1957 MONSON, WILMA (UK and Ireland, Outward Passenger Lists, 1890-1960)

Field Detail
Publication UK and Ireland, Outward Passenger Lists, 1890-1960
Originator / Author  
Responsible Agency  
Filed by Entry  



Name of Ship: America

Owner or Agent: United States Lines

Date of Departure: 12th February 1957

Where Bound: New York

Embarked at port of: Southampton

Contract Ticket Number: 65412

Name: Monson, Wilma

Class: Tourist

Port at which passengers have contracted to land: New York

Sex: F

Date of Birth: 9.11.31

Married or Single (widowed or divorced to be entered as single): Single

Address in the United Kingdom: Niddrie Marischal School House, Harewood Road, Edinburgh

Occupation: Steno

Country of which a citizen: U.K.

Country of last permanent residence: U.S.A.

Country of intended future permanent residence: U.S.A.

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