1942 CUMMING, DONALD - Petition for Naturalization

Field Detail
Originator / Author  
Date 16/Mar/1942
Responsible Agency  
Filed by Entry  




To the Honorable U. S. District Court of Massachusetts at Boston

This petition for naturalization, hereby made and filed, respectfully shows:

(1) My full, true, and correct name is Donald Cumming

(2) My present place of residence is 19 Hillside Rd. Newton Highlands, Middlesex, Mass.

(3) My occupation is Printer

(4) I am 49 years old.

(5) I was born on Oct. 11, 1892, in Embo, Scotland

(6) My persona description is as follows: Sex: Male, color White, complexion Med., color of eyes Blue, color of Hair Brown, height 5 feet 8 inches, weight 151 pounds, visible distinctive marks None, race White, present nationality British

(7) I am married; the name of the my wife is Jessie, we were married on Apr. 12, 1918, at MIddlesborough, England, she was born at Embo, Scotland, on Jan 8 1893 and entered the United States at New York, N.Y. On Mar 1, 1921 for permanent residence into the United States and now resides with me.

(8) I have two children; and the name, sex, date and place of birth and present place of residence of each said child who is livening, are as follows:

  • Donald (M) Jan. 19, 1922; Boston, Mass., with me

  • Isabelle (F) July 29, 1923; Boston, Mass., with me

(9) My last place of foreign residence was Glasgow, Scotland

(10) I emigrated to the United States from Glasgow, Scotland

(11) My lawful entry for permanent residence in the United States was on March 1, 1921 on the SS Algeria as shown by the certificate attached to this petition.

(12) Since my lawful entry for permanent residence I have not been absent from the United States, for the period of 6 months or longer.

(13) I declared my intention to become a citizen of the United States on August 20, 1938, in the District Court of United States at Boston, Massachusetts

(18) I have resided continuously in the State in which this petition is made for the term of 6 months at least immediately preceding the date of this petion, to wit, since March 1921

(19) I have not heretofore made petition for naturalization.


My name is Christine M. Johnson, my occupation is Housewife, I reside at 287 Walnut St., Brookline, Mass.

My name is George Johnson, my occupation is Porter, I reside at 156 William St. Jamaica Plain, Mass.

I am a citizen of the United States of America; I have personally known and have been acquainted with said Cumming, the petitioner named in the petition for naturalization of which this affidavit is a part, since 1930 to my personal knowledge the petitioner has resided, immediately preceding the date of filing this petition, in the United States continuously since the date last mentioned and at Brookline & Newton, Massachusetts continuously since 1930.

Subscribed and sworn to before me by the above-named petitioner and witnesses in the respective forms of oath shown in said petition and affidavit in the office of the Clerk of said court at Boston, Massachusetts this 11th day of February Anno Domini 1942. I hereby certify that Certificate of Arrival No 1-231738 from the Immigration and Naturalization Service, showing the lawful entry for permanent residence of the petitioner above named, together with Declaration of Intention No 277541 of suce petitioner, has been filed with, attache to, and made part of the petition on this date.

James S Allen,



Sworn to in open court, this 16th Day of March, A.D. 1942

Petition granted: List No 684 and Certificate No 5303650

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