1946 CUMMING, ANN (Statutory Registers Deaths 047/11)

Field Detail
Originator / Author  
Responsible Agency National Records of Scotland
Filed by Entry  
References 1946 D


1946 DEATHS in the District of Dornoch in the County of Sutherland

No 11

Name and Surname: Ann Cumming

Condition: Widow of Donald Cumming, Fisherman

When and Where Died: 1946 June Twentieth 4H 45M P.M; Front Street, Embo

Sex: F

Age: 80 yrs

Name, Surname and Profession of Father: Alexander Fraser, Fisherman (Deceased)

Name and Maiden Surname of Mother: Isabella Fraser M.S. Mackay

Cause of Death:

Medical attendant by whom certified

Signature and Qualification of Informant: Wm A MacKay, Son-in-law

When and Where Registered: 1946 June 21st At Dornoch

Signature of Registrar: W. Skinner, Registrar.

Page 76

Register of Corrected Entries

For the District of Dornoch

in the County of Sutherland

Name: Ann Cumming

Age: 80 years

Sex: Female

When and Where Died: At 4:45PM on 20th June 1946 at __ Front Street, Embo

Cause of Death: Natural Causes As cert by Wm __, W. MacLeod, Dornoch

Procurator Fiscal Office, Dornoch 28th June 1946. Certified by H. A. MacKenzie. Procurator Fiscal

Dornoch, 2nd July 1946

Bella Mac____ Assistant Registrar; W.S. Registrar

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