2020 ROBERTS, ANNA JESS - Facbook post 25/Jan/2020

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Originator / Author Colin Mackay
Date 25/Jan/2020
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From Facebook post 25/Jan/2020 by Colin Mackay @ 12:37: Continuing my family tree research… Here is Aunt Anna’s arrival record into the USA

[image of I-94 landing record, which contains an address in the US]

Follow up comment by Colin Mackay at 12:44: And in case anyone is curious: https://www.google.com/maps/@41.1242245,-73.5003519,3a,69.9y,73.79h,95.46t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sADRiqNPWrnpThLYT-QdwFg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

Follow up comment by Deanna Robert Roessler @ 21:31: Colin Angus Mackay that is the Resor’s house where my mom was a nanny. Governor Resor and his wife Jane had 7 boys. Jane’s maiden name was Pillsbury. Yes that Pillsbury. They were amazing people and we had contact with them until I was in my late teens early twenties when Mrs Jane Resor died in a car accident.

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