1938 - CUMMING, DONALD - Certificate of Arrival

Field Detail
Originator / Author  
Date 11/Jul/1938
Responsible Agency US Department of Labor - Immigration and Naturalization Service
Filed by Entry  
References 1-231738



I hereby certify that the immigration records show that the alien named below arrived at the port, on the date, and in the manner shown, and was lawfully admitted to the United States of America for permanent residence.

Name: Cumming, Donald

Port of Entry: New York N.Y

Date: March 1, 1921

Manner of Arrival: SS Algeria

I further certify that this certificate of arrival is issued under authority of, and in conformity with, the provisions of the Act of June 29, 1906, as amended, solely for the use of the alien herein named and only for naturalization purposes.

In witness whereof, this certificate of Arrival is issued July 11, 1938

[ Received JUL 26 1938 ]

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