Field Detail
Originator / Author  
Date 16/Jul/1937
Responsible Agency  
Filed by Entry  


Number on the list: 1

Family Name: Cumming

Given Name: George Davidson Smith

Age: 38 Yrs

Sex: M

Married or Single: Single

Calling or Occupation: Machinist

Able to Read: Yes

What language: English

Able to Write: Yes

Race or People: Scottish

Place of Birth: Scotland, Embo

Visa/Permit: Re-entry Permit 1157359

Issued: App. No. 1120102; Wash.; 2nd Jun 1937

Last Permanent Residence: U.S.A.; Boston

Number on the list: 1

Name and complete address of nearest relative: Father:- Donald Cumming, Mizpah Cottage, Embo.

Final Destination: Mass.; Boston

Whether having a ticket to such final destination: B

By whom was passage paid: Self

Whether in possession of $50: Yes

Whether ever in the United States before: Yes; Period: 1920-1936; Where: Mass.; Last departure: 12 Dec

Returning to: 80 Summit Ave. Brookline, Mass.

Purpose of coming to USA: Aims to return to country where he came from: No; Lengh of time alien intends to remain in the US: Per.; Intends to become a citizen: Yes

Ever in prison: No

Whether a polygamist: No

Whether an anarchist: No

Overthrow the government of the US: No

Coming by reasons of any offer: No

Excluded or deported within one year: No

Deported at any time: no

Condition of health, mental and physical: good

Deformed or crippled: No

Height: 5 feet 9 inches

Color of eyes: Brown

Color of hair: Grey

Marks of identification: None

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