1943 HATELIE, MARGARET HOGG (Declaration of Intention)

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Filed by Entry  




(Invalid for all purposed seven years adter the date hereof)

District of Massachusetts

In the United States District Court

of Mass at Boston

(1) My full, true, and correct name is

Margatet Hogg Hatelie

(2) My present place of residence is 325 Beacon St, Boston, Suffolk Co, Mass.

(3) My occupation is domestic

(4) I am 45 years old.

(5) I was born on Sept 11 1897 in Edinburgh, Scotland

(6) My personal description is as follows: Sex female, color white, complexion medium, color of eyes brown, color of hair dk brown, height 5 feet 9½ inches, weight 166 pounds, visible distinctive marks none, race white, present nationality British

(7) I am not married

(8) I have no children

(9) My last place of foreign residence was Toronto Canada

(10) I emigrated to the United States from Windsor, Ont. Canada

(11) My lawful entry for permanent residence in the United States wsa at Detroid, Michigan

under the name of Margaret H. Hatelie on July 7 1928, on the Ferry D&W

(12) Since my lawful entry for permanent residence I have been absent from the United States, for a period of six months of longer as follows:

Departed from the United States:

Port: Boston

Date: 5/-/36

Vessel: California or Cameronia

Returned to the United States:

Port: Boston

Date: 4/-/37

Vessel: Transylvania or Caledonia

(13) I have no heretofore made declaration of intention.

(original and true signature) Margaret Hogg Hatelie

Subscribed and sworn to (affirmed) before me in the form of oath shown above in the office of the Clerk of said Court, at Boston, Mass, this 22nd day of March, anno Domini 1943. I hereby certify that Certification No. 1-418852 from the Commisioner of Immigration and Naturalization, showing the lawful entry for permanent residence of the declarant above named on the date stated in this declaration of intention, has been received by me, and that the photograph affixed to the duplicate and triplicate hereof is a likeness of the declarant.

James S Allen

Clerk of the U. S. District Coury

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