1948 CUMMING, MARGARET HOGG (Petition for Naturalization)

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Filed by Entry  
References 1734




No. 1734

To the honorable the Circuit Court of Palm Beach County, of West Palm Beach, Florida

This petition for naturalization hereby made and filed, respectfully shows

(1) My full, true, and correct name is Margaret Hogg Cumming

(2)My present place of residence is 701 Silver Beach Rd. Lake Park, Palm Beach County, Florida

(3) My occupation is Housewife

(4) I am 51 years old

(5) I was born on September 11, 1897 in Edinburgh, Scotland.

(6) My personal description is as follows: Sex Female, color White, complexion Fair, color of eyes Brown, color of hair Brown, height 5 feet 9 inches, weigth 155 pounds, visible distinctive marks Scar on upper lip, race White, present nationality British

(7) I am married; the name of my husband is George Davidson Smith Cumming, we were married on December 10, 1943 at Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. He was born at Embo, Sutherland, Scotland on May 31, 1898 and entered the United States at New York, N.Y. on August 20, 1920 for permanent residence in the United States and now resides at Lake Park, Florida with me and was naturalized on September 25, 1939 at Boston, Mass, certificate No 4678281

(8) I have no children

(9) My last place of foreign residence was Toronto, Canada

(10) I emigrated to the United States from Winsor, Ont. Canada

(11) My lawful entry for permanent residence in the United States was on July 7, 1928 on the D & W Ferry as shown of the certificate of arrivale attached to this petition.

(12) Since my lawful entry for permanent residence, I have been absent from the United States for periods of 6 months or longer as follows:

Departed from the United States

Port: Boston

Date: 5 - 36

Vessel: California or Cameronia

Returned to the United States

Port: Boston

Date: 4 - 37

Vessel: Transylvania or Caledonia

Departed from the United States

Port: Buffalo

Date: Spring 1940

Means of conveyance: rail

Returned to the United States

Port: Buffalo

Date: 10 - 40

Means of conveyance: Train

(13) I declared my intention to become a citizen of the United States on March 13, 1943 in the Distict Coury of United States at Boston, Massachusetts.

(18) I have resided continuously in the United States of America for the term of 5 years at least immediately preceding the date of this petition, to wit, since October 1, 1940 and continuously in the State in which this petition is made for the term of 6 months at least immediately preceding the date of this petition, to wit, since October 29, 1943

(19) I have not heretofore made petition for naturalization.


The following witnesses, each being severally, duly, and separately sworn, depose and say:

My name is Henry A. Duff, my occupation is retired. I reside at 917 North “B” Street, Lake Worth, Florida

My name is Mary A. Duff, my occupation is Housewife. I reside at 917 North “B” Street, Lake Worth, Florida

I am a citizen of the United States of America; I have personall known and have been acquainted in the United States with Margaret Hogg Cumming, the petitioner named in the petition for naturalization for which this affidavit is part, since March 1945 to my personal knowledge has resided, immediately preceding the date of filing of this petition, in the United States continously since the date __ and at Lake Worth, in the State of Florida, continuously since March 1945

Subscribed and sworn to before me by the above-named petitioner and witnesses in the respective forms of oath shown in said petition and affidavit in __ the Clerk of said court at West Palm Beah, Florida, this 20th day of October Anno Domini 1948. I hereby certify that Certificate of Arrival 1-418852 from Immigration and Naturalization Service, showing the __ for permanent residence of the petitioner above names and together with Declaration of Intention 317106 of such petitioner, has been by ___ attached to, and made a part of this petition at this date.

J. Alex Arnett, Clerk

Oath of Allegiance

Sworn to in open court, this 24th day of November A.D 1948

Petition granted: Line No 10 of List No 95 and Certificate No 6010421

Alien Registration Receipt Card #7610596

No. 6010421


residing at 701 Silver Beach Road, Lake Park, Florida

Age 51 years

Date of order of admission: Nov. 24th, 1948

Date certificate issued: November 24th, 1948

by the Circuit Court at West Palm Beach, Florida

Petition No 1734

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