1940 REID, THOMAS & ISABELLA - 1940 United States Federal Census

Field Detail
Originator / Author  
Date 1940
Responsible Agency  
Filed by Entry  


State: Massachusetts

County: Norfolk

Township or other division of county: Brookline

Street: Summit Avenue

House No: 80

Visited No: 101

Home Owner: Owner

Home Value: 7000

Farm: No

Name: Reid, Thomas

Relation: Head

Sex: M

Race: W

Age: 47

Marital Status: M

Attend School: No

Grade: 4th Year High School

Birthplace: Scotland

Citizenship: Alien

Residence 1935: Same house

At Private work: Yes

At Public work: No

Seeking Work: No

Has a job:

Other work:

Hours Worked: 56

Weeks out of work

Occupation: Caretaker

Industry: Private House

Worker class: Wage or Salaried at private work

Weeks worked in 1939: 52

Income: 1560

Other Income Sources: No

Name: Reid, Isabella

Relation: Wife

Sex: F

Race: W

Age: 51

Marital Status: M

Attend School: No

Grade: 4th Year High School

Birthplace: Scotland

Citizenship: Alien

Residence 1935: Same house

At Private work: Yes

At Public work: No

Seeking Work: No

Has a job:

Other work: Home/Housework

Hours Worked:

Weeks out of work



Worker class:

Weeks worked in 1939


Other Income Sources: No

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