1962 CUMMING, CHRISTINE - Honolulu Star Express, Thursday Aug 2, 1962, page 4

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Publication Honolulu Star Express
Originator / Author  
Date 2/Aug/1962
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Project Starts at Queen’s

Queen’s Hospital yesterday announced the establishment of an infectious disease research program.

The program, to cost $150,000 a year to operate, is known as the Pacific Research Section. National Institute of Allergy and Infecious Diseases, under the U.S. Public Health Service.

The program, established about a month ago, is headed by Dr. Leon Rosen, who has been associated with the National Institutes of Health for 12 years, three of which were spent in Tahiti.

The program will cover epidemiologic investigations of infectious diseases in Hawaii and other Pacific areas. Initially, the program will center on studies on eosinophilia meningitis and certain virus diseases.

Dr. Gordon Wallace, a doctor of veterinary medicine, will assist the project.

Other staff members of the new program will include Jerome Kern, virologist, Christine Cumming, public health nurse, and John Estes, laboratory technician.

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