1944 GRANT, HUGH (Statutory Registers Deaths 047/22)

Field Detail
Originator / Author  
Date 11/Sep/1944
Responsible Agency National Records of Scotland
Filed by Entry  
References 1944 D 047/22


1944, DEATHS in the District of Dornoch in the County of Sutherland

No. 22

Name and Surname: Hugh Grant

Profession: General Labourer

Condition: Widower of

  • 1st: Annie Fraser

  • 2nd: Annie Mackay

When and Where Died: 1944 September Tenth 10H 0M AM; Gate Street, Embo

Sex: M

Age: 81

Name, Surname and Profession of Father: Hugh Grant, Fisherman (deceased)

Name, and Maiden Surname of Mother: Jessie Grant M.S. Munro (deceased)

Cause of Death: Coronary Thrombosis

Medical Attendany by whom certified: As certified by __ Strachan

Signature and Qualification of Informant: D Grant; Brother

When and Where Registered: 1944 September 11th at Dornoch

Signature of Registrar: W. Skinner, Registrar

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