1934 MACKAY, THOMAS (The Donaldson Line Limited - SS Gregalia)

Field Detail
Originator / Author  
Date 10/Nov/1934
Responsible Agency  
Filed by Entry  


The Donaldson Line Limited

S.S. “Gregalia”

Between Los Angeles, and Panama Canal.

10th November 1934

Thomas McKay, Boatsain, (Deceased)

Mrssrs Donalson Bros, Ltd;

14, St. Vincent Place,

Glasgow, C.1.

Dear Sirs,

Yesterday, 9th inst; I despatched following radio to your goodselved, which, when decoded, reads as follows:-

“Thomas McKay, Boatswain. Was burried at sea on 9th November. Inform his relatives”

and in accordance with yours of 20th Decr: 1932, herewith follows brief statement copied from Official Log, where the ase is dealt with in minute detail.

9 am 6/11/

“Thomas McKay, Complains of acute pain lower abdomen, appendicitis feared; but diagnose, for far, reveals possible acute constipation. Enema, soap water, given with fair result, pain somewhat subsided and water and clear tea only, to be taken this day”

6 pm 6/11

“Thos Mckay has been under master’s observation all day. Patient has vomited probably 20 times and stomach will hold nothing, not even water. Pain yet severe, region umbilicus, (navel) but not in region appendix. Patient in bed, hot water bottle, small fruit or water drinks to toleration.”

10 pm 6/11

“Yet suffering with pain, region umbilicus, and states that pain began as 10 pm, 5/11. Enema with soapwater again given with fair result (slight motion and easing of pain) Patient in bed, kept warm and soda water given to toleration but patient can keep nothing down. Appendicitis now not feared owing to continuous vomiting and no pain pressure appendix”. Patient very weak.

Herewith follows copied from radio messages sent by me to “Medical Officer” U.S.S. “President Taft”, also answers from “Medical Officer”, which are self explanatory :-

To Medical Officer “Pres Taft” 7/11/34

“Man age 50 ill suddenly 10pm, 5th, acute pain region umbilicus, tender abdomen on pressure, especially navel and to left, nauses, vomiting. Tongue heavy white coat. Felt movable lump vicinity appendix yesterday, which disappeared first enema. 2 enemas yesterday with fair result two this forenoon without result. Would appear patient empty as vomits exactly what enters mouth but suspect blockage bowers at navel? Highest temperature 100 at 9am yesterday, gradually decreasing to 99 now. Pulse at 9am 66, now 90. Yesterday pain acute region umbilicus and continuous, this forenoon severe attack same position about every 5 minutes, now pain continuous but duller. Present examination great pain pressure navel which is central spot and pain continuous few inches either side and immediately above and below navel, No pain vicinity appendix, etc. Patient who is alarmingly weak states pain now different, continuous, and when lying on left side pain moves from navel to few inches left side, when on right side, VV. Abdomen not distended but rigid vicinity umbilicus and very tender there. Gave 20 drops laudanum yoke egg but patient vomited. Been stomach sufferer long period. Patient extremely thirsty Please advise”. Bell.

From Medical Officer in answer to above. :- 7/11/34

“Either faeces or growth or adhesions. I suspect partial obstruction of bowel. Repeated enemas every 2 or 3 hours should be given until results, either soap suds or soda and water. Might try 1 oz castor oil and this might be repeated in 6 to 8 hours if indicated. Laudanum 10 drops in fruit juice for pain at 1 to 4 hour intervals. Fruit juice with water or water in small quantities for thirst and treat him symptomatically until you can get him to a hospital and call me if I can help.” Medical officer “Pres Taft”.

To Medical Officer “Pres Taft” am 8/11/34

“Patient much brighter pain subsided even with pressure. Stomach retained 12 orange juice, 2 oz Castor oil and small arrowroot. Gave 4 enemas intervals 3 hours through night and though no solids passed discolouration of water with most offensive odour. Patient very weak doped appearance though gave no laudanum since 9pm. Since 9pm yesterday also complains deafness. Pulse now 103 temperature 98.6. Have stopped all treatment except rest and gradual feeding. DO YOU AGREE? Intend given probably 1 enema one oz oil every day until reach port if symptoms same”. Bell.

From Medical Officer in answer to above. pm 8/11/34. :-

“Pleased with improvement advice no or little Medication small dozes mineral oil or enema only when indicated allow bowels to rest today and discolouration and odour are sufficient continue liquids and begin soft diet small quantities frequently and gradually increase patients needs nourishment and rest.” Medical officer Pres Taft

To Medical Officer “Pres Taft” pm 8/11/34 :-

“Patient very weak cold clammy to touch Pulse 118 temperature 99 respiration about 46 had slight natural motion tonight. Stomach retaining small quanties of nourishment all other symptoms good but am anxious great weakness” Bell.

From Medical Officer “Pres Taft” pm 8/11/34 :-

“Condition favourable except weakness forge nourishment and liquids to toleration May give half oz brandy whisky in milk water or orange juice occasionally. You are doing all that is possible. Do not worry.” Medical Officer “Pres Taft”

9/11/34 Lat 15-48N Long 98-03W

Thomas Mckay (Boatswain) Passed quietly away at 1-56am, this day after much restlessness and laboured breathing. Obstruction of bowels, probably due to growth. R. C. Bell

9/11/34 Lat 14-59N 96-32W

10-07 am. Stopped engines and mustered Crew by tolling bell, flag flying half mast.

10-12 am, Committed the body of Thomas Mckay, to the deep

10-14 am. Full Speed.

I am, Dear Sirs

Yours respectfully,



Died off the coast of Mexico

Passed at: https://www.google.com/maps/place/14%C2%B048’00.0%22N+98%C2%B003’00.0%22W/@14.5069264,-97.7300594,7.38z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x35bfc7d4b31bc88!8m2!3d14.8!4d-98.05

Committed to deep at: https://www.google.com/maps/place/14%C2%B059’00.0%22N+96%C2%B032’00.0%22W/@16.48406,-96.2370652,7.49z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x32abcbc2faaa0819!8m2!3d14.9833333!4d-96.5333333!5m1!1e4

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