1936 MACKAY, JOHN PAUL (Statutory Registers Marriages 047/8)

Field Detail
Originator / Author  
Date 10/Nov/1936
Responsible Agency National Records of Scotland
Filed by Entry  
References 1936 M 047/8


1936, MARRIAGES in the District of Dornoch in the County of Sutherland

When: 1936 on the Tenth day of November

Where: at Embo, Dornoch

How: After Banns according to the Free Church of Scotland


Name (in full): John Paul Mackay

Signation: John P Mackay

Profession: Seaman

Status: Bachelor

Age: 37

Usual Residence: 6 Terrace Street, Embo

Father: James Mackay, Fisherman (deceased)

Mother: Isabella Mackay, M.S. Mackay (deceased)


Name (in full): Catherine Mackay

Signature: Catherine Mackay

Profession: Fish worker

Status: Spinster

Age: 36

Usual Residence: 22 Sheshader, Stornoway

Father: John Mackay, Fisherman (deceased)

Mother: Matilda Mackay M.S. MacLeod

Officiating Minister: William MacLeod, Minister, Dornoch Free Church of Scotland

Witness: Hector Mackay, 22 Shashader Point, Stornoway

Witness: Jessie V Mackay, 24 Gate St, Embo

When and Where registered: 1936 November 10th At Dornoch

Registrar: W. Skinner (Registrar)


Sheshader may also be “Seisiadar” in Gaelic.

Village of Seisiadar near Stornoway: https://www.google.com/maps/@58.2308956,-6.1794312,3a,15y,239.77h,84.85t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s0M0ll6fFWlGVoI-hCtsWsQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

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