1877 MACLEAN, MARY (Statutory Register Deaths 066/2 38)

Field Detail
Originator / Author  
Responsible Agency National Records of Scotland
Filed by Entry  
References 1877 D 066/2 38


1877 DEATHS in the Southern District of Gairloch in the County of Ross

No 38

Name and Surname: Mary MacLean

Condition: Married to John MacLean, Crofter

When and Where Died: 1877 October Twentythird 1H 0M PM; Talladale, South Gairloch

Sex: F

Age: 72 years

Name, Surname and Profession of Father: John Morrison, Cattle Dealer (deceased)

Name and Maiden Surname of Mother: Anne Morrison, M. S. Chisholm (deceased)

Cause of death: Bronchitis

Duration of illness: 1 week

Attendant by whom certified: No Medical Attendant

Signature and Qualification of informant: John MacLean, His X Mark, Widower; Malcolm Lamont, Registrar, Witness

When and Where registered: 1877 November 13th at Gairloch

Signature of Registrar: Malcolm Lamont, Registrar.

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