1980 CAMPBELL, LINDA MARGARET (deed - name change)

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Filed by Entry  


BY THIS DEED I the undersigned LINDA MARGARET CAMPBELL c/o Messrs. Silkin Silkin Pearce & Sons of 108 Finchley Road London N.W.3., Spinster and Factory-Worker, citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies by birth do hereby absolutely renounce and abandon the use of my former surname of STEAD and in lieu thereof do assume as from the date hereof the surname CAMPBELL.

AND in pursuance of such change of surname as aforesaid I hereby declare that I Shall at all times hereafter in all record deeds and instruments in writing and in all actions and proceedings and in all dealings and translations and upon all occasions whatsoever use and sign the said name of CAMPBELL as my surname in lieu of the said surname of STEAD so renounced aforesaid.

AND I hereby authorise and request all persons to designate and address me by such assumed surname of CAMPBELL only.

IN WITNESS whereof I have here under signed by Christian names of LINDA MARGARET and my assumed surname of CAMPBELL and my relinquished surname of STEAD and have sent my seal this 12th day of 8 July 1980

Signed sealed and delivery by the above-named LINDA MARGARET CAMPBELL in the presence of:- John Hogarth


Linda Margaret Campbell

Formerly known as

Linda Margaret Stead

Name address and occupation of Witness:

John Hogarth




HGV Driver.

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