Agency  
Filed by Entry  



To the Honorable the District Court of the United States for the District of Massachusetts:

The petition of James Cummings hereby files, respectfully showeth:

First: My place of residence is 404 Centre Street, Boston, Massachusetts

Second: My occupation is carpenter

Third: I was born on 4th November, anno Domini 1881 at Emles, Scotland

Fourth: I arrived to the United States from Glasgow, Scotland, on or about th 31st day of October, anno Domini 1909, and arrived in the port of Boston, Massachusetts on the 8th day of November, anno Domini 1909, on the vessle Numidian

Fifth: I declared my intention to become a citizen on the United States on the 9th day of July anno Domini 1910 at Boston, Massachusetts, in the US Circuit Court of Massachusetts District

Sixth: I am married. My wife’s name is Catherine. She was born in Scotland, and now resides at Boston, Massachusetts. I have two children, and the name, date and place of birth and place of residence of each said children is as follows:

| Name | Date of Birth | Place of Birth | Place of residence| |—|—|—|—| | Maggie | January 19th 1909 | Scotland | Boston, Mass. | | James E | January 18th 1912 | Boston, Mass. | Boston, Mass. |

Ninth: I have resided continually in the United States of America for the term of five years at least, immediately preceeding the date of this petition, to wit, since the 9th day of November anno Domini 1909, and in the State of Massachusetts, continuously next preceeding the date of this petition, since the 9th day of November, anno Domini 1909, being a resident within this state of at least one year next preceeding the date of this petition.

Signature: James Cummings

Declaration of Intention and Certificate of arrival No 696/16 from the Department of Labor file this 6th day of January 1915

Certificate of Naturalization, No. 593805, issued on the 26 day of April, A.D. 1915


Cumming ~= Cummings

Place of Birth put as Emles, which is probably a misunderstanding of Embo as other details match.

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