Field Detail
Publication Federal Census
Originator / Author  
Date 1930
Responsible Agency  
Filed by Entry  


State: Massachusetts

Incorporated Place: Brookline Town

County: Norfolk

Street: Franklin Street

House Number: 105

Name: Cumming, Donald

Relationship: Head

Home Owner/Rented: Rented

Monthly Rent: $30

Radio: No

Farm: No

Sex: M

Color: W

Age: 37

Marital condition: M

Age at marriage: 25

Attended school/college since Sept 1, 1929: No

Able to read/write: Yes

Place born: Scotland

Place father born: Scotland

Place mother born: Scotland

Language spoken at home before coming to US: English

Year of immigration to US: 1921

Naturalization: Alien

Able to speak English: Yes

Occupation: Painter

Industry: Signs

Class of worker: Worker

Employment: Yes

US Veteran: No

Name: Cumming, Jessie

Relationship: Wife - home

Sex: F

Color: W

Age: 37

Marital condition: M

Age at marriage: 25

Attended school/college since Sept 1, 1929: No

Able to read/write: Yes

Place born: Scotland

Place father born: Scotland

Place mother born: Scotland

Language spoken at home before coming to US: English

Year of immigration to US: 1921

Naturalization: Alien

Able to speak English: Yes

Name: Cumming, Donald J

Relationship: Son

Sex: M

Color: W

Age: 8

Marital condition: Single

Attended school/college since Sept 1, 1929: Yes

Able to read/write:

Place born: Massachusetts

Place father born: Scotland

Place mother born: Scotland

Name: Cumming, Isabelle A

Relationship: Daughter

Sex: F

Color: W

Age: 6

Marital condition: Single

Attended school/college since Sept 1, 1929: Yes

Able to read/write:

Place born: Massachusetts

Place father born: Scotland

Place mother born: Scotland

Source Referenced by