1930 HANTON, JANE (Statutory Register of Deaths 572/1 36)

Field Detail
Originator / Author  
Responsible Agency National Records of Scotland
Filed by Entry  
References 1930 D 572/1 36


1930, DEATHS in the District of Neilson in the County of Renfrew

No. 36

Name and Surname: Jane Hanton

Profession: Threadmill Worker

Condition: Single

When and Where Died: 1930 September Third 8H 30M P.M; Fresh Air Home, Peesweep, Neilston; Usual Residence: 30 Albion Street, Paisley

Sex: F

Age: 22

Name, Surname and Profession of Father: James Hanton, Book Maker, deceased

Name and Maiden Surname of Mother: Janet Hanton M.S. McKechnie

Cause of Death: Pulmonary Tuberculosis, 6 months

Certified by: J. Ferguson

Signature and Qualification of Informant: Janet Hanton, Mother; 30 Albion Street, Paisley

When and Where Registered: 1930 September 4th at Neilston

Registrar: Margaret A Barr, assistant Registrar

The Fresh Air Home: The former Peesweep Sanatorium, Glenifer Braes built in 1910 for the treatment of Tuberculosis, at that time lots of fresh air was thought to help patients. The patients rooms were on the right and during the day the beds would have been wheeled out on to the veranda to get lots of clean air.


Open Street Map: https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=17/55.79868/-4.49295

Google Maps: https://www.google.com/maps/place/55%C2%B047’55.3%22N+4%C2%B029’34.6%22W/@55.798575,-4.498126,15z

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