1954 FRASER, KENNETH - Statutory Register Deathes 047/11

Field Detail
Originator / Author  
Date 10/May/1954
Responsible Agency National Records of Scotland
Filed by Entry  
References 1954 D 047/11


1954 DEATHS in the District of Dornoch in the County of Sutherland

No. 11

Name and Surname: Kenneth Fraser

Profession: Retired Fisherman

Single, Married, Widowed: Marries to 1st Jessie Mackay; 2nd Margaret Moyes Mackay

When and Where Died: 1954 May Ninth 4H 0M PM; 6 Front Street, Embo, Dornoch

Sex: M

Age: 76

Name, Surname & Profession of Father: Peter Fraser, FIsherman (deceased)

Name and Maiden Surname of Mother: Christina Fraser M.S. Mackay (Deceased)

Cause of Death and Duration of illness: Myocardiac Failure; Chronic Myocardotis, as certified by ___

Signature and Qualification of Informant, and residence: John P. Mackay; Brother-in-law; 6 Terrace Street, Embo

When and Where Registered: 1954 May 10th At Dornoch

Signature of Registrar: W. C. Wright, Registrar

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