1930 MACKAY, WILLIAM ALEXANDER - Marriage to Mary Ann Cumming

Field Detail
Publication Ontario, Canada, Marriages, 1826-1937
Originator / Author  
Responsible Agency  
Filed by Entry  
References 002154



I certify that I solemnise the Marriage of:-

Bridegroom: William Alexander MacKay

Bride: Mary Ann Cumming

Witness: Kenneth MacKay

Address: 146 King Edward Ave and

Witness: Ruth Gill

Address: 141 Harboard St

In the City of Toronto in the


On the 21st day of March 1930

Name of Bridegroom’s Father: James MacKay

Maiden Name of Bridegroom’s Mother: Isabel MacKay

Name of Bride’s Father: Donald John Cumming

Maiden Name of Bride’s Mother: Annie Fraser

Albert S Brown / Registration No. 8878

(Signature of Registration Certificate Number of person solemnising Marriage)

Address: 44 Garnock Ave.

Denomination: Bretheren

(a) Mary Ann Cumming

I William Alexander MacKay of the Township of East York in the County of York in the Province of Ontario make oath and say as follows:

That, for the past fifteen days immediately preceding the day of this affidavit, William Alexander MacKay has had his usual place of abode within the province of Ontario.

That I believe there is no affinity, consanguinity, prior marriage or other lawful cause or legal impediment to bar or hinder the solemnisation of the marriage, and

That the contents set further her in are to the best of our knowledge, information and belief, true in every particular.

Names in full: William Alexander MacKay Mary Ann Cumming
Occupation: Cement Finisher Nurse
Age and Condition in Life: 30, Bachelor 29, Spinster
Religious Denomination: Bretheren Bretheren
Residence when Married: 271 Springdale Blvd 146 King Edward Ave
Place of Brith: Scotland Scotland

Intended Place of Marriage: Township of East York (York)

Severally, Sworn before me at the City of Toronto in the County of York this 17th Day or March 1930

W.G.Gates-Dry issuer of Marriage Licenses at Toronto

For statistical purposes, the issuer shall record the following information:

Birthplace of Bridegroom’s Father: Scotland

Birthplace of Bride’s Father: Scotland

Can the Bridegroom read: Yes

Can the Bridegroom write: Yes

Can the Bride read: Yes

Can the Bride write: Yes



MAR 24 1930


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